>Some love it
>Some hate it
Which camp do you join Jow Forums
>Some love it
>Some hate it
Which camp do you join Jow Forums
I'm only using a small subset of its features and I'm pretty happy with it.
I like it, well, for what it is, there are better options now, but it was nice for it's time. I don't like dealing with C++ projects because people all tend to take widely different approaches to problems and have their "favorite" features of the language -- ie some people abuse the fuck out of templates, while other people write plain c in c++ projects, it becomes a huge mess fast
Exactly. It's too damn big, too many features. At least with Java, the features mostly come from libraries, in C++, almost no one knows the whole language
>too many features
just don't use them
I have not written a single line of c++. I saw dome c++ files and the syntax is too ugly for my taste and thats coming from someone who writes java and js for a living.
>he's not off writing meta fuckery in templates
I feel pretty neutral about it, I like Python though so I don't think my opinion matters.
Python + C++ is unironically the patrician combination
I mean if I ever wanted to make a 3d game engine I would learn it. But in the mean time go will surfice.
I love it just because it lets me do whatever the fuck I want without enforcing some gay paradigm. I can use multiple inheritance for mixins and traits. Comfy as fuck.
the syntax is objectively disgusting. and it's use cases are very small at this point. no reason to learn it.
..Love it.
the camp that never tried it. i am learning C, i will try c plus plus after c
skip C, for all that is good and or holy.
>and it's use cases are very small at this point
>Used in embedded hardware
>Used in Machine Learning
>Used in games
>Used in webapps
>Used in medicine
>Used for vehicles
Its literally used for everything
It doesn't.
functional programming will have the decency to call you a cab after it fucked you up the ass so hard you sneezed white.
I'm in the not learned enough of it to make a decision on it's utility camp.
>the syntax is objectively disgusting
True, but it is efficient when it performs a task.
C can't do turing complete computations at compile time : )
it's great
>no templates
>no friends
>no constexpr
>no destructors
>no constructors
>no RAII
I mean C is a good language; its just a pain to write in due to the amount of forced manual state management.
>due to the amount of forced manual state management
found the brainlet.
you want state? code in react dot js like all the other baseddevs.
nigger c++ is preferred language, write state management once and never again.
First off
>Not including std:: before cout
What are you, an idiot? Not even a glow-in-the-dark CIANigger makes this mistake! If you wanted to use cout without std, at least have the common decency to put in using namespace std; you fucking retard.
>no place that signifies that it's an end of a line.
>the syntax is objectively disgusting
Its not. You are just not used to it. You see an rvalue reference (&&) or a variadic template (template) and think its ugly because you dont understand it but in reality, the language is just more complex (which is good because it gives you more power to express what you want), not ugly.
>and it's use cases are very small at this point
t. pajeet who only knows python.
Nibba everything these days run on c or c++. Its literally everywhere.
why include that nigger-tier shit when hello world is as easy as:
int main { printf("%s\n", "fuck you"); return 0;}
by that logic python > c because in python its as easy as:
print("no fuck you")
Tinkled with Java lately, doesn't even have initializers for basic data objects like HashMaps, also no sort functions etc.
Java is a joke, enjoy reinventing the wheel for every single application.
sorry, i don't have python3. you mind converting to 2.7?
Yes, on C. Not on C++.
C and C++ are not similar.
I like it. Was my first language. Because of work I do lots of Java which I also like but coming home to my c++ baby feels good.
>Yes, on C. Not on C++.
What are you talking about user c++ is definitely used as much as c these days.
>C and C++ are not similar
???? are you retarded?
This also works in C++, you tard. Also I prefer the stream syntax to printf. Much more readable.
I personally like C++ very much!
Can't really understand why people call it's syntax ugly - I find Java uglier.
Some don't give a shit
I don't care, I use it when I need it otherwise I'll use python, php or Java
>not rust
no thank you
It pays the bills.
I don't use MS products.
early standards were awful and required tons of boilerplate or ugly macros to automate the boilerplate, but now that it has lambdas and constexpr it's really pleasant to write in. template clusterfucks that abused SFINAE like a battered wife can often be written now as a few [spoiler]if constexpr[/spoiler] expressions. the standard library now including things like threads and sum types (optionals, variants, etc) is icing on the cake. the only thing holding the language back from being perfect is the clunky build process and the lack of a standard networking library
it's a disgusting bloated pig of a language. "C" is similarly disgusting too.
it's the standard systems programming language
doesn't matter what i think
Well you obviously haven't even googled your problem.
new HashMap()
And no sort function? Are you fucking kidding? There's Arrays.sort(), collection has a sort() function as well. It's like you have no idea what you're talking about.
print "No fuck you"
GC is bad and GC-like things are bad
just call functions
GC is bad and GC-like things are bad
The language itself is hacky mess, but that is not the worst part about sepples.
The real productivity loss lies in the fragmented ecosystem in terms of package management, documentation generators, build systems, unit testing frameworks, etc.
So much bike-shedding when trying to do anything at work.
I don't mind paying a bit of productivity loss from dealing with the borrow checker if I can save myself from all that.
>anything other than ANSI C
>t. I make memory leaks in purpose because muh performance
RAII is not garbage collection.
Both. It's powerful, but not nearly as powerful as it could be, and not nearly as powerful as it should be given the complexity.
Not a fan desu, it's so goddamn massive.
C99 > all
what's wrong with modern c?
>enforcing scope is GC
that has to be one of the dumbest takes I've ever read.
technically it is but dismissing it because of it is retarded
Wrong, garbage collection tests reachability, I'd it doesn't do that then it isn't a GC
>but not nearly as powerful as it could be
Its one of the fastest languages in the world and you can build literally anything in it
Absolutely despise it. I used to use it for 4 years or so because there were no good alternatives for making fast programs that didn't involve writing C which lacks the most basic modern programming concepts so I stuck with it. CMake makes it a lot more bearable. Then some better designed languages came along.
The metaprogramming facilities are shit compared to literally any Lisp, or even just Rust. The abstractions you can build aren't nearly as expressive as they should be.
I used to love it before I learned Rust.
Now it's meh.
manual garbage collection is also garbage collection then.
I love it!
Then why not just use D at that point?
D is shit and serves no purpose
Then you have to maintain the code from your co-worker that uses a different subset of features than you.
I like C++, the main problem is that's just too damn big.
>>Some love it
>>Some hate it
More like:
>Some say it's "too complicated"
>Some people aren't brainlets
I barely used it, but I already hate it.
I'm beginner at C, but C++ fucks my shit up solely by existing because all the searches return C++ results instead. And it's not easy to port for beginner because of .
>screw that fuckery, gotta code in Python instead
>see this
The pain is real. Why everything have to be so incompatible?
only retards could love badly designed by an ignorant faggot fucking mess which 25 years of continuous efforts still cannot fix.
only javascript is worse
me collecting you're mom is garbage collection
I learned c first so all my code just ends up as c with classes.
>there are better options now
Like what? I mean, If I need something to run like C/C++...