We dont need Desktop PC anymore.
Raspberry pi 4
>slow as mollusk
>can't do anything
all the rasp pi forums still dont know what to do with it, as they stare at thier older outdated vesions they still dont know what to do with
Another iteration of Raspberry "WTF I do with this thing now" Pi. At least now it can play my hevc animus.
>We dont need Desktop PC anymore.
>posts a desktop pc
>struggles to play more than 1 hd video stream at a time
>same perfomance as 2015 macshit
>it even has stove feature like macshit
>for only $35 (thirty-five bucks, american money)
you must be fucking stupid
>arm is a mobile architecture it cant be in desktops
>"desktop" is a measure of performance, not a form factor
Why is this getting shilled so hard on Jow Forums?
>USB 3
>Gigabit ethernet
can it actually read ~50MB/s from HDD this time?
this thing is a space heater
idle takes a bit of a hit but hey...
so basically if u have a low power application that the pi 3 is powerful enough for...
Is the ethernet and USB still on the same hub or are they separate now?
>mad as fuck when someone shit on his poorfag board
Because they have to make some pathetic form of income to justify their existence.
Seething Intel trannies.
I'm excited to run OpenBSD on these things.
separated so its not a trick that they only have fast speed when used one at a time..
The SoC actually exposes a PCIe interface now? I wonder if that could be tapped into to provide an NVMe or SATA interface.
Is it free as in freedom?
Nice! The BIOS is still proprietary on this thing? There is some way to flash with coreboot/libreboot/something?
Never leave wanblow$
nope, it has pcie but it's all used by ethernet and usb
but at least it has usb3 and ethernet is on a dedicated interface now
fucking finally
Can this emulate ps2 games?
>WTF I do with this thing now
Compared to 3+
- Real GbE and USB3 mean it's alright as a low-powered file server
- 2x4K HDMI mean it's alright as a controller for ad displays/digital signage
- You can actually use it as a desktop PC if you're a stupid nigger
nope, although it mostly has to do with emulation software, not pi's hardware
lets be real tho, even if it did, that's so out of balance with the cpu speed.. the pi 4 is really well balanced now. if you want more x y or z then its really a whole different machine you should get like maybe an intel nuc is the step up here.
Install Gentoo on it fggt.
maybe the pi 5 will be able to do SNES. who knows
Sauce? I've seen this before but last guy i saw post it never gave it
>nope, it has pcie but it's all used by ethernet and usb
Well yeah, what I was wondering was how feasible it might be to just desolder the USB chip and reuse the lanes freed up by that.
Can't wait to run this windows program!
>no windows drivers
>can't wait to multitask a web browser, encode a video or edit an image, and run some smaller programs like discord
Oh fuggg I am paging everything to my SD card
>can't wait to play back video
Oh the drivers aren't updated for the shit video card
>Time to play a game
Oh forgot to buy a case with a fan and heatsinks to avoid throttling
>my electron app bloatware doesn't work with less than 16 gb ram for displaying a window
It's not just about performance. It would be nice to be able to connect a 10-port SATA card instead of having 2 semi-usable USB ports for a file server, for instance.
It has fucking PCIe?! Why not give us access to that???
7W is not low powered
even laptop can do it
>slow as balls and doesnt support anything
>- 2x4K HDMI mean it's alright as a controller for ad displays/digital signage
Aside from the fact that anything interactive or usually programmed for digital signage will not be properly offloaded. AMD also has their low power all in one board, same with intel, hell my work uses chromebits with a policy pushed to them to display stuff in kiosk mode specifically for it.
A Pi for signage will only be done for hobby people
Can I eat it?
Is it just me, or did you fuck up the order of your greentexting immediately?
>proprietary VPU
>proprietary bootloader
>includes wolfram
>includes oracle code
Shit job reddit shills.
Well, the choice is yours. I hope you find a similar product that is completely open and free.
Can it emulate Sega Saturn? Only thing a raspberry piece of shit is good for is running emulators.
Your laptop likely draws 7 W at idle. This is 7 W at full load.
Likely because the only standardized form factors requires being able to deliver 75 W of power.
>doesnt support anything
I can't think of anything that I ordinarily do that I couldn't do on ARM. Emacs, gcc, Java, web browsers, mpv, &c&c&c. I can't even think of anything that I wouldn't be able to do on it.
>proprietary bootloader
Not any longer. Version 4 moves the bootloader into an off-SoC EEPROM.
It's really bad, that's literally the only good frame of the entire thing
She's really ugly outside of that sole shot
Do we still need binary blobs?
This triggers the g tards
>hurr duur it can't replace a desktop
actually, It can as long as you aren't using bloated software.
For a second there I thought it said bits instead of bytes! wew
That is awesome, because I bought one to use as a NAS.
The pi is actually kind of a bad emulation device. The input lag is exceptionally bad for some reason. Every so often someone says "it's fixed now", then I waste time fishing it out of my drawer and writing the image only to find that it's just as bad as it always was. At this point I think it's an issue with the hardware design. Many people can't tell that the input lag is terrible, which is great for them. Ignorance is bliss.
It's a little crunchy but yeah, but the Pi Zero is easier to swallow though.
you can use the usb3 interface to boot
>literally just bought a 3B+ last week and it only arrived today
What the fuck
What display are you using? I fell for the piece of shit meme and hooked it up to my 50" 4K tv and it was unplayable, but someone on /vr/ said you need a cheap shitty monitor for best results.
No, because PCs are by definition Intel computers running Microsoft or IBM operating systems.
Has anyone found how to get web-login for Wifi networks to work?
I try to connect to xfinitywifi, but it seems the system doesn't want to connect to the login. I've tried a few tutorials in editing the wifi properties file, but it never works for me for some reason.
Does the pi4's ability or Buster OS improved in this regard?
My understanding is that the Zero and Zero W draw so little power that you can run them off a stock USB port, is that correct?
I would imagine so. I think like 100-200mA
Ordered a Pi 4 and will set it up as a NAS/media server but might also use it to learn backend web dev. How does it compare to most cloud server setups? Can it do stuff like Docker containers?
Yes it can do docker. You can do Alpine Linux docker images to save even more memory, they’re like 5mb by default.
please user
Cool, thanks user
so they discovered USB 3, technology from fuckin 2008
Excellent. I intend to run one in RNDIS mode so I can access it from the host system.
Not him but my laptop pulls 7w under load
That's not the problem. The problem is the existing chipset they were using had a single USB 2.0 port. The A and Zero models expose that single port (which can be used as a USB host or USB client). The B models run it through a little hub chip that provides two/four USB ports and an Ethernet port. That means that USB and Ethernet share the same bandwidth. This is not good. It means that Ethernet traffic kills USB speeds and vice versa.
The new model provides far more bandwidth, and it appears to be split into separate lanes for the USB and Ethernet controllers, so there shouldn't be any bandwidth conflicts anymore.
What about rpi4 perf vs core 2 duo and 4g of ram
It can already reach 45fps in Panzer Dragoon Zwei with the initial Raspian Booster image, so it's already pretty close.
Send it back?
When Arduino have more actual use
>proprietary everything
It isn't $35. Not by the time you factor in a case, storage and screen, input etc.
My condolances to those who think otherwise. It must be tough.
I am also interested in this
You already own a screen, M&KB and a dozen of unused zip disquettes.
Poorfag cope. If I needed a small "desktop replacement" I would rather buy one of those shitty $100 z8350 sticks.
>someone took time to make this
The absolute state of coping seethe hards seething cope from their absolute state of seethe. Unreal. Cope harder seething incel coper seethes. The copious seething cope in your post is palpable in your copenseethe
Yes because, a refurbished dell core 2 duo is approximately the same price of a rpi 4 with dc + sd card.
I despise Jewtel, but a z8350 destroys a Pi 4. The price difference isn't worth the loss is productivity just to able to prove what frugal incel you are.
>Linus on the wall
absolutely based
The performance delta would have to be 3x, I highly doubt that it is.
a refurb dell with a c2d is free in a lot of cases in my area
also sata out of the box
Omfg. I am so going to upgrade my pi2 headless torrent server with this
If you're poor, sure. Look, the Pi makes sense for nerdy niche applications, but touting it as a possible desktop replacement is just retarded unless you live in some 3rd world shithole and need the money saved for a bag of rice and malaria shot.
I could probably get away with it
All I do is write markup nowadays and shitpost, I use i3 and any time I have to transcode video I just use AWS.
Mine is going to end up sitting in a closet spinning a hard drive to serve other NEETs anime tiddies, I'm just saying I don't think Intel is the better option, even for desktop replacement.
That Z8350 isn't going to transcode video significantly better to the point of being worth the extra money. And gamers are faggots.
If you use it as a desktop PC, it's still a desktop PC.
Your laptop's CPU does, which is actually less capable than this Rpi.
But the other components in your laptop will cause a higher than 7W power draw.
I know it's veruca james
When they release the 8gb version I'm going to get one and port templeos to it.
>Mine is going to end up sitting in a closet spinning a hard drive to serve other NEETs anime tiddies
A Pi's single true purpose.
Also lol at the virginal shill spending hours on anti-desktop wojacks.
The only thing it is good for is Pihole
Can it play HD porn?
>the apple ii, trs-80 and zx spectrum weren't pcs
You'd probably be better of with a Pi4.