Are the rumors true?

Are the rumors true?

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about the hair transplant?

Wait, what?

yeah.... he........he actually didnt make linux....
im sorry...

Read in his voice

Sadly they're not rumours.
Disgusted with him TBQH

I'm never watching Linux Tech Tips ever again

yeah he's gay

Oh no, he's now my internal voice. How the fuck do I get him out?

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Yes, he's leaving Apple.

Have sex.
With linus.

help my friend keeps sending me LTT videos like it is the greatest shit ever. I tried calling him a faggot but he still does it

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he's married a bug

Why did he do it?

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litturly /ourguy/

He is shutting down linux.

He's pulling slowly out of Linus Media Group as a presenter, yes.

>implying you have friends

What? Yes he did.

what rumors?

Yikes if true

His million dollar advertising/shill channel would instantly die since none of his employees have the same charisma and shill power as he does

he likes futanari on male the most

he likes straight shota incest

Very true. Channel isn't even as good as it used to be since Luke stopped making videos.

That's pretty based.

That the police identified him as a suspect? Remember, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

HIS wife s kids are black

He's not an E-celeb. He's an E-God!

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but he did it, he made a video about it

Yes, OP is a faggot

Which rumors? Or is this thread just bait?

Thank you

Good post.

Imagine trying to talk to girls and being like I play "Elder Scrolls" ..I can't believe they made a company called Ryzen and Intel..Whatever the rumors are I still don't think its gonna work out for them in the long run without some serious questions and answers..

Advertising of e-celebs is against the board rules. Enjoy your ban, you fucking shill

The fat guy produces vids i can look at without cringing every 30 secs.

The fact that he is fat as fuck and greasy looking makes me not wanna watch the video.

I was sitting in McDonald’s when I heard Linus shilling private internet access out of a tinny phone speaker.

Looked across at a 100kg lardass with a bumbag, sandals (no socks at least) and autism (cargo) shorts.

It was like this guy modelled himself after Anthony.

I see so many betas on here defending him

Simply, he is a fat, disgusting slob that needs to be flushed down the toilet regardless of how good he is making vids or how much he knows about tech

he has too many white men at LMG so he's gonna get metoo'd oon

>entire operation is nerdy white guys and asians
>a couple token women in the office

Yeah he’s gonna get pozzed soon. Takes only one wrongthink comment from one of them and twitter will be out in force.

>Recommends manjaro and ubuntu without even mentioning debian
>Doesn't explain GNU/Linux well
Guy was probably hired because linus thought he could fix his server

What if I told you that were actually fat too?

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>he didn’t mention my subjective favourite autism distro

Kys retard

user, no one fucking cares about Debian.

actually patrician

>Are the rumors true?
I mean, in hindsight it's not that surprising. He is, after all, the creator if linux, and we all know what kind of people use that


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I have it on good authority that pic related is permanently on drugs.

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I wish my ass was a good authority

You mean the fat motherfucker that finds the most convoluted, overcomplicated way of doing things and goes like "yup, this is what you need to do to have macOS on a PC" without explaining it proper? Oh yeah I love that walking cardiac arrest

Nah, leaves are just mellow betas.

Is what true? Has he been cancelled by the twitterati for saying something non-PC?

>company called Ryzen
What the fuck are you talking about? The only Ryzen I know is the brand from AMD.

With tunnelbear!

He had the vasa differentia severed like a retard and now has chronic inflammation in his testicles, and a statistically significant chance of developing dementia, because the dumb advanced monekys wanting to make money off the procedure were too stupid to assume that it the reproductive organs may also serve internal functions (they do). Oh shit! *snip* *snip*


why are so many people hating on linus?
he himself is a decent dude even though he looks like the supreme lord of cucks.
and his content is perfect for his target audience, which doesn't apply to this board anyway

this, I still watch him because of the Linus and LTT lore.

Linus is an alpha beta male I want to emulate
step 1: talk tech
step 2: get a asian wife
step 3: make hapas
step 4: start balding

is he gay?

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