this has been the most active frog thread in the entire month, and it's entirely becaused it got shitposted to death. without the cirnofags, you're a dead meme
>most active frog thread in the entire month ??? >without the cirnofags you're a dead meme don't get too butthurt friend, your rage might make Sweden a little bit more livable for the nu-swedes
I think frogs win everytime simply because they don’t give a shit and just post what they like. Some cirnoposters take the board war a little to seriously
>tfw you need animefags to keep your shitty forced meme on life support Go back to /qa/ with your circlejerk cliche and blow it out your ass, furry. Bet you get unironically turned on by that picture of pepe anus you love to post
You 'd be wrong. Frogs do get pissed at cirnoposting and you don't see cirnofags attempting to spam frog threads to the bump limit like frogfags do It's just a war of who can be the biggest faggot, and frogfags have a 10 year head start . Frogs are pissed that Jow Forums isn't an Jow Forums clone like they intended it to be.
Zachary Williams
Shut up retard. Stop being a retard and giving them what they want which is a frustrated reaction super retard. Stop being retarded
I have no dog in this fight. Just saying that the frogs and cirnos are booty blasted at each other. If they weren't, they wouldn't spend so much effort trying to stay on the catalogue forever. Frogs have spam bots. Cirnofags have bump cults.
The only cure is for a mass deletion of scripts.
Jayden Howard
If you're all done being faggots, lets duke this thread up and make it the most active duke thread that has a shit OP on Jow Forums.