>he calls himself a Christian
>but he's actually a pr*tty
He calls himself a Christian
My name isn't Andy
My name is Andy, Mr. I can't find a waifubo
Imagine calling yourself a Christian but denying the virgin birth
I don't need to look out for nonexistent chinese cartoon characters
i don't call myself a christian and im not a protestant
Ywhy is a demiurge.
A what?
>Calls himself female.
>Actually male.
I don't though.
Pr*ddy but dummy
he calls himself a Christian
he believes that a man on earth can change God's word
a Protestant
Only a man could have come up with such nonsense, magic babies!
Okay andy let me try your boipussi sometimes
>he reads a book corrupted by (((anglos))) and (((germans)))
>claims to be a man of god
>Implying the creators of prison Island came up with any better ideas
Oh... I'm Orthodox so am I ok?
I mean I guess.
Does your god allow the usage of buttplugs?
I have never had anything shoved up my asshole first
Lads imagine following a denomination invented by a despot king so he could allow himself to divorce his wife
You're in buddy, Eastern Roman empire is still Roman
I can teach you how
Sorry pasta moor
>allowing people who said nah to Christ in
Dumb woman
Let them in mate, they're the best that part of the world's got to give
>allowing people who fell to Communist and Turks
We fell to Protestantism though
We (((FLAG))) did lmao
Junko is shit
Rome never fell
is this you, Reddit obsessed man with the mind of a small child?
Yes, the picture is me.
Are you an Italian American mate?
No, Polack
But I'm also like Welsh mutt but who gives a heck about that?
The Welsh are pretty great, quite hard to not be a mutt in 'Merica, at least you're not a goblino
Tell me about it, mexicans are gross and paganiods.
Yeah judging from what I've seen here, Mexicans aren't worth the air they breath
I don't know what else to talk about.
How about how fucking lucky the Polacks were, everyone caught the black death but them
How the fuck?
It's all about just good luck, or something.
Good hygiene.
Can confirm
t. state with sizeable populationl of m*Xicans
Some are decent tho.
When did you get your Doktorate Chen?
December 14th when I created Jow Forums's Gay Profile.
It's been tweaked and updated since then, and it's still a WIP.
From the university of kot
I missed massive advancements in the field of gayology while I was gone
I'm not a pr*tty boy
So your a protty girl :^)?
The idolatrous whore church being OK with anime degeneracy. What a self own
you just got self owned Andy
>said the burpy