I don’t get it. why?
Why do normies hate software updates?
Why change what works? Your answer is because you have nothing better to do and fucking around with the desktop is your hobby, but what's the practical answer?
i think they only hate windows updates because it's become a meme
but in general i don't think they care about updates
can't tell for sure because i'm not a normie
I hate software updates on Windows as well. I want to use the system, not wait while the 20 update checker processes in the background have finished. Not even mentioning Windows updates itself.
On GNU plus Linux I can just run all the updates in the background and the update is automagically applied the next time I reboot or restart the software. That's how this shit should fucking work.
Because they're doing them on some slow updating Windows that on their weaker machines seriously interrupts work. I see that when I help grandma do accounting or whatever on her laptop (that she infrequently uses, ergo more updates get queued up) - it's fucking annoying.
Plus the tendency is for update's actual changes to be irrelevant or bothersome changes that don't make anything better, they just change things around.
because Windows' software updates sneak up on them and shut down their computer while they're trying to use it.
Also Windows gets updates very often and those updates take forever to install.
It is kind of ridiculous how slow Windows updates are, actually.
Why the fuck did Microsoft do them that way and never really improve much? And that right after they had a multi-Windows release issue with crappy software installer performance.
Wrong, as a long time sysadmin let me tell you, YOU DONT UPDATE SOFTWARE THAT WORKS. There was a post a couple days ago about a poor fag who updated and ruined their old working CentOS server.
Unless the update is relevant to you, works and doesn't breka anything, you can use it.
updates in this day and age dont improve anything. we hit a plateau in software innovation years ago. updates only exist so people keep their jobs.
Normies don't care. It's only the people who think they know something about technology like /v/ermins that are retarded and disable it.
Holy fuck I hated this so much when I had to use a windows laptop briefly.
What the fuck are they doing that the updates take longer to install than it takes to | / - \ and compile updates on my crusty dual core cumpad.
My mom has a shitty windows 2-in-1. Tbf this thing is ridiculously underspecced but 1/3 times she has to use it she gets on of those blue "completing update" screens that lock her out for 20 minutes
>doesn't add new feature much.
>sometimes comes with a catch like additional pop up, ads, spyware and annoiyance.
>extra bloat for above.
>hardly any performance or optimization because "lol you just need to upgrade".
>often forced either thanks to auto update clogging up your internet or compatibility issue.
Remember utorrent? remember malwarebytes? no more excitement in update, only fear.
FOSS software update are still somewhat exciting though.
Are you retarded. Have you even heard about security updates?
Security updates are inoffensive 1MB pieces that people barely notice. It's fat feature creep shit that gets everyone up in arms.
Normies love software update.
Ask anybody about their phone apps updates.
>omg i love it
>what's new messages are quirky and fun, and you find out about new features!
>it all happens automatically, it's super easy
sure, there's stuff like
>this app updates but it's never anything and i dont get it
but rarely anything serious beyond that, and even then >it's cool haha
Au contraire, Windows:
>updates break everything
>pain in the fucking ass
>interrupts the fuck out of you
>nag and beg
>restarts your computer
>makes you lose data you've been working on
>it's not even the apps because there's no apps on windows
and even system updates are better on phones
Wow, so hard to figure that out.
>Security updates
Even those are broken in Windows; they just add more telemetry bloat.
This. I don't need an update that adds more Metro apps I don't use, that adds a new 3D paint program and adds a warning in good-ol' MS Paint that says "this program will disappear from your system soon, but you can still find it in the apps store."
your regular doesn't even fucking know or care about the size of their apps
they don't even fucking know their apps update because it happens automatically in the background
>b-but they talk constantly about running out of space
and what they do? buy a new phone with bigger storage. that's it. none of that app micromanaging.
They keep breaking stuff or pushing unwanted UI redesigns
my nigga
That's just Windows problem to be so bloated.
Updates are important on any system.
>What the fuck are they doing that the updates take longer to install than it takes to | / - \ and compile updates on my crusty dual core cumpad.
gotta get those ads on those desktops somehow bro
They remove features and introduce bugs.
Updates themselves aren't bad, it's how they're implemented. You can thank msoft for that and other companies (esp android) for outright taking away features.
registry-centric operating system. shitty design choice. easier for them to implement, shittier for you to use.
>not wait while the 20 update checker processes in the background have finished. Not even mentioning Windows updates itself.
Those 20 processes don't check for updates; they check for your search results in web browsers, your web history, your cookie history, you results in OS file searches, your last used programs, your last opened files and the connections you make to other websites, servers and on other hardware in your LAN.
To be fair, Windows doesn't really have anything in terms of faulty security issues that need to be updated regularly, unlike Linux. So Windows instead adds more insecurity updates to spy on its users and rice it up, when nobody wants either.
back when every single android version was an actual upgrade i was very excited about buying phones that were compatible with newer android versions. i was a huge Nexus fanboy and bought every nexus phone and installed custom firmware on it because each new version was even more stable, had even more features, and even better performance than the last one
but it hasn't been that way in almost half a decade. now the only reason to update your phone is to keep google assistant functioning properly and if you don't use it there's literally no reason to upgrade. i use a blackberry that's like 3 major versions of android out of date and not rootable and i'm completely fine with it. it just works. never thought i would say that back in the android 4.x days
You have the NSA to thank for that. They did exactly this to coreboot.
i have a fuckin 7600k and that shit is annoying. it takes like 3 minutes yeah but its 3 minutes when i restart my computer to change some fan settings and i find my ass waiting on a blue screen because it didn't even fucking tell me it had downloaded an update
i wouldn't even care if they told you that your system has updates pending like it did in every single previous windows version, but they got rid of that because they knew people avoided turning their computers off if there was a pending update
like, they understood what the problem is, but instead of fixing the problem, they made it worse.
So many brainlets ITT
Get a load of this highly intelligent post
>there's no apps on windows
Windows updates aren't nearly as bad as they were in 2015-2016. 1809 and 1903 have it down pretty good
1809 made goddamn headlines after it deleted user's personal files. It was W10's second biggest controversy after its nagware installation update back in 2015.
Brainlet detected
>...and I spend half an hour every 2 to 3 days to "yay -Syu".
>..n-no.. it's not something strictly related to my interest in Japanese anime. It's a Computer Scientist jargon for updating software, you see.
>Windows doesn't really have anything in terms of faulty security issues that need to be updated regularly, unlike Linux
because normies use windows, and windows takes ages to complete the updates, then blows up thing in each update, having to roll back, thing that takes ages again. and have to re update again for ages of updating.
dont pretend normies use linux and dont have to put up with this bullshit
ah yes linux is known for its quality updates that never break
Werks on my machine.
When will this retarded meme die out? No mainstream distro uses xorg.conf anymore, and that's been true for 10+ years.
normies will keep this meme going on exactly because they are afraid to updates.
since they dont update they dont know that things change, and when they do its on windows so it either breaks up or it only puts more telemetry on their asses.
so they will keep thinking things dont change for the better like linux does
>someone made this
Rent free.