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great thread
guess they are releasing info today
Why would I want a low level GPU found in laptops?
>500 dollars for a 2060
nvidiots will buy this shit though
I have to pay 1080ti prices for a - 60 series card?
why did AMD gave to purchase ATI?
but thats the 5700xt you are talking about
What would be better a used 1080ti or a 2070 super? For 1440p/144fps
I'm not sure which specs mean the most when comparing GPUs
Mfw I already own a top binned model 2080Ti and never have to worry about performance
No one knows atm, have to wait for info release
navi is faster than a 2070 super for 450$
it's over nvidiots
Yeah till the new bullshit comes out in a year or two
A 2080 is a 1080ti with less ram, but it will perform the same or a little better in most games now, maybe in a few years the 1080ti will completely outperform the 2080 in all games since it has more ram.
So yeah, a 1080ti is better than a 2070!/super since the 2080 is better than the 2070 and the super just fills the gap or matches it.
>tfw still have just a 1080
>tfw don't care to upgrade because 1. not need 2. would be a hassle because would need a new motherboar 3. big gay
it's the price i pay
1080ti but only if you can get it for cheaper than $599
So? That's the way I'd technology. When my current card is able to have a run for it's money against a $400 mid range card (i.e. my 980Ti being about even with a 1070 or 2060) it's time for an upgrade. Then I'll just get that year's top dog.
Where's the 2080ti super card?
Is translucit plastic a thing again?
You hear how some people think consoles are gonna get a 20-something series? Delusion, I say.
>2080Ti Super
Why bother? The super series is Nvidias answer to Navi. Nothing AMD has even comes close to competing with the 2080Ti, so why make a super version?
How? Didn't AMD already lock down the console contracts?
>2070 super costs $600
>mfw I just purchased a 2080 new for $650
The cards look awesome though
Consolefag schizophrenia, that's how.. Also, I believe so.
I figured as much. Ryzen and Navi inside consoles is going to really shove the industry forward. Game engines, multi-core optimizations will become mainstream, better AI because they can offload all the AI onto several cores. SMAA and better Anti-aliasing as a whole implementation because consoles will actually have enough grunt to run such things. From a technology standpoint, AMD is doing some crazy shit. They're single handedly driving the desktop, mobile, server, and console market with their MOAR COARS philosophy and their 85%+ yield rate.
Shame about their GPU Division being so lackluster though.
>How? Didn't AMD already lock down the console contracts?
Someone posted a thread here yesterday of some WHO article and some WHO source saying they looked on some benchmark tests and found one for the PS5. Like it was submitted online and they found it. It was SUPRISING it was CLOSER TO a 1080 TI maybe even a 20XX series. The thing is it can never happen due to consoles having low Wattage and the fact that the full sized cards could hardly fit inside them.
Yawn I already have a 2080ti who gives a fuck about super meme
Maybe when a 7nm 4080ti comes out with 8k dp2.0 and can handle 5k 244hz with ease in a couple of years I'll upgrade
Well unless they're using a binned MXM format laptop tier version of the GPU. Consoles always use custom hardware architecture or formats.
you people need to be gassed
>wasting half a grand for videogames
oh no no no
we all know you aren't rich neet