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Another example of a terrible am*rican post

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have you tried mixing them with alcohol?or was that sleeping pills?

I think the best solution is to kill yourself

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First, you need to get rid of your dependence on frogs, you cocksucking furfaggot.

which one are you on?

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lexapro :)

Well that sucks

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Real talk, mix lexapro with Dexedrine and just a little bit of aspirin and warm milk, and it'll fix you up good.
Now delete this thread, you nigger.

Ive been on it too. Didn't work for me.

make me delete the thread fuckass

i have other shit i could try if i just picked it up but id rather not deal with coming off of this shit and going on something else

get better rx and some legal weed u dum dum

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Just kill yourself faggot
No one has ever complained about being depressed when they are dead

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pull up and do it yourself

I can definitely relate. After having tried 5 different drugs and having terrible time coming off of all of them I gave up.

yeah if i tried to come off this shit id probably be anxious as fuck for a week

because you dont want them to work

id very much appreciate it if they would