Bloated web

When exactly was it, that the web became hideously bloated with ads that practically hijack your browser, and 90% of websites rendered unusable without JS enabled?

Attached: nojs.jpg (225x225, 11K)

that started the moment people found they could make more than their hosting costs bu showing ads, and it went from there. The only way to stop it is to drive the profit from showing ads all the way down to zero. Or possibly below zero, via some GDPR 2.0 that deliberately penalizes targeted ads.

Plain HTML is fucking boring and it's literally just a text document with hyperlinks.
JS and other shit allowed to add functions to a website, but over time it became over fucking used, because who's gonna complain about that, really. That's it.

Why does it need to be exciting, or eye popping? All I want to do is read shit.

As bad as things are now, I think it's only going to get much worse.

because its marketing duh

>When exactly was it, that the web became hideously bloated with ads that practically hijack your browser

>and 90% of websites rendered unusable without JS enabled?
When was Chrome released? As soon as JS became near-native speeds and people stopped stigmatizing the performance capabilities of JS, websites realized that there is very little separating them from downloaded apps and so that's what they became. You can stay in the past if you want, but no one's going to care.

AdBlock is common sense.
JS Blocking is Ludditetry.

>JS Blocking is Ludditetry.

I think I hit a nerve

I think I hit bedrock. Amount of content to be mined here: 0. Just one pathologically averse to new technology nobody that nobody cares about or will ever care about, changing nothing, convincing nobody.

ads have been around since the start of www. they've just got ever more intrusive, and i first really started to take note of it in the late 1990s.

Attached: 1550454835084.jpg (1280x960, 659K)

nigger browser developers creating APIs that let websites spy on basically everything you're computer is doing.

How hard would it be to write a new browser for a simple protocol, something like a updated gopher? No JS whatsoever

even with all the ads blocked it's still monstrous to the poit that browsers choke on quadcore CPUs unless they are highly optimized
and to make it worse goolag intentionally hinders non-chrome performance so any browser becomes unusable unless its coders are constantly patching it

yeah and all they add is garbage that only obscures the content

Attached: 5689d8dd653b3cb5ad9afc6eb30433dc[1].png (600x810, 214K)

Go read a book than u fuckn loser lmao

Uh that's why CSS exists, not JS.
The problem is that telemetry has become the major money maker for websites, fucking watch all the IPs you exchange info with going to a single fucking website. Everyfucking port is probed and you make like 100 handsakes with different google bots.

>90% of websites rendered unusable without JS enabled?
This is actually false. I find that almost everything works. I disable js on almost every site and they load over 5 times faster.

CSS is what you need. It does almost everything js does except wastes 100x less CPU cycles.

The problem with CSS is also the strength of CSS,
it's literally designed to be inefficient so that themes and small changes can be added on after the fact. You get one intelligent front end dev that knows CSS and can design websites, and 100's of code monkeys after him that shit things up with !important after !important, until someone gets frustrated and starts hardcoding html.

Can you imagine if websites had only necessary CSS?

>This is actually false. I find that almost everything works.
Except the very website you just posted on

I've been noticing a pattern of design in a lot of sites, goes kinda like this:
[image] >>>> [text]
[text] >>>> [image]
[image] >>>> [text]
etc etc
It's as if these webdevs are using some global template

web 3.0 codename "suckless" when?

I'm using an app :ok_hand:
Obviously some of the sites which have user interaction won't work. But Jow Forums can be made to work without js, the proof of that is the fact that nanochan and 8ch exist and that YOU CAN POST HERE WITHOUT JS. You just can't view the catalog and must manually copy post numbers to quote people.

Yeah but still there are too many websites that cannot even be viewed at all without js (like Jow Forums's catalog) which is pretty unacceptable. 8ch is alright, although I remember some guy complaining about how fucked the api is. Nanochan is pretty nice tho.