which one and why
Which one and why
As someone outside of the scope of this question, I can easily solve it for you. The answer is "KDE because I've heard of it."
The other two must be stillborn.
thank you herd user
Xfce. Easy to use and modify, light on resources.
MATE was full of critical bugs last time I used it so it was unusable. Also it always looks like crap no matter what you do to it.
KDE has a shit UI all over the place. But nothing you can't fix in a few minutes. The only issue I have with it is it's terrible panel management.
none. ezpz
if you are not alpha enough to use fvwm and need to used a full blown DE atleast use the one for straight males, XFCE.
KDE is the most complete and gets the most development, it can be as feature packed or lightweight as you are willing to configure it. XFCE if boomer or tiling-wm if turbo autist (bonus points for systemd-less)
xfce is literally the *ONLY* 100% stable linux DE. and still takes a bit of work to make it just right (screen tearing on some chips).
That should tell you enough about Linux DEs my friend.
KDE for Qt
Xfce for GTK
I use i3 but I'm reinstalling soon and can't be fucked
Werks for me, and with no screen tearing ootb like xfce.
KDE or Xfce are the only relevant DEs
seriously? kde is unstable trash only used by ugly balding trannies because mhu blurring effects.
alpha males and traps(qt ones) use xfce.
I'm completely new to Linux, but I love Windows 7's glass ("aero"?) GUI design and also that Shitblows 10 has dark theme.
I've also heard that Zorin and Manjaro are best distros if you wish to painlessly transition from Windows to Linux. Guyse, recommend me best desktop environment which would look/navigate exactly like Windows 7's glass, but would also have correct dark theme. Screenshots would be good, too.
Linux Mint. Also, don't switch to Linux if you're happy with Windows.
gentoo with dwm
Mint is pozzed, I've heard. It have security/privacy issues similar to Intel and etc.
Also, I didn't say I'm "happy with Windows". Windows 7 is "fine", but it's too old AND new CPUs don't work with it. I'll be making a new custom Zen 2 build completely from scratch in October, so I need Linux because I don't want to defile my new system with Shitblows 10, and I can't install Windows 7 on Zen 2. Besides, according to the info I've gathered so far, Windows in general works way worse/downright gimps Zen, due to garbage scheduler or something like that, while Linux works perfectly fine and allows for Zen to always be at it's 100% at all times, which is exactly what I want. Quite honestly, if it'd was good enough for everyday usage already, I wouldn't have bothered with Linux and would've just go ReactOS, but it's still too raw and unpolished yet, still have several years to go, so Linux is the only alternative I have left.
Then use the Ubuntu LTS with the DE you like best
I recommend either Xubuntu 18.04 (Xfce) or Kubuntu 18.04 (KDE)
Next LTS version will launch in 2020 (20.04)
KDE will be closer to Windows but Xfce is snappier
Ubuntu is ded, due to Steam abandoning it, because Ubuntu is now useless garbage shit after dropping 32 bit.
i'm using kde right now and it sucks ass.
xfce for sure
I use KDE because I like all the features and its running pretty fast these days
I use LXQt and it’s pretty good. It kinda just stays the fuck out of my way, which is refreshing.
Ubuntu is by far the most popular Linux distro.
Xfce with Debian. Ancient, old looking and nothing will ever break.
>Ubuntu is by far the most popular Linux distro
Not anymore. It's fucking DOA now.
MATE is GOAT, but use KDE if your hardware can handle it
whats everyons thoughts on cinnimon looks good and i have it in a vm and i like it but im woundering about battery life with it on my laptop,
anyone know about its power usage in comparison to gnome or the other ones?
Why not LXDE?
Just dropping by to say I dislike DEs that still look like Gnome 2 from ten years ago.
>MATE was full of critical bugs last time I used it so it was unusable
fake news
archman or salix os
Enabling sync to vertical blank in window manager tweaks sure takes a lot of time.
isn't lxde just pretty openbox
How do you do, fellow XFCE users?
>muh gaymes
>muh 32bit
neck yourself
Ubuntu MATE would freeze when opening the file manager from firefox, like after you download something. You had to reboot the whole PC to get around that. It also had horrible screen tearing no matter what compositor you use. It had these issues for over a year.
That does not always solve it though.
Screen tearing is a video card driver issue you don't need a compositor to solve it.
--> .
Hello from 2014 fellow shitposter.