Hell yeah homies
Mexican pride up in this bitch
Hell yeah homies
Mexican pride up in this bitch
Other urls found in this thread:
Which country has the most corruption? (Bribes, etc)
Which has the most border checkpoints?
Which has the most free market/black market for items like guns/drugs/coyote work?
Do fences operate more efficiently in Mexico with goods to get at least 80% market value payment or in Canada?
Can you work under the table in Canada/Mexico?
Can illegal Americans fit more easily into Canada or Mexico?
Since both you fuckers signed and AMLO & Trudeau are cucked leftyfags, can I get into your countries via "muh opphressions?"
Canada fags, how does one take over the Nunavut?
Mexico fags, how does one get to Venezuela via La Bestia and foothiking/hiring coyotes?
What are weak points in the borders?
Thank you and goodnight...
Faggot nigger
>"Tiene cara feos Maya"
-Every dumbass Mexicant in America.
Mexicants are annoying faggots. No wonder real Mexicans hate you and call you cucks Pochos.
>white man's cars
>hides his American flag
go back
What do Mexicans have to be proud of in the modern world? La Rasa is over on Jow Forumseddit, Faggot.
Why does every Mexican in California obsessed with the football team the Raiders? Today I saw an el camino that was painted raiders colors with a raiders logo and the foo even had rims with the raiders logo on em too. My neighbors wifi is RAIDER NATION and hes a Mexican lol.
In all seriousness though, all Cholos and Shitcanos should be gassed.
Because the Raiders has always been used by gangbangers and thugs. Shitcanos are just niggers with brown skin.
That could easily be a nigger's car.
good for you, OP. become a mexican nationalist.
My Vato.
I hate chicanos so damn much.
at least you aren't niggers, puta.
>That could easily be a nigger's car.
Nah, not enough crack and rim size
Urban Mexican-Americans only goal in life is to out-nigger the nigger.
>out-nigger the nigger.
That's a pretty tall order
Actually, most "Mexicans" in America think they're all 100% pure Aztec or Mayan Indian. Even really fair skin ones deny their European heritage.
Believe me, a lot of American born Hispanics in urban cities copy and idolize monkey-nigger culture and develop a hatred of white people similar to how blacks hate white people.
I should know since I grew up in an urban neighbor mostly full of Hispanics from Mexico and Central America.
>since I grew up in an urban neighbor mostly full of Hispanics from Mexico and Central America.
That must have sucked. There are almost no mexicans here..yet
Hell yeah, white pride up in this bitch.
>Implying a mexican ever made a vehicle of their own.
>Technically that is still a white mans invention
>Giving mexicans no pride in it at all
The best beaner paint job I ever saw was that of an oil rich tejano who had a jacked up F450 that was chromed out for no reason, this chameleon fucking silver and purple paint, and the best part was on the back window a decal of the truck he drove driving through a wooded forest with a magestic river and on one side of the sky was a Texas flag with a bald eagle soaring around and the other had the Virgin Mary. He had his F450 actually on his F450.
I wasn’t even mad about the Mexican flag air freshener. I regret not getting a photo
uhh usa?
>Implying a mexican ever made a vehicle of their own.
Not defending the border jumping beaners, but
If a spic actually designed a truck from scratch, I guarantee it would be better than a niggers
>real Mexicans
wanna be white kids on /pol
taking over usa for one
>proud of a shithole
>proud of a vehicle that has a carburetor
I hate myself so damn much.
True, other mexicans who look whiter than me claim to be aztec lol
fix that for ya
Porque me odias, crees que todos somos cholos?
its white people trying to make themselves feel better
fact is everyone hates white americans
>Implying canada is relevant
Obviously not, some of you are Jews. Ari Telch, Sergio Sendel, Jacobo Zabludovsky, Mariana Levy, etc. the list goes on.
Well I'm also Hispanic. So I guess I've never had problems myself.
Jealousy. They know we're better than them.
Jews invented most shit but i guess their white when its convenient ehhh
Gringos es muy stupido,putas!
Sounds like a great American.
Never claimed to be white.
who got that white dick so far down your throat you might as well
You are not me, I'm not you, I don't hate myself, I like being brown and I love tacos. But even if I'm a third world resident I would never dare to try to act as a nigger like most of you chicanos do. Please stay right where you are and never come back, you are not welcome here; we have more than enough shit people already.
I don't. Than again I don't have an inferiority complex.
Well I am part white. So I guess it comes naturally.
You tell them Mexibro. Chicano genocide when?
You probably worship niggers.
Voy a mudarme y comprar terreno en mexico en unos cuantos meses y no puedes hacer nada para prevenirlo
Spic here, fuck Chicanos.
Post pictures when you do it.
t. mexcrement intellectual
Also another spic here, Shitcanos are subhuman.
Porque, quieres que me secusetren?
>be asstec
>get btfo
As a white who's lived among Hispanics my entire life- I have nothing against you and we can be good allies but the rampant immigration shit needs to stop.
ur jealous that ur poor you will never experience anything outside ur poor peasant peblo
I like being brown and I love tacos imagine that is all that u can say that ur proud off tacos....just more proof ur a poor peasant mad that someone else made a better life for themselves fucking crabs
if they were pale and larger, they could pass for american women
What is it you have to be proud of? Serious question.
>Implying I'd have to do anything.
You can come and settle if that is what you want. but if you think you'll be able to make it here you are in for a ride. It takes balls and brains to make a decent honest life here and you have neither. How can I tell? Your ama and apa had to jump the border because they were unable to succeed here, they didn't have what it takes and their blood runs through your veins. If you come back you would be nothing than another first world pampered Pocho and you will be eaten alive.
Ok. It will never happen then.
Fuck off Shareblue, go suck off George Soros.
Are Shitcanos even Mexican?
Not even Mexicans like them, so no. Most of them would rather laugh at them for their mockery of Mexican culture.
I unironically love going to the cholo car shows.
I already have enough money to buy land build a house and start a buisness in mexico, im going to be sucessful for sure.
>If you come back you would be nothing than another first world pampered Pocho and you will be eaten alive.
Im not and If I wanted to I could exploit mexicans instead, im going to own land and when you own land you also own the people who work on it
Orale foo
Daily reminder that Shitcanos' only goal in life is to out-nigger the nigger. Whether it be in gang activity, teen birth-rates, dropping out of school, having absent fathers, or blaming whites for their problems. This is also true for other American born Hispanics as well.
Are white are you bro?
Even if you arent a cholo he still considers you a worthless chicano just because you were born or raised in the usa
I dont mock mexican culture but mexicabs hate simply because they see im posting from the usa
No, onions indio mestizo
I agree with this statement, which is why we must get immigration under control. Otherwise we are going to catch hell in the way that the white South Africans are.
>tfw that picture is the future of the white "race" along with millions of beta hapas
Because in the eyes of ordinary Mexicans, you are a foreigner. No more, no less.
Did mexico ever even produce its own brand of cars?
Hell that should be a predicate towards being called a modern 1st world country.
Didn't really answer my question.
I think he said that he is more Amerindian than white.
They have made buses trucks and a few cars but the cars were a joke
I only get hate on Jow Forums because they see the american flag but when I go to mexico they dodnt even suspect Im mexican american
I said im an indio mestizo
Learn something new everyday, do you know what their car brand/company was called?
(((Chicano Power)))
The company that made the car is mastretta, it was featured and mocked on top gear
OK, but don't be surprised when your standard of living drops a few levels despite working like a dog, or when your employees won't stop fucking with you and sabotage your business just because they don't respect you, or when the police laughs in your face when you are in the need of help. It's a totally different world down here kid, if what you say is true and you have enough money don't come waste it here just because an actual bean called you a faggot in a anonymous Mexican zarape weaving board,it's for your own good.
kys spic
If he comes he should at least stay there permanently. Maybe bring his whole family there as well.
Yes I know im going to have to deal with people on my own without the police help but im prepared for that, what state are you in anyways, maybe I can give you a job one day if you need one
I have family in mexico already and some of my family members in the states are going to mexico with me too
Ok great. Just stay there and live like kings.
>own land in mexico
>he doesn’t know about the restricted zone
>he doesn’t know about the libertarian government of northern mexico
>warlord paco really likes gold plated aks
Thanks, but I already have a job, But if you or your family are ever in need of dialysis or a dialysis machine (and you probably will, many of my patients have their treatments costs covered by their usual mojado/pocho relative). I can give a discount.
>many of my patients have their treatments costs covered by their usual mojado/pocho relative
Wow, Mexico truly is America's leech.
Im not your average hispanic, my diet doesnt consist of soda and pan dulce so my kidneys will be okay, thanks anyways.
You dont sound like a mexican tho, youre a white expat right?
Mexicans in Mexico speak -or at least know how to write- proper English (the ones who learn English, anyway). Not the niggerized dialect that Shitcanos speak.
>"Ay caramba, los Gringos saben"