Going to Europe for new years, and guess what I WON'T be doing?

Going to Europe for new years, and guess what I WON'T be doing?

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taking it up the ass?

Acting in a civilised and respecful manner


well that's obviously wrong

oh boy the irony

Not getting blown up by muslims?

Coming back?

That goes without saying. We're trying to guess the other bit.

lmao looking forward to shitting up kavos with the lads in June

Eating traditional american SuperDuperGMOJewBurger (TM) topped with best quality McGrease.

Eating pizza? Delivering pizzas? Idk op.

Tipping? Complaining about the size of medium portions? Talking very loudly? Clapping when the plane lands outside of a skyscraper? Eating

You certainly aren't an expe in that regard.

>Bongs complain about Paki Indian Street-shitters
>They them selves continue to shit in the streets anywhere they go.

>Wearing tennis shoes.

Okay seriously why are Ameriboomer tourists ALWAYS wearing pic related?

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Took the words out of my mouth.

>Wearing tennis shoes
Why do burgers lack civilised fashion? Even the 35 year old well off faggot from Jew York dresses like a 21 year old frat boy.

Riding donkeys?

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eating quality food?

Holy shit, the amount of newfags is incredible.
This is why kek left us.

New balance is based. That's why.

You can spot them in Amsterdam a mile away. Fat loud whales on tennis shoes.

new balance is based

>Wearing tennis shoes


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Some of us don't walk as much as a human should, so their feet are fragile. Those are comfy as hell for traveling around and ingesting foreign greases.

getting laid?

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