Using shampoo full of microplastics and turning into a gay frog

>using shampoo full of microplastics and turning into a gay frog
>using organic soap bars made entirely from olive oil like a chad

Also rate my soap

Attached: IMG-20181220-WA0001.jpg (1200x1600, 148K)

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r those expensive

Oy vey that's my grandpapa

>made entirely from olive oil
as in 100%?
as it, it is nothing but olive oil?
That doesn't seem right

That's a piece of chocolate

Not really. Usually under 5€ and they last quite a while.

You can also make your own liquid soap out of the bars if you want to but I never bothered.

whats it smell like

>a chad
get out

I use Dr. Bronners. Shit's cash, yo.

all hygene products are poisons

never shampoo or condition your hair ever again.

Well, olive oil, water and lye.
It says that the soap usually contains lorel berry oil but I recommend getting the one made only with olive oil since it doesn't strip your skin of all it's fat and is therefore better suited for daily use.

Soap and very freintly like olives.

>Cleansing your body with just water so it can regrow its natural ability to self clean.
you literally do not even need shampoo. after a few weeks your body adjusts.

I work as a plumber. Not using soap isn't an option. Grease, dust, shit. you name it

chad use loreal shower products, look up loreal and ties to nazi occupied france, history of antisemitism, they are fucking based.

Based Slavic pagan symbol. Was just looking these up the other day. At least, it's similar.

Attached: symbol-of-belobog-ancient-slavic-god-vector-20012149[1].jpg (700x1080, 151K)

rember a time back in 8th grade when some jew came to my school and started peddaling the soap bs legit pulled out a bar and said this was all he had left of his brother. would be 12 years later i found out he was a liar. really pissed me off that they do that shit

That's a mildly encrypted loss, but does it prevent hair loss?


Attached: Mens-Hair-Clippers.jpg (360x360, 12K)


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Seriously, if none of you see it I’m going to leave Jow Forums
Do I need to draw it on the soap for you? Oy vey

>need soap at all
if you aren't a fucking mechanic or whatever you dont actually need soap or shampoo
stop acting like every human needs to wash themselves with some rando chemical bar to be clean

Bronner's is the best bath product there is. I use it for everything that involves washing except brushing my teeth. It's like 15 dollars for a bottle that lasts me months. I buy like 3 a year. Maybe.

soap is literally just wood ash and fat dude

should have gassed him right then and there

what's with the larpy faggot design on it

you mean the lines and basic shapes?

your soap looks like food.

Attached: 1542502625258.jpg (450x440, 60K)

I mean the stuff that makes it look larpy and faggoty

>Being German
>Not using a soap made of dead judes

I'm a plumber

I kept laughing when my girlfriend gave me that soap but she never got why either.

Dr Bronners, diluted by half with local mineral water, why use anything else?

But what is a leppo?

based and redpilled

It’s a shame they don’t do that anymore. Merry christmas, user. It’s good to be back on Jow Forums after so long.

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


>dude u have to wash urself with borax thats what god intended
nah son

yeah if you need to get the shit oils smell off of you then soap makes sense
I stopped washing my hair with shampoo 10 years ago and my younger brother went bald before me lmfao


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When I'm not working I only use soap every other day if even that.

no the faggy hippie design

Maybe if you buy shitty shampoos. I alternate between British and German-made shampoos and conditioners, with each costing ~5€. It's affordable as fuck and my hair has never looked better than this. There aren't any silicones that mask the hair's condition, so if my hair's healthy, I can feel it with my fingers.

Soap is way too harsh to use on hair so I don't get why anyone would willingly use it.

You got that one too?! :DDD

Has a very pleasant smell btw.

Attached: seife.jpg (1836x3264, 596K)

>t. doesn't do anything resembling work

lol. I'm not quite sure but I think mine is from France.

Should have kept the packaging around. Found mine in window of some Indian esoterics lifestyle shop in Vienna.

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>rate my soap

Gay as fuck.

Any Brits in this thread I would recommend Imperial Leather Soap Bars, very clean scent.

Love the scent, but it's not the most skin friendly soap out there, as it makes my skin feel really tight. Alright for washing hands but not so much for showering with.

>before me

Can I achieve the same result by rubbing some extra virgin on my head while in the shower?

Oil and soap bar clog your drains.

Use them for a year and your 3 cm wide tube will only be 1 centimeter anymore because of all the fat staying on the side of the tubes.

I use traditional liquid soap ever since. They have biological soaps too, so no need to fuck up the planet.

Go back to bed Patrick.

>washing away your essential oils
i've went an entire year washing my hair with nothing but hot water.
it's soft, silky, and not greasy at all.

Read the thread. Some people actually get dirty during work.

i was only making a statement Abdul-Azeem

No hard feelings, Chang.

Jewish star..

Jewish mod

it looks delicious


What are some redpilled soaps?