Its DOA, maybe it will have a chance if they reduce the price from the retarded $500 to a more reasonable $250.
RX 5700 and 5700 XT performance against RTX 2070 Super
Other urls found in this thread:
They can't because the die is inexplicably large. If it were on 12/16nm it would be close to 400mmsq despite lacking tensor and RT cores, or Nvidia's fantastic media encoder. The fact that it's on 7nm just makes the chip even more expensive to produce because 7nm has triple the design cost of 12/14/16nm and is more expensive per gate by like 15-25%. They basically wasted 7nm on catching up and barely at that
>faster and cheaper than novideo
The RTX 2070 Super and the 5700XT have the same price.
But the 5700XT is way weaker.
Do not reply to that russaian retard. He's been spamming the board 24/7 with his amdrone inane shit.
how is radeon so behind all the time? the CPU division is pulling all the weight
5700XT is actually $50 cheaper than thrle super but even then it's still a piece of shit especially when 2070s prices will be getting lowered even further
>SUPER slower than 1080Ti
>way weaker
We already know it's significantly faster than a 2070, what's your point?
>Nvidias prices are shit
>AMD releases cards 2 years later at the same terrible prices as Nvidia only with worse performance and less features
wtf were they thinking?
2070 owners btfo. I will probably also get btfo for buying a 2060
>significantly faster
their own benchmarks showed it being 3% faster than a 2070 on average retard
> 7nm
> getting BTFO by 16nm
It’s almost like AMD’s architecture is complete shit
>reduce the price from the retarded $500 to a more reasonable $250
You're forgetting that AMD is a premium brand now
>RX 5700 basically even with a 1660ti
T-this cant be right can it?...
they should give it out for free
It wont be once the cards with real heatsinks come out, its $450 for the blower version which nobody will buy, $500 for one with a normal heatsink.
>faster than Radeon 7 in the most biased benchmark on the planet
Math is not your strong point nvidiot.
Also, even 3% would be more than the superturds.
Why do you keep shilling inferior tech?
go look at the benchmarks and do the math retard, they posted their own results with the 5700XT winning in several games and losing in several others averaging to a 3% gain over the 2070, supers look to be around +10% better and I would never shill for buying any of these cards at their current prices RTX is bullshit and so are the new AMD gpus. (I'm buying ryzen 3000 cpu facts are facts)
The 2070 is getting replaced with the 2070 Super which is way better.
AMD GPUs are just this bad in general.
The only decent cards AMD has made in a while were the 570 and 580.
ohhh... that explains a lot.
Nvidia damage control team in full force today.
>Gameworks title
>2070 Super still can't surpass 1080ti
More like Super is DOA
RX and RTX are both doa. last gen had much better price/performance than these overpriced turds
We all know that the RTX cards are a scam.
Both cards suck this gen.
well, 1080ti is still supported, gimpworks will take care of it in a few months when the updates for the "S" will start rolling.
Pretty much this. And there's no good features like SR-IOV or HDMI2.1 to justifty getting either of these.
novidia will never support such feature, when they can sell you the same gpu for 10x the price.
FF15 is a Nvidia title through and through. i wouldn't interpret too much in it. it's like showing a Doom bench to showcase the power of Vega lol. unironically Just™Wait™ till 7/7
>it's like showing a Doom bench to showcase the power of Vega lol
why? Is Doom an AMD title?
what's next? calling pissmark an amd benchmark, like cinebench?
What does exactly make you believe that Doom is crippling novidia performance and creating a fake imageon any amd card?
and following this previous post with this
>According to Nvidia, developers can, under certain licensing circumstances, gain access to (and optimize) the GameWorks code, but cannot share that code with AMD for optimization purposes
it's $450
Vega is where the real value is right now.
adoredtv was right all along
Even if they weren't shit you have to be a fool to buy an AMD GPU.
I also hate quality components and good drivers.
What's the source? What game is it? Where are the other Super cards?
Oh look after AMD stalled the CPU market for years by not being able to produce something reasonable they now do the same for the GPU market. Hooray, I can't wait to finally see 4k 60fps become the next "1080p 120fps" in 10 years!
Thank you, once again, AMD for this! :)
Oh but don't worry the second you release something that can beat the 2080ti people will praise you as the saviors of everything and claim that nvidia is bad.
>quality components
>good drivers
>good drivers
>Nvidias fantastic media encoder
NVENC? lmao who actually prefers NVENC over x264 even
Everything else is right though but I think it's still reasonable to mention a few things
AMDs cards have always offered benefits towards gamers in the form of allowing for free-sync and passthrough at very low costs. Sure cards cost roughly the same, but you save money overtime from drivers and lower cost monitors.
I will buy the RTX 3070 once it is released.
lmao multi-level delusion
Make the 5700 $200 and it'll sell like hotcakes.
they're fucking retarded. Fuck those related gooks price fixing. Lisa Su is the worst thing to ever happen to radeon
AMD buying ATI was the worst thing to ever happen to Radeon
But my driver updates!!!!
1.Bitch you ain't gain 20% from your shitty driver updates.
2. Not everyone is going to buy a freesync/g sync monitor and Nvidia start to support free sync monitors.
3. Your shitty card are power hungry and shitty designed at best
4.7 Nano fucking Meters and they still produce more heat, less power than Nvidia 12Nm equivalent? Radeon VII couldn't even compete against it's rival the RTX 2080.
Stop being delusional there is no shame in admitting AMD gpu are fucking trash.
For the blower version, the real cards will be way more expensive since they will use real heatsinks.
>wtf were they thinking?
That they can't compete with Nvidia for shit so they're just going to release something for the fan boys, who think that AMD are the good guys and fight for the consumers, so they might as well milk them dry. Also price-fixing.
RYZEN was designed by Jim Keller whilst the GPUs up until Navi was designed by pajeet Raja
They wanna keep their profit margins
>NVENC? lmao who actually prefers NVENC over x264 even
Full turing's nvenc block is on par with x264 medium
Neither of them were actuall designers, although Keller apparently worked a bit on power behavior. They were Vice Presidents of their respective groups
>MFW I predicted the 5700 and 5700XT would be DOA even before the official launch
>Imagine the embarrassment of a gigantic price drop before the launch of your "Next-Gen" GPU
The Utter state, how can AMD fuck up pricing so heavily when it's doing so well with it's pricing and disruption in the CPU Market I have no clue selling a midrange GPU at high end prices.
There were only 2 outcomes.
Either AMD releases their new GPUs for cheap and fight for the mid market, or they release them at high prices and lose every single market.
Fanboys and trolls everywhere, I don't know what to believe anymore. I just want to upgrade with the best price-performance card.
RX 570, 1660Ti and used cards are the best price/performance cards.
All new RX cards and all new RTX cards are overpriced as fuck to the point they aren't worth it.
RTX 2070 looks nice at MSRP but we wont know till the price of the real cards are out.
RTX 2070 Super*
Fuck those names.
I'm really curious about something right now: why does the 5700XT have RTX 2080 performance in BFV?
Game favours AMD hardware.
Which game?
Is replying to the entire thead using a script a reportable offense? Asking for a friend
Final Fantasy, which heavily favors NVidia
Does it really? I thought it was all about Nvidia because RayTracin'
Nvidia basically got extra curb stomped in dirt 4 because of shader heavy optimizations.
Oh right, Unreal Engine/Gameworks.
You mean really shitty developers who worked closely with AMD. The typical 2080TI clocks up to 1850mhz. That's 16TF of compute throughput. Makes the VII look like a toy at a mere 13TF
Imagine when Nvidia releases their 7nm card. Clocking as high as 2.5ghz, boosting at 2.9ghz.
Nope, devs are actually putting in the effort this time. Nvidia didn't introduce super because of AMD's Navi stuff. They were shitting themselves long before AMD even started Navi R&D.
WWZ is another example.
>reference Vega 64 that throttles down to 1400mhz defying all common sense and beating the 2080TI which has 16TF of raw throughput
>good programming
AMDfags are delusional as usual. AMD optimized games don't well for anyone, they just run horribly across the board and AMDfags are retarded so they assume it makes sense.
Common Sense is your problem, when a game is optimized for Vulkan/DX12, AMD wins out. Its always been the case since DX12/Vulkan/Mantle was introduced. The only reason you believe "common sense" favors nVidia is because popular game engines are held back through nVidia partnership so that it doesn't show negative effects on nvidia cards.
OP's nVidia winning is brought to you by UnrealEngine partnership with nVidia bring you optimized paths for nVidia cards and nVidia specific middleware like GameWorks/PhysX being baked into UnrealEngine
For the low price of $999 for the mid end and $2000 for the high end GPUs.
>AMD wins out
Because of bad devs playing around with things they don't understand.
When actually good devs who know what they're doing work with Vulkan you get results that are consistent with most other titles.
And the VII can't even beat the 2080
Doesn't run at all unless you have a Nvidia GPU.
The GPU accelerated physics is literally disabled without a Nvidia GPU and the CPU portion is obviously vendor agnostic. Nvidia has never favored Intel over AMD and on the contrary Nvidia's brilliant DX11 drivers automatically multi-threaded draw calls which gave AMD more of a fighting chance against Intel. Meanwhile AMD themselves phoned it in
at least 5700 XT beats RVII in FF15
Will AMD/ATI ever be competitive with TDP ever again?
>7 different Titan models
how did it get this bad.
>Doesn't run at all unless you have a Nvidia GPU.
Wrong, the benchmark was done with portions of Gameworks features enabled. Default high quality = nvHairWorks, nvTurf, nvFlow, nvTerrainTesselation
>The GPU accelerated physics is literally disabled without a Nvidia GPU
Stress on GPU is less than CPU, especially when load are high. This results in much lower min fps. You can argue that its nVidia technology, so nVidia gets to benefit and that's fine. This isn't my issue. The problem is when game engines are optimized to work with one gpu over another, that's the discrepancies. The consumers don't realize this and argue this artificial tilting of performance is "common sense."
>all AMD cards are magically missing form this bench
It's faster than a Radeon VII for 500 dollars
The Radeon VII cost as much as the 2080. This just makes the VII look bad.
>can't even beat a 1070ti
Ahahahaha what a pointless fucking gpu
To be absolutely fair, the FFXV benchmark is one of the WORST pieces of software to ever grace the game market. The fucking game renders heavily tessellated objects thousands of meters from the player camera, occluded behind scores of other objects and land geometry.
It'd be like if you took Crysis 1 and ran it on an 800MHz Pentium 3 and the made fun of the CPU because it couldn't run the game at 30fps. That's such a shit benchmarking standard, anyone sane would throw it out and backhand the person who ran the test across the face for trying to present it as a valid argument.
Regardless of HOW the 5700 any model performs compared to the 2xxx and SUPER branded GPUs, this benchmark IS A BAD EXAMPLE of performance, because it creates rendering conditions that are not present in 99.9999% of the entire gaming market. It should be thrown out.
At this point the only people buying (non-bottom tier) AMD GPUs are diehard fanboys that will buy the card basically no matter the price. This way they get healthy margins and can use their 7nm allocation on their probably great CPU lineup.
Loyalists will buy Nvidia no matter the prices. AMD could release cards that outperform Nvidia, theoretically, at a lower price points and these people will wait until Nvidia price drops so that they can choke on Nvidia's dick anyway by buying said hardware. Ultimately, AMD gains nothing by doing this in this hostile and nearly monopolistic market.
So, AMD will release cards that close the performance gap a bit and price it accordingly to maximize their margins. They're arguably fucked if they do a great thing or fucked if they do a shit thing. Might as well get the most amount of money in this situation.
>FFXV benchmarks
I'm not clenching my ass just yet.
I'll buy amd just cuz muh open source, I would stick with nvidia if only nouveau was better.
Don't show me benchmarks without showing what the benchmark actually is.
Actually just don't post
>cards not even out
>somehow they alreadly have working drivers for it that pulls out full performance of the cards
>faster than Radeon VII almost half the price
Something really fishy in this bench.
Cards have been out for a week already.
NDA lifts in 2 days.
Unboxing video for example:
Just Wait™ for Arcturus.