Why yes, I do use Ubuntu and own an Android Phone. How could you tell?
Why yes, I do use Ubuntu and own an Android Phone. How could you tell?
>Mohammed will never fuck your wife while you watch
Feels bad man
>How could you tell?
from the cum dripping goat.
you're a handsome one, and i see by your turbin your not a muslim, but are a seek (is that correct?)
I think it's sith
t. Ricardjeet Milosh
muscular non-whites look odd to me for some reason. it's fine I guess.
Well this pajeet is roided out so he should look odd regardless.
I couldn't. I assumed you used Windows and carried a rose gold iPhone.
Based sikh
Fuck you, I refuse to pay jizya.
>Feels bad man
Ok, is there something like /g but without cuckolds?
Based and sikhpilled
Then convert and save money.
what sort of attention are you looking for by creating one of these threads for the millionth time?
Because you look Indian as fuck, my guy
Welcome aboard
Pic taken either in Apple or Google HQ corporate gym, in the CEO private section, free of white plebs
I could tell because you’re a smelly pajeet
Looking good user
pic related is a sikh. not the filthy pedo goatfucker
seething degenerate pigskins
poor photoshop
Summer detected