Imagine your nation being so unoriginal that they put Red or Blue on your flag

Imagine your nation being so unoriginal that they put Red or Blue on your flag

Attached: red-vs-blue.png (400x400, 2K)

blue is an anciet jewish colour

orange is a shade of red

I do have to admit that I like the Irish flag a lot.

Soz about the red the pomes make us do that, but black is too edgy, so navy blue is next best thing.


Fug !

Some day you'll cut the last of your ties lads

Attached: Proposed_Australian_Flag_-_Traditional_Green_and_Gold_2.jpg (2834x1417, 448K)



Soz mate but this is Australia

based flag. I can only hope till then
no. I'll speak 'strayan if I want to.

This is an American website.
Anglos and Scandis can come too.

But America is made up of every single race and nationality amigo

>This is an American website
last time I saw it's owned by a jap now, so why don't you go take your burger and use the bun to dry your tears while you cry over not being top dog anymore.

Oh yeah, you are right.
I guess when China owns you they will ban Jow Forums for sure.

don't you think they'll you americans 3 trillion dollar debt first, fatty?


well at least they aren't unoriginal

you guys owe about 3 to 4 trillion to china, and can't manage your debt with them

They won't see a penny of it.

defaulting on debts! look at what the once greatest nation on earth has come to, pathetic. when your creditors auction the states one by one I might put in a bid for florida since it's likely no one will want it.

Imagine being so unoriginal that your flag either consists of three big colored stripes, a cross, or has a British tramp stamp on it.

You have 13 big coloured stripes so you're 4.33 times more unoriginal

>being this mad
Also, do you really think the US use to be the greatest country ever? I don't think so.

not so much mad as losing respect for the USA, you lot are kinda making china seem like the better option for world number 1.

So you are pro globalist?

no, the chinese have money and are willing to buy gold and uranium, you guys don't have money but still want gold and uranium, and on top of that may default on you loan, if the US can't do right by other countries the other countries will find an alternative.

it sucks but at least it's not tri-colour, I really wish we had a dragon on our flag though.

That would look pretty badass mate, yeah tricolours are really fucking gay huh?

Pic related is the Ideal

Attached: Irish flag.png (2000x1000, 213K)

imagine your country being so unoriginal that they just use the italian flag


yeah, that would be a cool flag. Tricolours were a mistake.

Another mistake to the world gifted by the French

green, yellow and black are all literally africa-tier

ur welcome. admit then that we made oc and every nation - including yours - copied it
i dont like to defend the US but but their flag size is unique and the purpose of a flag is to be recognized directly and their flag works very well for this. your flag is just an italian flag that had toi much sunlight, stay mad bro

>color white

Imagine your nation being ironic about pepsi
everyone hates pipsi here why?

cirnobump cult uses korea as a proxy to run their bots

let them be, I gave up
I am fed up with my ip on mobile getting banned for being vpn exit node

>This is an American website.
Every single time

Attached: file.png (441x302, 51K)

Most of the countries i liked visiting had those colours!!