>1 chance at life
>not born in the land of freedom
1 chance at life
Looks like you nation is heading to be freer than mine is.
>1 chance at life
>born in the holy land
>once chance at life
>born in a country without venomous or poisons creatures
>can walk about in a forest without the fear of getting attacked by a bear or any other wild animals that thirst for blood
>don't have to be afraid of getting shot when I walk the streets
Feels good.
>not becoming incredibly skilled at an intricate job so you can go wherever
>1 chance at life
>born in frikandelbroodje paradise
>new vehicle taxes to force people to buy new cars
>they can't afford an old ass car let alone non-taxed cars
>low income doesn't apply to people who have 2k euros in their bank accounts AKA only spergs and NEETs will get it instead of actual poor individuals
>but it's alright cuz SALVEEENEEE is driving out sandniggers and Jow Forums is super happy about this
But you're soon not gonna have a Netherlands due to rising sea levels.
>1 chance at life
> born in consumerland with my dick still intact
Come on over to the US and open a pizza joint.
WTF they let you keep yours?!?!
Aren't you afraid of getting shot? All it takes is for one man to walk up to you and shoot you with their desert eagle, or AK47.
I remember watching this one video about a black guy who shot and elderly fella. It really made me not want to visit America after that.
would totally consider the idea if the chance of getting shot wouldn't be so high
>incentivising people to not have saving
That's horrible.
Don't believe that propaganda.
the problem it's not Italy, the problem it's that you're a poorfag lmao
fuck off at least i get free food from your shit n*rd*c university dumb aristocunt
no not really
It's good if you invest in a company and all the retards spending their shekels is making you rich and setting you up for early retirement
>being this greedy
You're like a boomer selling out your culture to live an easy life. Reconsider your life.
one of the richest person i know it's from Calabria so the wealth it's not a geographic issue you can be the poorest even if you are from north italy
my M0o0
There's a quick rundown of how things work in Italy:
>South Italians:
-sub-humans, can't speak their mother tongue properly let alone English
-Half of the south Italian population is funcionally illiterate and the only valuable minds leave their shithole to slave their life away in Kr*utl*nd.
>North Italians
-literally the same as South Italians except slightly whiter, looking either like s*yb*ys or faggots as opposed to southern monkeys
-still subhumans except they act like fucking snobs because they're loaded
The poorest people in the north are mostly neapolitans and souther shitheads from my experience
not being born in Somalia must suck, still you can always move to sweden they're fixing that.
Amerimutt, I'm glad you concerned yourself with daily world problems, but they are very real, I wish they were not but If I chose to be ignorant my house would be underwater right now. We raise the dikes each year to keep out the water but I don't know how long we can prevent a disaster from happening.
you have all the freedom on the internet
Really? Proofs?
wanna restart everything kid?