Why do companies hire Chinese and then accuse them of hacking/stealing?
Why do companies hire Chinese and then accuse them of hacking/stealing?
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You make it sound like espionage isn't a jailable offense.
why didn't he go straight for mainland china instead of more western friendly hong kong?
Reminder that everyone who holds Chinese citizenship is, by Chinese law, an agent of the CCP who is only going abroad in order to advance the interests of the CCP and is legally required to provide any information and aid that their position allows them to to anyone the CCP deems it necessary to.
Never hire Chinese. They have no honor.
this is based as fuck.
shit like this makes me wish i majored in math or computer science.
>On LinkedIn, he listed his job title as "dude" and one of his skills as "bread and butter making."
>Standing a little over 5 feet tall and peeking out from behind glasses, Xu was unimposing, but his confidence was ironclad. “I am born as a superstar stats trader…mathematical, commercial, hardworking, competitive, visionary, and mentally tough,” he once boasted to his girlfriend, Mengyang, according to evidence from a lawsuit against him. "I have to live up to the great expectations that I have set for myself."
What a beast
baste tbqh
They pay more in Hong Kong. He found a job there because he offered to give them the stolen codes.
His only mistake was willingly going back to Britain. Should have stalled extradition in the courts.
This. Almost BTFO capitalists selling out their country to make a quick buck.
What an in-depth read. Looks like the guy was an opportunist who saw his time as being wasted at the new company and took the time to make a profit for himself by reverse engineering the company codes/algorithms.
He was arrested in HK and brought back to the UK and thrown in jail. He was deported back to China in January.
He has a right to extradition proceedings in hongnkong which he waived to get a speedy trial in Britain.
>Looks like the guy was brilliant
>trade secrets to be redundant by 2018
>it's 2019
why is OP such a shitty LARPer
I would have done the same if I had the skill desu
It's more like boinged, since this guy had a 400k salary and then he was held in jail with minimum wage for 5 years, which made him lose millions in potential revenue.
>in january
The story started in 2013 and ended in 2018.
Alternatively his parents sold the code and are holding onto a few mil for him
It is insane that half the world economy is based on automated trading algorithms. Wait untill they add machine learning into the mix and they become a black box that no one can understand.
>all these insectoids saying based
>they can't even read the dates on the story
For chinks, you guys aren't very smart, you know that? I thought you guys were supposed to be human calculators.
It's what these guys have been doing for the last 30 years.
what a god
Why are you so desperate to believe he didn't fuck up his life?
Because they never got back that briefcase from his parents. Xu told them to "hold onto it" right before he was arrested. Who knows what they did with the code.
>you'll never be this based
Psychopaths like to hide their incompetence by blaming someone else
Why are smart guys the biggest idiots? Never mess with powerful people.
>wait till
>a little over 5 ft
kek thank fk he's a genius
Because we no longer have countries in the West. We are governed by slaves who worship the next quarter economy, unable to think long term and not giving a fuck about their country.
That and the value of those secrets he has have either expired or decreased in value to a large degree. Depreciated in value that the opportunity cost of not working at his former rate is vastly greater than the little money he will make from selling them now. I don't get why he agreed to be extradited. He could have held out in Hong Kong long enough to arrange someone to smuggle him out at part of the deal for the secrets.
The judge in HK signed the order. It's not like he had a choice.
Why didn't he send the trade secrets over the internet?
>When British police requested his extradition to the U.K. to face criminal charges, he agreed to go willingly.
He could have held up his extradition in court for a long time. I would also think that smuggling oneself into China from Hong Kong should not be that hard, especially by boat. Fucked up by not forcing his thot to come with him.
I think he genuinely wanted to settle the case. It's those sneaky Brits who are the treacherous ones imo.
Because they get really good grades and pass the applicant screening.
Gee, you think he wanted to not go to prison after an expensive protracted trial and just pay a fine and not get sent to prison? Why didn't anyone else think of that.
Of course the Brits wanted to put his backstabbing, conniving, ass in prison as an example to any other traitors who think they are smarter than the system.
He's 5ft tall he's nothing
>had been held up for 3 years now because the brits aren't convinced he told everything
>no other company has profited from his stolen algorithm
His only mistake was believing in the justice system. He was a fool for doing so. And what the fuck do you want more of this guy gratitude? He already made his employer hundreds of millions, what more gratitude can he show? Are we back to the fucking middle ages guilds time? Should he work for that fucking jew all his life? The fucking judge sent him back to jail for contempt because they couldn't prove the gook more stolen code to provide. What more do you want?
Only individualistically retarded Westerners find this behavior rare or exceptional, that's why Jews get away with it all the time.
sounds like a retard.
I found this guy's Facebook. He's hilarious.
>He then offered a series of bizarre explanations for why he couldn’t return the devices he’d sent to China. One had been loaned to a relative and subsequently stolen, he said. His parents had thrown others in the Yangtze River. When he explained that one computer had been cremated alongside a deceased uncle, the courtroom erupted in laughter.
>It emerged that Chinese detectives had tracked Lu and her husband for 11 months. Two of the investigators testified that they’d rented a nearby flat and watched the couple in shifts from a car. They’d taken photos such as one they showed of Xu’s father, a retired accountant with heart trouble, that was captioned “Target playing Mahjong from 1.00 to 5.00.” The investigators also produced photos they’d shot of the couple’s front door every hour starting at 4:28 a.m. on Dec. 30, to establish that they’d been watching that morning.
>It was also easy to see why he infuriated his opponents. He could be defiant to the point of arrogance. Asked whether he’d done anything wrong, he replied, “By their rules, I should not have known that much. I knew too much. That’s the thing I’ve done wrong.”
This guy is based as fuck.
I found out the other day that Hideki Anno, the guy that created NGE, is only 5"1'. It made me understand why I felt like that entire franchise was made by a retarded manlet tbqh
I aspire to be like him one day, minus the crimes.
>implement algorithms told to you by investment bankers in some programming language
yeah, sure, "brilliant"
the code became irrelevant in 2018 while he was being detained, didn't you read?
>I thought you guys were supposed to be human calculators.
for believing stereotypes you westerners aren't very smart. i thought you were supposed to be rational and realistic
Thankfully AMD uses Global Foundries, American owned, so you don’t have to worry about those nazis for your chips.
>hire Pajeet
Pajeet eventually becomes CEO of the company, hiring only pajeets in the process and slowly pushing out locals save for high level positions
>hire Chink
Will steal and spy on your company, diverting info to China
>sign a contract that says you will not work for competing companies and not disclose trade secrets
>try to sell said trade secrets to another company
what did this idiot think was going to happen?
by the way, it would be illegal for any company to buy said trade secrets, and also it's illegal for anyone to know of the intent to sell trade secrets and not report it to the authorities
He was planning on offering the code to a rival hedge fund in China. It's virtually impossible to impose any kind of legal sanctions against them.
on the contrary, china has a very fine track record of enforcing intellectual property rights, so long as said intellectual property is registered in china as such. If you plan on starting up any businesses, the Madrid Protocol is your friend.
And he also flew to Conneticut to interview with another company and used those trade secrets as leverage to secure the offer.