to when i gradumate college i am gonna move abroad should i start learning GERMAN OR FINNISH i am 40% german 40% ireland and 12% finland
What language should I learn and move o
Other urls found in this thread:
polish or hebrew or danish
>learn gaelic
>move to the Irish countryside
>become an Irish farmer
This is what you should do.
Learn spanish. Your soon to be IBERIAN Overlords expand their territory further north by the day.
Aprende a falar Português Brasileiro.
Danish, Finnish, Hebrew? No body speaks those shitty languages. Learn Spanish or Chinese. Languages of the future
Depends on who wants ya. Which is probably none of the above. Enjoy your Durkastan.
>40% Irish
>doesn't learn Irish
french or spanish are probably the most useful desu
Merica. Fuck yeah. Probably a Nordic country. Me too dumb to tell.
what the fuck is with those americans trying to have % of their origins? Are your country so shitty that you have to identify to others ?
Anyways just learn as much languages as possible
Shit, I'm not Irish at all and I may try this!
learning other languages is completely useless.
how did you write this you wizard
i meant any language other than english is useless
By that, learn Ebonics. Da Black Man be breedin like a dawg.
that's a rough mentality, english is a shite language compared to some badass scripts out there
useless if your only goal in life is getting money
but learning languages and new cultures is cool for your culture
doesn't matter how complex or good it is, almost all of the information out there is available in english thats the only thing that matters
cultures are gay
depends on where you're looking. Russian holds a lot of information
also your mentality toward languages and culture is icky
Watch it, that one might give you the 'journalist's bead trim'.
"Move abroad" and do what exactly? Yeah, good fuckin luck trying to learn Finnish; you could probably learn German and Dutch in the time it would take you to learn competent Finnish, especially if you're going to Helsinki.
learn spanish and accept your true culture
You're an amerifag raised in an amerifags family, stop with all these "im 2.4% ricefag" bullshit you moron it wont give you a better/easier life in these countries only because on of your ancestors was born there.
Just go in a country you like or where you can get good business/security/wathever criteria is a priority for you
Work on your English first, dumbass
No no but Danish is based.
Hebrew is a shitty language to learn especially since what you learn as an immigrant is beyond what's spoken outside and in some places the Hebrew is deformed and people have the vocabulary of an infant and English won't help cause even people who passed the highest level of English taught in most high schools with an 80 will struggle with basic conversation with tourists and people abroad.
Israeli accent in English is shit as well I much prefer mine since people mistake me for a European based on my accent even though I grew up in Israel mostly.
español and move to mexico
good luck bro LOL
>even people who passed the highest level of English will struggle with basic conversation
We have the same problem with Spanish. I had an A+ in Spanish all through high school, still can't speak Spanish for shit. But the reason is we never actually spoke Spanish in class, it was all just memorization.
>be iresh
>run of potato
this ^^^^
M'a fait marrer, la première chose que je me suis dit en lisant OP c'était ça, et ensuite j'ai lu ton post mais m'suis dit que j'allais en rajouter une couche
Dying tongues.
Learn some Chinese instead.
Spanish is the second most used language in this world, why wouldn’t you use it?
learn manx and join the online gambling services here
dude aren't all manx native speakers dead or something??
Also is there an online place where I can learn some basic manx?
yeah the last native speaker died 44 years ago
it is a dead language but there's still some people who know rudimentary phrases and vernacular
anyway here's a good website to learn some terms:
mee loayrt gaelg