How does tipping in America work...

How does tipping in America work? I'll be going there for the first time in my life soon and I want to be a good tipper so people won't spit in my food.

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give 10-20% of the cost

You tip when you are leaving so they will only spit if you come back to the same place again after not tipping.

Just go to a different restaurant every time and that's that.

don't tip. tipping is for fags. all you do is feed an entitlement complex for waiters and waitresses who aren't smart enough to work a better paying job

they won't know you're not gonna tip until they get it at the end of the meal so they won't even know to spit in your food or not, if thats what you're worried about

20% if it's actually good service.

Waitressing and delivery/cooking are jobs for students, not grown adults

Always tip the kids, it increases motivation, while not tipping adults drives them out from that type of work

this. at restaurants. you tip along with the bill at the end. our servers make like 2.35 an hour or some shit like that. worse service gets 15 percent.

If you tip 20% it makes a minimal impact on your life. You don’t eat out that often. On the other hand if everyone tips 20% it makes a HUGE impact on the life of the server.

Tip because not tipping is basically spite towards the server and violation of a cultural norm.

Which state are you going to?

Thank you everyone, I'll keep everything in mind.


If they're older than 22, don't tip at all, unless you have a personal relationship with the waiter/waitress, but that's more a personal thing for myself than advise

Pro tip all Americans spit bulgarians food
Fuck off back to your shit hole country
Next time try Canada
They like faggots

By the way, reminder to all my burger anons to tip your mailman and other regular service professionals this Christmas. Barber, lawn guy, whatever. It is what affluent Christians do. If you don’t you are poor white trash.

only tip if you go to a classy place, some shithole chain restaurant that makes twenty billion dollars a year doesn't deserve tips they could easily pay their employees the full wage but they choose not to. tip delivery drivers though if the food arrives in less than a half hour. if not, tell 'em take it back it's cold.

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You pay for the product and tell the waitress if she has a problem she should take it to her boss and make a proper contract for the job.

thats extremely rude

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What do you mean it's not for adults? This is the new reality post 2008

10% for average, 15-20 to seem rich.
Its about status and solidarity against jews who pay kike wages to servers

It’s a Jewish behavior we learned in our occupation. Pay a good goy extra if they’re a good goy. Simultaneously keep wages down for more profits at the top. It’s pretty obvious.

Lol, those fancy place waiters make over $80k in tips, while those chain employees make peanuts. Way to fight the man asshat.

tipping happens after you get your food so don't worry about it too much

Dont wsnt them spitting in the Borscht

If you aint got no money take ypir broke ass home nigger

20% or higher if the service is good, less if its trash. Anyone saying otherwise is a fat nerd neckbeard faggot.

... If shes good If not Don't tip. Its like Strippers but instead of nudity its food

Thats fucked up

If you are ordering food, you can pay slightly less than the actual amount and they won't do a thing other than having a grim expression in their face while thanking you.

Bulgaria makes my AKs twat

I only tip 30% if they're a bad staff.
I hand them my whole wallet if I like my meal and I have the manager bring the whole staff out so I can get the whole restaurant to applaud for them.

If you decide to tip, do this OP.

Why illinois?
Avoid Chicago like the plague

don't be overly friendly with waiters, it might seem like a nice thing to do but they will be obligated to have a friendly banter with you, wasting their time. and while they will be all smile when they talk to you, spit goes in your food.
just order your food politely and quickly.


True, but Ive no hair

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My Father hated the jews.
Uncut burger reporting in

I thought this was pol.
Im seeing a large number of kikes itt.

oh damn where at in illinois? north or south? im northern but just south of Chicago, out in in hybrid farm/suburb land.

because those chain employees are mostly idiot college students who can barely string five words together let alone act like a server.

Thats why we cant have anything nice

I have a relative up there that I'll be visiting so avoiding Chicago is impossible. But I'll have some freedom and be able to roam around.

spotted the underage faggots.
my guess is you are the same faggots who will post in other threads how no one is unemployed in our booming economy.

what are you assholes fucking commies now, not paying for your fucking good and services. fucked up anons. who cares their age, you don't know their life, why they're working there. tip your servers.

eм ycпeх бpaт, ти cи знaeш

Barber here. Tip %15. Only niggers don't tip. If they serve you, or work in service, they do their job well %20 poorly %10. Fuck niggers. Niggers don't tip. If you call yourself white and don't tip, everybody else a fuckingnigger. Also if ypu see niggers working, turn around and find another place, you will only regret have to deal with coons. I promise it's worth your time to find white places. Coons have a very heavy accent,even when they try to is white. Fuckin coons. Welcome to america. The 56 meme is real life now. Race war now

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мepcи :)

Tipping is a myth. Go full Jew, complain about how bad the food is and that portions are so small.

Here you go,
it's a long one but it teaches everything you'll ever need to know about tipping.

more if the girl is hot

america is not europe, getting from chicago to anywhere else worth vistitng will be a long trip, not a days out that you just wander to.

Even small countryside towns would be really novel for me, I don't have high standards.

>a gas station
>an arby's
>a dollar store.
there i saved you the trouble.

I like pancake butt more than thicc... Is there something wrong with me?

Here in Brazil we actually ask for a discount, kek.

It's funny to see culture differences

p.s. if you notice more than one liqueur store in the neighborhood you are in GTFO

Move a decimal one number to the left then multiply by 1.5 or 2 for sit down service with food. At a bar, I usually tip $1 per beer and wine and maybe a bit more if it's a complicated cocktail.

Chicago is great, nigger.

Well make sure you tip everyone. When I was last in america I didn’t tip the pilot when I landed and got cavity searched


>yfw you were born in the "Greatest country on Earth
>yfw you have the most freedom on Earth
>yfw you end up getting a shitcunt job that pays less than minimum wage
>yfw you are earning less than Mbwebwe Ngonga Ooga Booga, even though you spent years getting an irrelevant Degree that put you $100k in debt
>yfw you finally realise your life is fucked


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make your way to a portillos if you get the chance. pretty good cake and Italian beef

yes goyim, tip the waiter so i dont have to pay them one dollar per hour

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more like "brep"

what you fags fail to realize is that american servers get below minimum wage (exempt due to tip monies), and are TAXED (thanks to st. reagan) on a percentage of their sales (8% methinks) because uncle sammie felt cheated out of their fair share of tip money, so if you get good service tip, if not fuck em

>not spending the time, or effort, on finding a job that pays better, and doesn't make you rely on the generosity of others

You reap what you sew, Burger.

Most people in here are close. 10% of the bill if the service was average. 20% if everything was great, quick, served just the right temp, don't have to ask for anything, etc. Anything in between is fine. More is very generous and less is you saying you really disliked the service.

Almost everywhere has a tip jar on the counter or prints out a bill with a place to tip, but you are not expected to tip. People usually just toss in spare change if you get a few coins back. It is only really expected at places you are going to sit down for an hour+ and have a big meal. If you order your food at a counter and have to stand around waiting for it, you don't tip.

You order your food. You eat. You hand the first nigger you see your wallet. They step outside for a moment, then come back in and hand you your wallet back minus the appropriate gratuity. If you arrived on a bike, they already offered to valet park it for you on your arrival.

spotted the 40 year old retard working a high schooler's job

Are you planning to go back to that restaurant within the next 6 months - 1 year? (staff turnover at restaurants is high)
Yes? Leave a few dollars on the table. People get more excited to see $3 cash on the table than $8 added to the credit card receipt.
No? Don't bother tipping unless you really want to (like if the waiter was a total bro.)
All that 10% 15% shit is bullshit. No reason bringing a plate of lobster takes more effort than bringing a plate of fries. Why pay them more because it's a fancy place?
You pay when you leave so there is no spitting in your food, unless you go back to the same place like a week later and the same staff is working and they happen to remember your face, and even then, they probably wouldn't, unless it was a really shitty place with cunt waitstaff.
Tip your bartender though, or they'll water your drinks down in the next round.

apologies, i went to insults b4 answers, been lurking here too long
typically a 15% tip is good for good service, up and down 5% for excellent/ok service
server pay is low and a server's sales are taxed so the government can get theirs, its a way that the restaurant can underpay their staff and place the burden on the customer, sounds unfair, but it puts the burden on the server to keep the customer happy, so try not to judge the server for the chef's mistakes, they dont cook your food they just take your order and serve it to you, a good waiter is attentive and quick, checks in on you often, most servers will know from your accent that you countrymen don't tip, even if they don't know why (only done this way in america), as long as you are not disrespectful, and since the check (and the tip) comes after the meal, nobody 'human' will spit in your food, unless you made the mistake of being in a nignog restaurant (enter at your own risk, if you are white you may get more than spit in your food)
tipping does not apply to big chain fast food joints, and spit probably healthier than the food

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>You reap what you sew
it's sow shitforbrains
just showing your ignorance, good waiting jobs can be good money

blame boomers for this one
even STEM got hit by the retarded "must have 20 years experience, entry level position unpaid internship" meme
god damn spics and h1b1ndians ruined everything

>I have no decent rebuttal, so I'll pick out the spelling error.

I'm sitting here with 3/4 of a bottle of bourbon, empty, faggot, so you can spend as much time as you want picking apart spelling errors, but the point still stands.

Meanwhile, I get paid $25/hr+ to stand behind a bar and give shitcunts like yourself drinks. While those dumb cunts in your country make less than minimum wage, and rely on other people to make their $7/hr.

But hey, enjoy your freedom, and struggling to make enough to just pay the rent on time.


Tip everybody who deserves it. If you don't the government will introduce higher/new VATs.

20% for meals at real restaurants, nothing at fast food / take-out. A buck a drink at a bar.

20% unless you are a cheap Jew. Deduct if the service is shitty

when you get a receipt for food at bar or restaurant just double the tax and add that amount to what you buy. At a bar just give the bartender $1 extra with every beer. Pay the delivery at least $2 tip, generally $3 and add $1 or more extra if it's very far away. You don't have to tip at pretty much any other places.

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never go to the same place twice and you'll be fine

No tip to put that stupid thot in her place.

>just showing your ignorance, good waiting jobs can be good money
so you must have missed that bit, shitforbrains

That's stupid though. Wether I order lobster or fries doesn't change the amount of work the waitress does, so it shouldn't affect how much she gets paid.

fucks me off why not just add it to the price of the food and also when you go to the till they add tax on after and not simply include it in the price like a non poor fag country does

>constantly hear nigger-tier complaints from anyone that works in the US Service Industry
>damn dumb Aussies not realising Burgers make good money by being Waiters/Waitresses

Nice try cunt, but the fact is for every 1 top tier restaurant that pays their staff a shitload, there are another 1000 where the staff would have to work 100 hours just to buy a cheeseburger.

Any more retarded arguments you wanna make?

>$25 an hour is good for bartending
Nice try cunt. I am a waiter to pay my tuition and I don’t tip anyone. Not even myself. I am also drunk my stupid friend, headed to work now.

Good service (helpful, good attitude, a part of making the experience great) 20 to 25 percent

Shit service (could care less if you’re there, get your order wrong and don’t rectify it and take it off of the bill, rude) 10 percent or nothing if it was that bad.

>thats stupid

Thats not the point. Thats just how it works. If you want to be a dick tip less than 20%

Here are the rules

1. Tip 20% at restaurants
2. Deduct from tip if service is bad
3. Don't tip at fast food places
4. $1 per drink order at bar unless youve been slamming drinks with the bartender all night

If you dont tip thats fine but the bartender/waitresses will think less of you for being a cheap jew. If you dont care then dont tip.

15-18% unless it’s a nice professional white person then 25%.
FYI niggers do not tip at all and often run out on the check entirely.

Depends on the field. I am in R and D food science and no one in the industry trusts Chinese or Indians to touch their food.

That’s about what I tip. I mean once you’ve had good service you know what to expect from an actual professional waiter / waitress.

>How does tipping in America work?

not arguing, just stated that good waiting jobs make good money
the retarded argument is that you have any idea how US restaurants are, and that you eat in shit restaurants
big showoff with your hourly wage crap job, drunk and shitposting while at 'work'
only took me a day in your country to understand why all those women were throwing tennis balls with their phone numbers on it onto our ship, all stories went the same, even the greasiest niggers said it, 'these aussie bitches cant stand douchbag aussie men' you are a testament to that, mr 'hourlywagefag'

Hahaha, and the truth comes out. You're a shit-tier cunt that makes in several months what I make in a week.

Enjoy dodging getting fired for being pleb tier, Princess.While it's been fun getting some banter going, I better let you get back to your job, where you will wonder where you will get your next meal from.

Pro-tip - it's from the dumpster.

Tip 15-20% for good service.
Tip 20%+ for excellent service.
Tip nothing for bad service.

Cool story, bro. How long do you have on your contract before you become a welfare queen who demands free shit?

This is all correct. People saying 20% min no matter what are 12-22 and have no experience other than the last 5 years inflation ecomomy

Did I have to ask for a refill, did you forget a condiment, did you not check my food was what I ordered, did you rush my salad or appetizer, or fail to clear plates before my entree arrived. 10%

Prompt at my table, drinks first - arrived on time, appetizer came quick, salad shortly after. Entree did not show till other stuff was gone, and was hot - not from heatlamp, cleared all dirty plates throughout the evening, 15%

Veey Polite, knew how to open a wine bottle properly, interesting small talk, didn't show and ask "how y'all doing" just as a put a bite of food in, went above and beyond to fix something that wasn't his fault, or went beyond to help my kid with ordering, special adjustment, unique substitution, AND we are in a nice restaurant (table cloth, server uniform isn't just a polo, fine silverware) 20%
I was a server/bartender/manager 5+years, noone who was a real waiter believes this 20% shit min shit. Just commie gibs me dat kids. If you stand to order, at a kiosk, truck, booth, chain - 0%

10% is easy math and a nice compromise

did you mean to post a horribly disgusting brapper? why would you take a creepshot of that freakshow

Also, just don't tip, stupid workercucks chose to work in such shit conditions completely by themselves.

I work with chinese tourists. They dont tip,