Gnu Emacs General /geg/

Saint Ignucius edition

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial) (general introduction) (org-mode)
>Self Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h f (Functions)
C-h v (Variables)
>Programming in Elisp

>Packages (package repo) (short list of recs) (the big list)
>Premade Distros / Configs
Make your own (heavy) (Basic config with sane defaults)

>Muh Startup Time
use-package defer (increase GC during startup)

Previous thread:

Attached: 1532529947420.jpg (900x520, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:][Emacs][GNU][GNU][TLDP][ErgoEmacs][(Youtube)][(Youtube)][GNU][ErgoEmacs][Elisp][Melpa][Short][The][Doom][Spacemacs][Witchmacs][Increase][Emacs][Emacs][Fixing

HTML bookmarks manager for Emacs? I really need this.

How do I make good notes in Emacs? Org mode, but what kind of layout should I use?

What do you mean HTML bookmarks manager? just export all your bookmarks to an org file and format them accordingly

Up to you

I use a couple of bookmarks in my org-mode files. It's not a dedicated manager but it works well for me.

I usually use it like
* Subject
** Part of subject
** Another part of subject
** Sources
And I store all relevant bookmarks in the sources at the bottom of my subject tree.

Whatever suits you best. Maybe you want to put your tasks within the subjects themself or at the top of your file for example. Just experiment with it a bit until you find a comfy layout.

best source for learning org-mode?

Maybe watch a single youtube video for a quick overview of the general possibilities in org-mode and continue by just using it and reading the docs for additional information. The barrier of entry is really low though so you can be productive within a minute or 5.

the playlist in the OP is pretty good, this one is also nice to see

compact manual

>How do I make good notes
the formatting is up to you, but the important thing is this - if it's a task list you must prioritize it

>unix hacker FUCKS

Attached: xahman.png (512x512, 246K)


#+TITLE: Emacs General Pasta

* Wiki
- [[][Emacs Wiki]]

* Manual
- [[][GNU Emacs Manual]]

* Tutorials
- C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
- [[][GNU Emacs Tour]]
- [[][TLDP Beginner's Guide]]
- [[][ErgoEmacs Tutorial]]
- [[][(Youtube) General Introduction]]
- [[][(Youtube) Org Mode]]

* Self Documentation
- C-h k (Keybinds)
- C-h f (Functions)
- C-h v (Variables)

* Programming in Elisp
- [[][GNU Elisp Manual]]
- [[][ErgoEmacs Elisp Guide]]
- [[][Elisp Style Guide]]

* Packages
- [[][Melpa Package Repo]]
- [[][Short list of package recs]]
- [[][The Big List]]

* Premade Distros / Configs
- =Make your own=
- [[][Doom Emacs]]
- [[][Spacemacs (heavy)]]
- [[][Witchmacs (Basic config with sane defaults)]]

* Muh Startup Time
- use-package defer
- [[][Increase GC During Startup]]
- [[][Emacs as a Daemon]]
- [[][Emacs Client]]

* Muh Default Keybinds
- [[][Fixing Emacs Default Keybinds]]

Firefox exports its bookmarks as an HTML file. I need an HTML mode with url recognition to send it to a browser.

May try this but is a huge commitment and still need HTML to org mode export and back.

Today I realized M-x sounds like "emacs"



holy fuck how could I not notice that

Attached: 1514731885963.gif (195x198, 204K)

What dired setup does /geg/ use? I'm still searching for a more comfortable setup. I come from a vim background and I've use ranger quite a lot so anything in that direction might be nice.

I installed doom.
how the fuck does this work on "projects"?
it says open project, but not create? does it work with projects? how to I open a whole folder as a project?

You have to have a project file, like a Git file, or setup a .project file in the directory. I'm assuming it uses projectile.

how to nicely unbind these keys?
already tried define-key and evil-define-key but cant get it to work

OP lad you're supposed to put the general name at the beginning.

one bump before I go to sleep

As someone coming from Vim the whole 'move X number of characters/lines is very tedious

in vim you type: # you want to move, then the key bind
in emacs you have to type C-u # then C-keybind

Get evil if you feel like it

It's just the design. I don't mind it much because I use avy to move faster to where I want to go.

my 2nd day with spacemacs, it's based

Regular dired with some dired-hacks additions.

Helm or ivy

Helm is the patrician's choice.

Many Emacs advocates fall for the trap of apologizing for why Emacs is not Unixy, as though it were some sort of defect. They should celebrate the fact that Emacs doesn't come from the Unix tradition of small, composable tools and "doing only one thing and doing it well". It is rooted in the ambitious work of the MIT Artificial Intelligence lab, the LISP programming language, and the single user MIT Lisp Machine that essentially booted up to a LISP REPL.


Attached: a41325cd43b2c528.png (595x455, 69K)

nice transparent image faggot.

You posted this on /tech/ as well. Why...

Have sex

drink ςoy

checked projectile,
cloned a repo
checked jewtube "tutorial" where some faggot talked 10mins about his git.
thanks anyway man.
I'll try to find something more less useless.

Somewhat unrelated, but I figure this is my best bet.

>excited about Lisp
>install emacs
>install slime, as it's "the best Lisp IDE"
>learn emacs, difficult to get used to, but I get why people like it
>experiment with caveman2 for REST API dev
>write a list
>expect indentation
Get this, I only entered the symbols and newlines. NOTHING else.

I did not edit any configs. Yet.
If this is the best Lisp IDE there is, I'm not surprised the language lost in popularity. Atom has better indentation and it's a bloated piece of garbage.
Before someone starts defending emacs, I'm well-aware that slime is not emacs and I don't blame it for this bullshit.
Send help.

What's the issue again?

Saved this.

Attached: 1561743774223.png (1405x1047, 1.15M)

bumping best general

Xah Lee is mentally ill.

you can use M-# instead of C-u #

>Most Emacs commands accept a numeric argument; for most commands, this
>serves as a repeat-count. The way you give a command a repeat count
>is by typing C-u and then the digits before you type the command. If
>you have a META (or EDIT or ALT) key, there is another, alternative way
>to enter a numeric argument: type the digits while holding down the
>META key. We recommend learning the C-u method because it works on
>any terminal. The numeric argument is also called a "prefix argument",
>because you type the argument before the command it applies to.

Just so you know, C-u alone counts as a "universal argument", its default value is 4, but it can be changed.
I haven't used numbered arguments often, even when I used Vim, but when I do, I find it's faster to just repeat some small motion instead of typing out an exact number.
That said, there is always Evil mode or

For some reason org-mode makes me productive and diciplined. I outline the tasks for the next few days and feel really bad if haven't done or cancelled something. Thank you Emacs.

Use avy.

How does meta ecks sound like emacs?


mentally based*

to answer my own question, before you load evil-collection
(setq evil-collection-key-blacklist '("M-h" "M-j" "M-k" "M-l"))

Ok so I'm trying out evil emacs coming from vim and I tried this remapping (require 'key-chord)(key-chord-mode 1)
(key-chord-define evil-insert-state-map ",f" 'evil-normal-state). It seems to work fine but is this really necessary? I feel like there should be a less retarded way of doing this.

What's the best way to keep org mode and android in sync? I mean I'm really getting into orgmode but it would be sad if I can't export it to CVS or something else?

general provides simpler keybinds

use orgzly on android with something like syncthing or syncopoli

Wait, this isn't about the Apple Education Mac?

Attached: 300px-Apple-eMac-FL.jpg (300x291, 9K)

Thanks user

Based edition

Attached: Emacs_parts.png (1366x744, 145K)

Xah, please, stop posting links to your shitty website which can't even into HTTPS.

I am not Xah

>nooooo why did you ban me from #emacs? what do you mean i can't be an obnoxious faggot 24/7? you're all just a cult reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: unnamed(2).jpg (900x900, 66K)

tfw elpa is down right in the middle of my init deploy testing


The whole GNU website seems down...

how is wayland support now? i don't think lucid is ported, but if i use emacs-daemon with gtk will i be okay? what about xwayland?

What are some good Emacs mems?

Attached: editor-report-triplebyte.png (854x642, 146K)

When did Emacs get a logo?
I don't remember this ever and I'm an oldfag .

This confirms my worst suspicions about people who think Eclipse is a valid IDE instead of a festering pile of garbage


Attached: emacs-logo.png (600x430, 66K)

During the editor wars between vi and emacs, it was a plain text world. No one had invented the sideway GNU here that vaguely resembles the letter E.

Duh, of course. Emacs is so bad they have to make up for it by being better themselves.

this one is from 1 Feb 2001, but obviously emacs is way older than that. I dont know when the E came to be

Attached: emacs-logo.jpg (192x189, 8K)

Ah yeah, that logo takes me back to the days when Slashdot was cool and people fought about editors.

when will elpa get back wtf

PLEASE ADD CENTAUR EMACS to the premade distros/configs, author is the same guy who created DOOM MODELINE

Attached: 56474931-8bddc000-64b3-11e9-93d8-0204c3752790.png (3994x2320, 1.9M)

Have dilation

They're moving the servers and will be back soon.

I'm done, emacs is not for me

Have nano

even with a distribution? I get that you dont want to write your own config, it requires a substantial amount of autism

What happened?

Emacs isnt today you install emacs and you already have a workflow and realize everything. It took me time to figure out, i started with spacemacs and went back to vim multiple times before finally settling back on emacs and its been my best decision so far. Its like a complete IDE for many languages and you can customize everything to your own likings, its not just a simple text editor like vim. Vim is good but its too minimal.

you still on evil?

I've just discovered org-journal.
Basically, C-c C-j creates a new journal file for the date and time if there wasn't one before with no need to go into C-x C-f, and makes a new timestamp under ** for every additional C-c C-j command, also with no need to find the specific journal file. This is perfect for triplogs, where it's often a struggle to type anything at all, much less an accurate time. It'd also be good for absentmindedly jotting down passing thoughts throughout the day. My phone is full of unorganised Notes entries because I had no other place to out them or way of organising them till now.

Yes and since i started with emacs

Here is the org-source

check out org-capture as well. with a little configuration you can get the exact same functionality as org-journal, with the benefit of customizing it for different kinds of notes -- if you want to.

Thank you very much!

How can I swap windows location?
Like swap left and right, swap up and down? Someone like i3 does

Attached: 1535703558590.png (500x422, 261K)

I use the C-w binds that evil provides

If emacs is so good, why is it that only macOS comes with it bundled?
the eMac comes with emacs installed.

Is that true? It doesn't even come with most Linux distros (vim does).

I use rotate package, it also gives me option to change the layout, stacked, tiled like on some window managers

Does it come with any of the official gnu distros like guix?

It does? I thought they cut Emacs and everything else GPL'd ages ago because they were terrified of GPLv3.

Dired has a ranger mode with HJKL navigation, which sounds relevant to your interests.