How did we let this happen?
How did we let this happen?
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Let what happen?
Ads have become so commonplace and invasive that I don't even notice them anymore, I don't look at them, I don't glance at them, and I've never made a single purchase decision because I saw it on an ad.
I also block them whenever I can on my own devices and my home network.
>and I've never made a single purchase decision because I saw it on an ad.
you are the worst type of consumer you are unaware and confident that you are resistant to ads
>blocking ads that aren't visually intrusive
So you're a communist?
>I've never made a single purchase decision because I saw it on an ad
I actively avoid stuff that's being pushed in my face.
Even if it's a great deal?
All ads are visually intrusive. I guess YOU are the communist because you think my PRIVATE visual area should be publicly accessible to ad companies.
Deed to my house includes the land, air and light within it's boundaries.
If you VOLUNTARILY reflect the light from an ad against your retina, why shouldn't they profit from it?
Meh. Prices don't vary all that much and I'm not going to reward people for annoying me.
Block both ads and tracking with both a pi-hole and browser extensions. Limit tracking as much as possible and block any targeted ads that do try to make their way to you.
>add I've never made a single purchase decision because I saw it on an ad.
lol, that's pretty cute. Yes you have
Nigga you don't even know
What is confirmation bias?
Additionally, viral marketing is nothing new and neither is predictive advertising.
Ocular rape is a very serious crime please do not belittle victims of it by joking about it
When you think about it, advertising is just a type of prostitution and should be illegal outside Nevada
Stop fucking your groceries.
It's more that ads are going to become so invasive that consumerism is going to permanently occupy a place in your mind and you'll be thinking about a product that has been subliminally marketed to you and by the time you see the real advertisement, you're paranoid that they're reading your thoughts, when in reality they inceptioned those thoughts into your head.
They use algorithms to derive what you may be interested in based on your browsing history, purchasing history and recent social media activity.
Every time I go to I get ads for lingerie.
My stepdad keeps getting pornographic ads but claims he never looks at pornography
there is no good consumer. consumerism is bad period.
Full House was great
it's a shame what has happened to the Twins
full house was not great. full house was boring trash. overrated as hell.
My subconcious is not a public space for ad companies to store ads. Let's pass legislation to protect the vulnerable subconcious from predatory corporations. Elizabeth Warren 2020
Maybe you've subconsciously seen the same ads before, which then lead you to thinking about buying the product, or you watched something semi-associated with the product and google knows that this may cause interest in that product.
Their data mining is like mind reading.
>ywn nakadashi stephanie while she says how rude
why even live?
The only acceptable reasons for a price drop are because the supply has increased, or because the demand has decreased.
This. People assume this system of advertising has no impact on us. It ALWAYS is fucking with us.
she was really very cute and especially in this outfit
You just KNOW
>tfw women were never attractive
I wish I never discovered anime. Then I would have never realized this and could live in a happy illusion.
Is it possible to be cucked this hard?
Communists would either force state ads or have no ads at all.
Say that to wealthy people. Being wealthy changes your mind. You have financial security and the energy to acquire more. So in their minds, it is good.
In reality, money is a sham, and it pulls all of us further apart.
Unironically, you're thinking about it solely because of those ads, you just notice the correlation too late
Honestly though, food advertisements are the only thing that have ever affected me. But all it takes is literally a picture or video of some food.
t. skinny white kid
>visible ads
>I've never made a single purchase decision because I saw it on an ad.
You have no clue just how insidious that shit really is.