What did they mean by this?

>The Diversity Statement and the Code of Conduct are genuinely important parts of our community, and over recent years some other things have been done to make it clear that they aren't just words.

Attached: debian.png (1813x1754, 544K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Transgender or Transsexual, I don't remember
Intersex AKA hermaphrodites or futanari
Queer AKA ????
+others not worth mentioning

>the nigger flag

A is asexual


As always, they exclude BDSM.
(you can't count on us not being included in +, they do seriously hate BDSM).

>Allies on the gay flag
LMAO, true comedy.

Attached: 6plk7wu470631.png (1280x947, 471K)


there are (at least) two A. one for asexuals and another for allies (people who support these fags without being fags). there's also the P for pansexual that Jow Forums keeps mistaking for Pedosexual either because they're trolling or because they're stupid.

dude, I lost track of the acronym a long time ago, I don't even know how long the full version is now.

>What did they mean by this?
They meant "if you need any extra reasons to install Devuan bro, here it is".



Given they think they're programmers now, they should change it too...
Mentally Ill Pedos.



What is support like for Nvidya based cards...
1080 GTX

BDSM isn’t a gender though, retard

How is "Gay" a gender?

Nice, but to a potential employer or person in general you might be trying to impress, saying Devuan on a resume or in person will get you
>what is Devuan? Never heard of it, sounds gay
But if you replace that with gentoo, and the person is at all a Linux user, they might think (at least in my experience)
>oh yeah, I heard of that somewhere! Isn’t that that really hard distro where you compile stuff from source? This guy probably knows his shit

In other words, Install Gentoo

BDSM are perfectly fine identities.
Unlike these degenerates.

>bwwaaaah I don't get to be opressed

Just learn to use office.

>they do seriously hate BDSM

It's probably the idea of power exchange. Even more so if voluntary.

LGBT Is Quite Autistic +

>he person is at all a Linux user
If they're a Linux user, they will certainly know what Devuan is you fucking retard.
Get off of this board you imbecile.


I might be autistic, but I have nothing to do with LGBTrash.

they mean its time to switch away from debian

btw i use arch

No u

This. It's debian but without systemd and without people trying to shove their gender political ideals down your throat.

I seriously unironically do not understand wtf. Srsly why does any of this shit matter. Why the fuck is it relevant? Why the fuck do these people need a support centre? Im fucking bi but thats just something like "hey he looks cute but also she looks cute". Its not my fucking identity. Wtf? Why are people so obsessed over this shit. I had a discussion the other day cause I defended the dont ask dont tell rule in the US military. Why the fuck do you need to know someone likes vagine or penis in order to trust them???? ITS JUST THE FUCKING GENITALS YOU LIKE WTF ACT NORMAL YOU FUCKING RETARDS HOLY SHIT.

What better way to target hate crime and bigotry than to go for the hotpot cesspit: autistic free software developer communities.

In the long run I guess, the idea is this will encourage some sort of utopia community of tolerance. No longer will one be afraid to contribute to free software because of the pepe memes, we're all in this together! r...right?

Yeah the community with die hard free speech believers (pretty much me only limit for me is incitement of violence). If you cant handle words you truelly are just a massive fucking pussy. why dont they just kill themselves? They obviously cant handle life. Srsly people need to toughen the fuck up.

The power of free software hahahahahaha

I can see why Ian Murdock killed himself now. Trans people are out to destroy every project.

Your group started this slippery slope. Enjoy the ride.

Lays Guesbians Bransgender Triassicsexual Internally-conflicted Quail-man A+-certificate-holder

Attached: 1561699840764.jpg (720x499, 25K)


Soon it will be a 1 foot long name using all caracters we know and may have new caracters cause they want to be uniques !!!

>identifying as a non-character

>exclude all white and asian men

its an obvious act of sabotage and 'tolerant' retards will not oppose it

The fuck you on about my group????

Most people form their identity around things that they ARE, and have no control over (country of birth, sexual orientation), and from other people (sports teams, celebs, where their ancestors come from). Most people do not derive their identity from things that they DO or have done, such as major accomplishments. It's probably not a conscious thing, but it leads to some silly behaviours.

Attached: 1561121903919.jpg (850x1200, 166K)

literal NPC

Yeah but ffs. I can kinda get country a bit cause patriotism. But besides that its all stupid. I just cant with this shit. Maybe Im too autistic, maybe they are too autistic. I dont know I just cant understand these people.

>there are (at least) two A. one for asexuals and another for allies
What about aliens then? Or are they discriminating just because of a desire to probe four legged domestic animals? Outrageous.