What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It became more about how gay you were than how practical you were

Jobs died. He might not have been an egomaniacal marketer, but he had high standards and preferred to trash projects than to release anything that didn't meet those standards. It sometimes had consequence (lack of fans in the Mac III, iphone 4 antenna issues) but overall Apple products during his era were really innovative (other companies stuff that never made it into the market doesn't count) and really, really good. It all went to hell in the yeas since his death though. People can say whatever they want, seeing how things are going since, he had to play a huge role in the company.

Apple stopped focusing on computers and moved all their R&D budget to toys such as the iPhone. This was the main reason for the Intel switch; it was easier and cheaper to use off-the-shelf components than to design entire systems centered around the particular architecture of a chip. OS X started declining with Snow Leopard (despite what most people think, Snow Leopard's "optimizations" consisted solely of the removal of PowerPC code and designable.nib files that were "accidentally" left over in Leopard).
Apple hasn't been a computer company since 2005. They've been a fashion accessory company since then.

They ran out of WW2 German Tanks to name their Ones

MacOS 10.7, then 10.10.
Also iOS becoming the new cash cow, completing taking away apple's and developers' eyes off macOS as a platform.
That completely killed macOS. It barely has any exclusive software now. There is some windows cross platform software that runs much worse on macOS and there are Linux tools which run much worse on macOS because GTK's support for non-Linux operating systems is bad and nobody tests on macOS.

Truly, the OS has seen better days. The only reason to get a mac nowadays is to program for iOS.

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It was comfy when I had a 2006 iMac around 2008. Loved that computer more than anything. Around 2010 my bitch of an ex-gf (then current gf) was cleaning out the desk that the iMac was on and in the process of cleaning out the drawers had them all pulled out and the desk tipped and the iMac had the screen shattered.

I have a Hackintosh capable computer now that cost a whole hell of a lot less than a comparable iMac, but the process is a pain and the OS just isn't commendable enough to spend all the effort tweaking to make it sort of work. Maybe if I had bought an Apple it would make sense to run it.

I think is right, iOS stole the thunder of OS X/macOS so now it's playing second fiddle.


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mac failed because they only have one mouse button

It all failed because Tim cuck and the lack of innovation

iOS and the tablet/smartphone revolution.

>What went wrong?
With literally the fastest most usable OS. Let me guess you use arch

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Name a single linux DE that is not trash and I'll switch today.
Guessed as much.

It's even slower than Windows 10 and needs 2.5gb of RAM to idle on the desktop. That's on a 4 gig RAM system, too.

>needs 2.5gb of RAM to idle
This has nothing to do with the OS. Since Intel shit the bed, applications like chrome resort to caching a lot of data to stay performant. If you don't have at least 8GB I don't know what you're doing on this board.

Can you read? The bare fucking OS needs that much. For a while my only working computer was a 2011 Macbook Pro 13 so I just had to deal with that faggotry. Fuckin thing would lock HARD for 10 minutes or until I rebooted it because of running out of RAM and SWAP.

> My OS is using the RAM available to it REEEEEEEEE
get clued, this is a *good* thing retard. Modern OS's anticipate future activity and loads thing as needed to increase responsiveness

Bull fucking shit. At no point did Mac OSX ever budge below using 2-2.5 gigs of RAM. It needs that much to run fucking at all.

yup, apparently common knowledge is rare to come by on a supposedly "enthusiast" forum.

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Oh sweetie no no no. Have you actually owned a 2011 Macbook Pro? If not, why are you arguing with someone that has? Your opinion is worth less than his experience. Stay in your lane, honey.

You're full of shit. The cache meme is a cope for bloatfags. "Responsive" is the last word I'd use to describe OSX, but shit that doesn't have a ridiculous memory footprint definitely is.

iJeet defense force incoming

they started implementing social features like built-in contacts and instant sharing without authentication after OS X 10.7

Bertrand Serlet left and they moved the most competent programmers to iOS.

10.7 Lion is where they began to integrate iOS-like features into the desktop, beginning to lock it down.

font rendering - catalina
pajeet design - catalina
besides that nothing

This. Went to the patent office to patent my diamond but plugs. But the patent office told me sorry apple already patented everything for rich assholes.

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>social media, the OS

Ran out of cats
Also, it died the moment they decided on mountain lion. FFS, you can't have a cat higher than regular lion. Should have moved on to.... California trees

Is that Satania ?

t. retard who has only used Windows and GNU

Real Unix handles RAM differently.

>when someone says "OS Ex" instead of "OS Ten"

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unironically this
