What’s up with these suduko puzzles I keep seeing all over the board?

What’s up with these suduko puzzles I keep seeing all over the board?

Sometimes I’ll reply to a thread and in response I’ll get a puzzle. Is this some new meme I am not aware of?

Attached: 2D274A27-53B2-4B4A-BEDA-33A08E8C8CE4.png (1366x768, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuck are you talkimg about?

the puzzles

Nobody asked you tripfagging tranny

what puzzles dude

>being so new he's never used CAPTCHA

the puzzles

>Windows 7 hosting Windows 98 hosting Windows 95 for PC-98 in order to play Mystic Square.
Have a lot of time, op?

he is doing a better job than I am

Attached: 2019-07-01-223111_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 1.22M)

Two threads I was in, some cunt asking for OSCP dumps and some guy asking about how to make a runescape bit. I in both of these threads received a suduko puzzle as a reply, with no context or anything else

It was strange



So is this thread basically saying no one else has had this happen to them?

oh, so OP is just some zoomer who doesn't understand the "commit sudoku" maymay

Ha, that’s clever. But it feels different. It feels more targeted.

just use wine holy shit

Don't worry OP, my parents always ask me questions about "pokemen" and "ching chong cartoons". It's all a normal part of being old.

might as well post a new puzzle

Attached: sudoku.png (303x297, 13K)

Best part for me is that windows 95 is running on a PC-98 emulator that is running a PC-98 emulator.

Dump some more

Post the most difficult ones you have

What even is the purpose of running Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 on a PC-98 emulator? Don't all Windows applications run the same on NEC compatible (with an Intel 80286 or higher) and IBM compatible computers, with a possible difference in sound hardware?

>commut suicide
>commit seppuku
>commit sudoku
the glow in the darks are doing a psyop to kill us

Jokes aside, sudoku is fun, I wouldn't worry about it myself.

Attached: Capture.png (303x303, 23K)

>It's all a normal part of being old.
Pls no I’m only 28

>Don't all Windows applications run the same on NEC compatible (with an Intel 80286 or higher) and IBM compatible computers,
No. Japanese porn games will only run on Japanese operating systems. These must be carefully emulated

based touhou schizo poster

I still implied using the Japanese version of Windows (in the case of Win3.1, running on top of a DOS version with the DOS/V extension), which from my perspective gives no difference on the userspace API (except for the obvious things such as codepage breakage on an English version) no matter if it's running on PC-98 or PC/x86.
There has even been NT4 and Win2k for PC-98, which handles the distinction the NT way in the HAL.