How bad is your social anxiety?
How bad is your social anxiety?
usually bad
very bad, can't talk to people without blushing, shake like i have parkinsons or some shit, cant look people in the eyes, dont leave house unless theres a fire
bad enough that i dont leave mu house
thats a loaded question
im too epic to have social anxiety
It's manageable
very very bad, im afraid of going outside
>social anxiety
meme disorder
it don't real
why do people say things like this, what do you know about psychiatry
let me rephrase that
social anxiety is real, but most of the people who claim to have it are full of shit
Not sure if I have social anxiety for if I just really hate other people
If I'm with someone I know, it usually fades away. But when I'm alone, I just get the urge to wanna run back inside my house.
Nah, that's just a future school shooter.
so is it the person whos responsible for their social anxiety or the groups / individuals they're interacting with whos behaviour is in question?
they're just pretending to be uncomfortable around people?
Both. I can talk normally and feel at ease when I'm talking in front of my family, but the moment I talk to people I barely know, I seize up.
i can't initiate any conversation besides with people i know and i'm scared to move my leg or arms even a little when near other people and afraid i might maybe be blinking to much etc.
Not in school, not going to shoot up a school because I'm not one of the people that I hate, I holy fuck do I hate school shooters. I understand bullying can get real bad or not having your familey love you can suck or that drugs can fuck with your brain but holy fuck shooting up a school is not the right way to solve problems
i am also like this, its very annoying. I end up focusing a lot on just sitting and listening then i feel weird because i didn't have anything to say but i was just trying to be polite. Over lots and lots of time though i've found it goes away with groups but this means i have to spend a lot of time with a group of people until i can start to feel able to interact in a good way which isn't really possible when you've just met people or rarely meet them. Sometimes its very bad and i feel like i've seized up and I want to be alone more than anything but then i feel bad when I'm alone for not making an effort. When its good its good though and i've found its best not to rely on things like drink to interact as it never ends well! :( / :)
I usually avoid social situations that bring on the anxiety. Its kinda of a wierd torture, that i want to be friends with people but too anxious to do so
Depends. One on one I'm generally fine, especially in private. In groups, my anxiety is written all over my face, based on how people react to me. Functioning becomes difficult. Also struggle with women more than men. Working on it tho.
i have irl friends and i like being with my friends but i'm really bad at talking
it used to be very bad, but it has mostly gone away, I'm still socially awkward though
Not a problem unless she is involved
I’ll take the bait, who is this “she”?
Oddly enough, I find it easier to talk in groups than to talk to people on-on-one.
Hard for me to get to know people, nowdays.
Other than that its ok and doesn't give me much trouble.
fucking bad, I'm kind of mid functioning autist with schizoid tendencies, can't carry on anything remotely like a standard conversation with normies, can't even relate that well the other "crazy" people I know
pretty bad
This for me as well.
Imagin being so fucking pathetic that you get nervous by being around other people. The idea of social 'anxiety' is motherfucking joke and is an excuse for faggots to act like autist in public. All of you faggots who claim to have fucking social anxiety are filled with fucking horse shit.
Did a person with social anxiety rape you at gunpoint?
I have serious doubts that an autist with """social anxiety""" can even get an erection to begin with. Those faggots can barely leave their house, how do you expect them to fucking rape someone at gunpoint?
Good point actually.
With family and my only friend, I'm often the most confident person in the room.
With one-on-one conversations and rare tinder dates, I can tread water and come off as a normal shy virgin.
With groups of people and co-workers, I never utter a word unless absolutely necessary and when I do I stammer/shake.
Low-Testosterone beta faggot.
Too depressed to have anxiety.
Stfu retard you're not me I'll bash your head in you. Disgusting fuck.
i dont have social anxiety
Thank you
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