How do i get a gf

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Start by talking to them.

ask /b/

wont girls think its weird that you're talking to their hole?

I rather compile code on gentoo than speak to a filthy lower ranking human being as is a woman.

is that jennifer lawrence?

Get a whore instead, if you are lonely start talking with your family and start making friends

Network on Jow Forumstraaaaaaannnnnnnnnns

Talk to THEM, not their hole.
I think this is a lost case.

that seems to be what google is saying

yea weird how i could make it out just from the head

I've never seen this before. What does it do?


It's not hard to guess even if you didn't recognize her, it literally says "the fappening" on the picture.

Today I tried asking a girl out. Didn't get the devastating rejection I was expecting. Instead got lukewarm evasiveness. But while I was doing it I realized I'm beyond boring, and that it's just natural people don't want to talk to me.

Just venting in soon to be deleted thread.

i don't know what that is though
I mean, didn't till now

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Download a Chad brain OS. If that didn't work, upgrade current chassis with muscles.

Bottom hole gives your dick the best massage ever, top hole covers it in shit.

This is a 18+ site.

It's her for sure.

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Its her shitty curly short ponytail.

None of the other celebs are as ugly as her either.


i'm older than u fag, just don't look up celeb nudes online

tripfag has YET ANOTHER awful opinion

Stop trying to break my nofap and noporn you retard.

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Sadly the bulk of posters is highschooler Zoomer, followed by a shitton of Mexicans and Pajeets in America, and then some totally clusterfuck unironically sanatorium tier 45yo+ damaged blue collar Gen X-ers. But the older guys are 5% max. More genuine homos here tbqh.

No user, this has nothing to do with who'se older, but you being a newfag. The Fappening was only a few years ago and it was huge here. It's mind-boggling if you don't know it and have been here at least a few months.

The average poster here is between 16 and 24, usually 20. At least as far Jow Forums goes.

>calls people underage
>is wrong
>calls people newfags
>admits to being literally a newfag

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a bit too wide

imagine the smell

jennifer lawrence is hot

usually cream cheese

imagine having such little discipline that not masturbating feels like an accomplishment

yeah - sure thing gramps

Well most Zoomers will be like that age range. I base it on the pictures guys upload of themselves on Jow Forums, /soc/, Jow Forums. Then when you talk to them most are oblivious of basic daily stuff like a kid that gets pampered by parents.

seeking girlfriends can only lead in two directions: (1) to inevitable breakup and chaos, or (2) to marriage, then either 50% of divorce (chaos and pain) or 50% you live with someone you mutually hate until you die (chaos, pain, arguments, endless torture).

i.e. All choices involving a GF lead to shit

Basically, forget it and go treat yourself with all the money you'll save on the GF/marriage/divorce/children.

I literally know of Jow Forums because of her nudes.

This, how can people not know about Fappening and browse Jow Forums?


hi incel!

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Life isn't as black and white, I recommend going out more user. You sound like you're on the road to sadness and possible depression categorizing things like this.

have sex

>mfw 10 years of fapping solely to 2D made me immune to 3DPD

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very carefully

>I literally know of Jow Forums because of her nudes.

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