/mpv/ - the Jow Forumsreatest media player



Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts:

Basic setup


Advanced setup


Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Stable: mpv.srsfckn.biz/
Git: sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/

Attached: 1mpv2504469369235.png (1200x855, 362K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Is there a way to convert rgb video/images to yuv on playback for scaling with krigbilateral and FSRCNN?

Is it possible to make mpv always use the file name as window title instead of the title in the metadata ?

You forgot to add this part OP.

Windows: mpv-net.github.io/mpv.net-web-site/
Mac: iina.io/
Linux: celluloid-player.github.io/

mpv --vf format=yuva444p

I didn't forget to add bloatware.

ERSGAN when?


more like this shit: xinntao.github.io/projects/EDVR#results

I see no bloat here. Just a working front-end for mpv.

Attached: mpvnet.png (256x256, 7K)

t. stax76

biggest meme on the internet

try this build.

Attached: mpvdotnet.png (2077x1253, 1.91M)

Just tried this. Can't believe how much easier it made for me using mpv.

SMPlayer works with mpv, too. It's what I've been using since I switched to mpv from mplayer.
Should I switch front-ends? If so, why?

Because mpv.net is as close to vanilla mpv. It is compatible with most of the userscripts, can still use the CLI, and the same config file. The only difference is that you get a new icon, context menu, settings and input GUI.

Attached: C&T_mpvnet.png (1280x2870, 3.05M)

Is the font fixed already?

Does mpv.net work with youtube-dl too?

Yes. It also has integration with Everything(provided that you already have that installed) to search media files.

Attached: MediaSearch.png (1800x900, 125K)

>project website is github
>repository is github
>no distro packages
>.NET in the name like Microshit cancer
Absolutely trash.

Attached: iu.gif (400x311, 3M)

No thanks.
I'll stick with what I got.

It's not

Attached: file.png (1440x1080, 631K)

Does mpv.net run on Linux? There's mono?


No. If you want a mpv front-end for linux just go with celluloid.

Linux is s kernel. You mean GNU/Linux.

Attached: mpvnet_oogabooga.png (900x557, 175K)

Can you use mpv as a music player, like configure it somehow to show playlists libraries and album art? If not, what music player is best for linux, windows, and mac respectively?

stop false flagging shill, you're pathetic

there might be an userscript for playlist management
its shows album art by default

>everyone that post about liking mpv.net is a falseflag or a shill
grow up

>everyone that posts about liking mpv.net and sounds like a salesman is a falseflag or a shill
Fixed that for you.

why should I use this over MPCHC?

What a miracle

you name your things, i name my things


tranny shills on suicide watch

mpv is just better in every way.

Attached: mpcweak.png (607x608, 330K)

explain these ways

Honestly what is the problem with VLC? One of the few programs on Linux i never had a single issue with...

>deprecated software
>tech antique
>washed out colors
>worst quality videos
>click for more...

VLC was only good back in the 2000's because video codecs were a bitch to install.

>deprecated software
works for me
>tech antique
not an argument
>washed out colors
not a problem anymore (it never was desu)
>worst quality videos
it's not 2011 anymore user

I'm a mpv user but, honestly, vlc works well enough for most users in most cases. No need to spread bullshit.

It's more likely to produce corrupted playback than any other big media player and configuring it for high quality output is a nightmare. Also wasn't there just recently a big security issue?

>Has no need for codec packs
>Comes already with the equivalent of filters
>Better performance
>Extendable with user scripts
>There is the option of using front-ends if you are into GUIs.
Just to name a few.

>No need to spread bullshit.
I totally pwned your arguments, retard.

>it never was

But MPC comes with a fuck load of filters, and the performance is stellar. why should I switch then

Re-read the greentext. This time slowly.

I am using mpv on linux with an nvida card. What the fuck should I do with my config file?

Just tried it. Absolutely SHIT GUI, only upside is it loads half a millisecond faster.

what are you quoting you low iq faggot. Do you even have any read comprehension?

The GUI is supposed to be minimal. Anyways, read the OP for more info. Don't be shy to ask questions. This is a mpv general thread after all.

it was a solvable problem with a couple of clicks through the nvidia control panel
Nowadays, you don't even need to do that.

>i-it's supposed to be terrible with no options
nice try

Attached: 1543277137978.png (924x560, 44K)

>no options
But it has more than other players. And it is way more customizable. You can make 1 keybind do 5 different things if you wanted.


Also, it probably has the best documentation. I've learned what the settings actually do before just blindly checking a box buried in submenus.

What's with this obsession with minimalism over convenience? I'm sticking with MHC-HC for now. It just works.

>right click for endless options
>download subtitles
>on top + 1 key = kino viewing experience

MPV can fuck off.

>how am I supposed to watch videos with only play/pause, go to previous/next playlist item, go to previous/next chapter, cycle through subtitles/audio streams, volume control, toggle fullscreen and a seekbar?


Attached: 1559745557773.jpg (961x759, 97K)

>single left mouse click has no function in MPV

You're so closed minded. Or you seriously don't understand how robust mpv is. In which case you can fuck right off.

it's shit, don't let that upset you

If you don't like the defaults then change them, genius.

Or I can stick with the superior video player that has sensible default options, and is overall the better viewing experience as a consequence.

How to enable 60 fps?

Attached: Cover.jpg (1500x1317, 503K)

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Attached: Life Untouched 4K Demo_00_02_34_0001.jpg (3840x2160, 1.56M)

play a 60fps video

>how am I supposed to watch videos without being able to open a menu?

look you little fetus, are you honestly going to sit there in your stale fart chair and tell me having options is somehow a bad thing?

r8 my config


>I don't understand the difference between having options and graphical menus

None of you niggers even understand how to configure mpv. You just think editing a config file instead of changing some setting in a gui makes you some kind of leet super hacker instead of a sad friendless neet.


I could be a better MPV shill than you fags, maybe they should be paying me.

>posts in an mpv thread
>becomes passive aggresive because he's surrounded by mpv fans
You're a really clever one, aren't you?

Actually one of you shills posted a "MPC-HC is dead" thread and hopped over here afterwards.

>I could be a better MPV shill than you fags, maybe they should be paying me.
t. "muh defaults" IE user
Why ask why you should use MPV (in an MPV thread) if you're just going to be a delusional fag and shill MPC?

Show me where I shilled MPCHC? you fags can't help yourselves but post the official link in nearly ever post you make about it MPV.

I keep asking for help with mov in these threads and you fags can't even answer my questions. Why is the default mpv config file for linux set to use mesa? Is this mesa default referring to the amd open source drivers? Should I change it to something else if I have an nvida card? If so what?

>>right click for endless options
You don't even know the limitations of a GUI for menus lel
FYI, you do not have endless options. If anything, mpv does.
>download subtitles
What is the point of this statement? Are you implying mpv can't? Because you're wrong.
>on top +1 key = kino viewing experience
Again, what the fuck does that have to do with what I said? mpv can do that plus more.

the default is no hwdec.

All graphics on linux use mesa except for nvidia's special snowflake proprietary crap. You basically have to cross your fingers and hope it works.

Is it possible to have a directory tree in the mpv window? Is it in the documentation?

What mpv lacks:
proper playlist management
that's it.

mhmm... Ya sure?

Attached: serveimage.png (1920x1080, 27K)

The shit player can not play modern file up to modern standards. Can't make use a fucking $400 4k/HDR TV.

MPV is a sad case of memes>reality.

>$400 HDR
Its shit.
You'll be better off with sdr content on that monitor

>and contrast, brightness, and speed controls

Proper HDR support and the ability to show DVD/Blu-Rays menus would also be nice though.

>no 60fps
>no 4K

>incel spotted


>What mpv lacks
nothing important

ask the devs fucker

Cool, didn't realise that.
How do you set that up? I use Everything but that media search funtion isn't bringing up results for some reason


>Advanced setup
>in-built scalers