Just tried this. Can't believe how much easier it made for me using mpv.
Austin Young
SMPlayer works with mpv, too. It's what I've been using since I switched to mpv from mplayer. Should I switch front-ends? If so, why?
Sebastian Sanders
Because mpv.net is as close to vanilla mpv. It is compatible with most of the userscripts, can still use the CLI, and the same config file. The only difference is that you get a new icon, context menu, settings and input GUI.
Can you use mpv as a music player, like configure it somehow to show playlists libraries and album art? If not, what music player is best for linux, windows, and mac respectively?
Jacob Torres
stop false flagging shill, you're pathetic
Ethan Gonzalez
there might be an userscript for playlist management its shows album art by default
Ryan Turner
>everyone that post about liking mpv.net is a falseflag or a shill grow up
Henry Gray
>everyone that posts about liking mpv.net and sounds like a salesman is a falseflag or a shill Fixed that for you.
Honestly what is the problem with VLC? One of the few programs on Linux i never had a single issue with...
Parker Ward
>deprecated software >tech antique >washed out colors >worst quality videos >click for more...
Robert Gonzalez
VLC was only good back in the 2000's because video codecs were a bitch to install.
Benjamin Perry
>deprecated software works for me >tech antique not an argument >washed out colors not a problem anymore (it never was desu) >worst quality videos it's not 2011 anymore user
I'm a mpv user but, honestly, vlc works well enough for most users in most cases. No need to spread bullshit.
Lucas Murphy
It's more likely to produce corrupted playback than any other big media player and configuring it for high quality output is a nightmare. Also wasn't there just recently a big security issue?
Gavin Ross
>Has no need for codec packs >Comes already with the equivalent of filters >Better performance >Extendable with user scripts >There is the option of using front-ends if you are into GUIs. Just to name a few.
Julian Anderson
>No need to spread bullshit. I totally pwned your arguments, retard.
Thomas Turner
>it never was False.
Aiden Walker
But MPC comes with a fuck load of filters, and the performance is stellar. why should I switch then
Dominic Mitchell
Re-read the greentext. This time slowly.
Adrian Barnes
I am using mpv on linux with an nvida card. What the fuck should I do with my config file?
Eli Scott
Just tried it. Absolutely SHIT GUI, only upside is it loads half a millisecond faster.
Henry Jenkins
what are you quoting you low iq faggot. Do you even have any read comprehension? also >pwned filtered
Bentley Morales
The GUI is supposed to be minimal. Anyways, read the OP for more info. Don't be shy to ask questions. This is a mpv general thread after all.
Adrian Russell
it was a solvable problem with a couple of clicks through the nvidia control panel Nowadays, you don't even need to do that.
Cameron Turner
>i-it's supposed to be terrible with no options nice try
Also, it probably has the best documentation. I've learned what the settings actually do before just blindly checking a box buried in submenus.
Jose Walker
What's with this obsession with minimalism over convenience? I'm sticking with MHC-HC for now. It just works.
Ayden Lopez
MPC-HC >right click for endless options >download subtitles >on top + 1 key = kino viewing experience
MPV can fuck off.
Easton Watson
>how am I supposed to watch videos with only play/pause, go to previous/next playlist item, go to previous/next chapter, cycle through subtitles/audio streams, volume control, toggle fullscreen and a seekbar?
>how am I supposed to watch videos without being able to open a menu?
James Hill
look you little fetus, are you honestly going to sit there in your stale fart chair and tell me having options is somehow a bad thing?
Camden Rodriguez
r8 my config profile=gpu-hq hwdec=vaapi
#yt-dl ytdl-format="bestvideo[height
Parker Edwards
>I don't understand the difference between having options and graphical menus
Jaxon Bailey
None of you niggers even understand how to configure mpv. You just think editing a config file instead of changing some setting in a gui makes you some kind of leet super hacker instead of a sad friendless neet.
Jace Reyes
Jose Gray
I could be a better MPV shill than you fags, maybe they should be paying me.
Jace Ward
>posts in an mpv thread >becomes passive aggresive because he's surrounded by mpv fans You're a really clever one, aren't you?
Joshua Butler
Actually one of you shills posted a "MPC-HC is dead" thread and hopped over here afterwards.
Ethan Thompson
>I could be a better MPV shill than you fags, maybe they should be paying me. t. "muh defaults" IE user Why ask why you should use MPV (in an MPV thread) if you're just going to be a delusional fag and shill MPC?
Jason Stewart
Show me where I shilled MPCHC? you fags can't help yourselves but post the official link in nearly ever post you make about it MPV.
Hudson Hernandez
I keep asking for help with mov in these threads and you fags can't even answer my questions. Why is the default mpv config file for linux set to use mesa? Is this mesa default referring to the amd open source drivers? Should I change it to something else if I have an nvida card? If so what?
Matthew Kelly
>MPC-HC >>right click for endless options You don't even know the limitations of a GUI for menus lel FYI, you do not have endless options. If anything, mpv does. >download subtitles What is the point of this statement? Are you implying mpv can't? Because you're wrong. >on top +1 key = kino viewing experience Again, what the fuck does that have to do with what I said? mpv can do that plus more.