Good day, commonfolk. I, the plague doctor of Jow Forums, seem to have been slacking off these past few weeks on my duties. That was mainly due to finals, but now that I’ve done them all, I have returned to cure you all of the gay. Tell of of your symptoms.
Good day, commonfolk. I, the plague doctor of Jow Forums...
Sometimes I wish I had a vagina to know how it feels to orgasm as a female
All Canadians are gay dog rapists lol
I occasionally shitpost, and everyone calls me a faggot.
>pink id
>Canadian flag
doc you need to cure yourself
The pedo doctor has fled to Canada
Canada is good business, The Gay is quite widespread here.
this thread
We all do, but we all have to face reality at one point
Yeah pretty much
What kind of shitposts?
No, it’s just that service thinks I’m in Canada for some reason
Thank you for letting me know of this thread.
Official Gay Profile, it's still a WIP
reality is cringe
What’s the diagnosis on happy day?
As big moutache man said, “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” although the temptation of the gay is alluring, you must stick to your guns and carry ever forward.
Not gay, but displaying dangerous symptoms.
>the temptation of the gay is alluring
oh no
no no no no
Oh thank goodness, he’s one of the original posters, and I wouldn’t want to see him lost
I may hah recorded that wrong. Have you come for a checkup?
I've never been tempted to do homosexual because i am a cissy
howdy doc.
Seems a bit contradictory, innit?
Howdy. What are you up to on this fine Friday evening?
Holy shit autocorrect is whack. I said may have worded that wrong.
>be american
Am I right guys?
no becaus i am cis gener
>be American
holy shit don't finish it my sides are already in ruin
Being hungry and hiding in my room. Yourself?
Well, that’s good, I guess
>posting anime girls
Something you’re not telling me?
It all starts with this...
my wife nyaruko is so cute?
i do like trans women tough aaaaaaah
Listening to the minecraft beta soundtrack. It’s bretty good.
Added to my profile as an asterisked sign - you have the gay.
i post pictures of anime girls on a board used exclusively homosexuals
am i at risk of big gay?
get yeeted nerb
Based shadow poster
Oh no, he’s got Singapore disease
Now this is a problem. Here, take this honey comb and grind it to a powder, than rub it in your eyes directly. When the bees attempt to build a hive on your face, let them. Come back to me once a fully grown hive has formed
I have to say, you already HAVE the big gay. Now, have you been feeling anything occurring in your body over the past few days?
get diagnosed fag
>Now this is a problem. Here, take this honey comb and grind it to a powder, than rub it in your eyes directly. When the bees attempt to build a hive on your face, let them. Come back to me once a fully grown hive has formed
natropathic medicine is cringe
A jewel containing the ultimate power...
t. faggot
the true ultimate power is frendship
So are you. Take the bee shit and go.
>calling me a faggot
Okay, singapore
no at all, mr. plague doctor
nothing more gay than usual
oh no, please spare us
Well, what are these usual gay symptoms?
>the temptation of the gay is alluring
This is you.
Making threads for gay people to come and be gay in, also you.
Repeatedly spamming gayposting threads off the board, metaphorically murdering one of the gay kingpins with a snowshovel, turning gayposters into anti-gayposters and strongarming this guy into not gayposting for a whole month
well, that was me before I stopped caring.
but have fun telling yourself that I'm some kind of chonger, queerlord.
>repeatedly spamming
Not really, I haven’t made an anti gay thread in several days.
My name is Shadow. I’m this board’s ultimate poster. There’s no times for games, farewell
i just took a nice pee lol
1, 4, 6, 7, 14, 18.
>6 out of 7 needed for gay diagnosis
Careful now.
No, don’t warn him. Diagnosis is more or less a waiting game for the seventh symptoms
Thank you for blessing our thread.
When did I deny being gay, and whom did I impersonate?
Are you gay?
But if I don't warn him, he will slip into the gay and I wouldn't be a good Doktor in that instance.
the real Rage Leaf - you mentioned that he came back to tell you to stop impersonating him.
inb4 you were Rage Leaf all this time
>When did I deny being gay,
So you admit it then?
oh yeah happy holidays/merry christmas whichever you pathetic humans prefer
Fair enough
I fap to cute boys occasionally, even though I'm mostly attracted to woman. How do I fix this doc?
What’s so special about solitary bees?
Solitary bees vary considerably in size, appearance and where they choose to nest. Roughly 70% are called mining bees and nest in underground burrows. Bees that nest in houses are called cavity nesting bees.
Do not live in colonies, produce honey or have a queen.
Do not produce wax to construct the cells inside the nest instead different species use different materials to construct their cells and nests.
Drink nectar directly from the flower and spend most of their time collecting pollen which is mixed with a small amount of nectar as food for their young.
Are fantastic pollinators: a single red mason bee is equivalent to 120 worker honeybees in the pollination it provides.
Do not have pollen baskets for carrying pollen, meaning that each time they visit a flower they lose far more pollen than social bees, which makes them much better pollinators
Provide each larvae with everything it needs but they do not tend to the young as they grow and never get to see their offspring emerge.
Are non-aggressive and do not swarm.
Safe around children and pets.
People were calling me Rage Leaf. I never impersonated him though. He was mistaken.
I'm not going to slip into the gay, because unlike a certain homosexual, I don't find "the temptation of the gay" to be "alluring.
What’s so special about solitary bees?
Solitary bees vary considerably in size, appearance and where they choose to nest. Roughly 70% are called mining bees and nest in underground burrows. Bees that nest in houses are called cavity nesting bees.
Do not live in colonies, produce honey or have a queen.
Do not produce wax to construct the cells inside the nest instead different species use different materials to construct their cells and nests.
Drink nectar directly from the flower and spend most of their time collecting pollen which is mixed with a small amount of nectar as food for their young.
Are fantastic pollinators: a single red mason bee is equivalent to 120 worker honeybees in the pollination it provides.
Do not have pollen baskets for carrying pollen, meaning that each time they visit a flower they lose far more pollen than social bees, which makes them much better pollinators
Provide each larvae with everything it needs but they do not tend to the young as they grow and never get to see their offspring emerge.
Are non-aggressive and do not swarm.
Safe around children and pets.
You must first remove the offending source of the temptations from yourself. If you have cute boy pics saved, delete them.
If Jow Forums itself is causing you to be gay, then leave the site and do more stuff IRL.
Take these sandals. They are fitted witch racks at the bottom. If you stomp the heads of 3 infant children, Give them to me, and I will cure you.
I'll be keeping you under observation. Dangerous symptoms require analysis and observation.
Haha very good, the hive seems to be growing quite well.
On the subject, shouldn't requesting pictures from men as a preferred form of payment for services rendered be on the list as PRETTY FUCKING GAY?
Help, Canadian PD! I was bestowed the title of plague doctor in my ID even though it's not my passion to be one. What do?
Lerl, yes it should.
solitary bees don't have hives though
It means that have you been bestowed with a duty to wipe out all gays in your thread.
Yet you seem to be giving Sligo f facts about bees. Maybe the bees are inside of you?
Giving facts*
I have translated the works of karl marx into bee language and now they are revolting against the monarchy
Seizes the bees of production.
the monarchy is using the guards to take down the protest
the monarchy has blamed the transgender bees as a scapegoat for the problems in the hive
*5. Requesting pictures from men as a preferred form of payment for services rendered.
*5A. Sending pictures to said requestee as payment for services rendered.
>You test positive for 5A
You dun goofed leaf xdddddddddddddddd
there is a fascist movement going between the upper middle bee class and the aristocracy
Go on
the fascist bees are rounding up the communist and transgender bees for concentration camps.
I don't care if your stupid chart says I'm gay as long as the innocence of cute girls is protected.
they are systematically extincting the trans bees
At the the trans bees are being taken care of
they have declared war on another bee hive, claiming that it is their property
Hive war 1 confirmed?
that beehive is called breetan
Yeah, two blatant homosexuals accusing me of being gay just gets me so mad.
bretan is fighting back but the facist bees are low on resources so they attack another hive in hopes of taking their flowers to fule the war machine
Stay mad
bretan convinces the united states of poo to help
the bssr joins to help defeat facism
>caring about 2d pictures
But you didn't deny it.
they all totally cuch the facist bee party llol
but quote-chan
now i have no bees left in my eyes