realistically, how will the RTX 2070 "Super" compete with a high end 1080Ti in games that are not using the meme RT cores?
wtf, I was planning on selling my 1080ti for it
1080Ti will rape the shit out of it in rasterised games
Probably similar, later in its lifespan it should be optimized enough to surpass it
Nobody has ever said this. RTX is currently a waste of time.
look at these shills not include the 1080Ti in their benchmarks
that 1080ti purchase back when it was cheap aged like fine wine.
>aged like fine wine
No it didn't, the performance stayed the same meanwhile Nvidia released overpriced garbage for nvidiots that's why the 1080ti is still competitive.
Why do /v/edditors continue to make these threads
yo bros what's a good radeon upgrade from a 1050?
Vega 56. Best value "higher end" card right now. Thrice the performance for 240-300$.
Same performance, basically. The 2070 Super's MSRP is $100 less than the 1080 Ti's if that means anything at all.
I currently have a 1060 would I need a RTX? I don't plan to game much in the near future but I'm looking forward to put hours on end in 2077
do you seriously HAVE to buy a card now and make the higher prices valid?
do you *need* a new GPU? I didn't say want, I said need
To get really good visuals and/or frames you'd need to pony up for one of the higher-end models with DXR on. A 2060 probably wouldn't do a good job.
I wouldn't bother with DXR but it's your budget. 2077 doesn't need it to run.
Only things that will really be an upgrade for 1080 Ti right now are 2080 Ti or RTX Titan.
I want to dump my card before the value nosedives.
570 or 580 or get a Navi
>A 2060 probably wouldn't do a good job.
You're fucking with me right?
A 2060 can't do gay tracing well. You can't even get locked 60 FPS at 1080p, regardless of game.
Better question is how many people game on them instead of doing something productive with them.
what is this supposed to mean? enterprise has its own cards, and video game devs use geforce cards.
1070 Ti owners on suicide watch as yet another release comes and goes with no sensible upgrade path in sight.
Exactly. Meanwhile I'm on the lookout for a cheap 1070ti with a warranty in Europe
1080ti still full price here, $1100 in local monies
unrealistic to even consider it for a moment
2080ti is ~$1500 btw
got 1080 for 310$ how long do you think it will keep that price
Thats how i feel about my 1080fe, 2080ti and rtx titans are out of my price range though, im wondering if the 2080 super is the way to go.
why would you even want to upgrade?
2060 super
2060 is still a very capable 1080p card if you just turn off Gay Tracing. It can't handle any of it anyway
Man I got mine for 500$ months before RTX release. Wish people knew how much of a safe bargain 2nd hand cards are. Looking forward to hardware unboxed doing a used GPU $/fps breakdown again
I wonder what the super 2080 will be like.
It'll be super
A slightly neutered 2080ti.
Just super!
That works honestly be fine by me, looking to get 1440p 144. Also, seeing as there still are warehouses full of normal 2080's, those will probably go down in price.
fuck I wanna get rid of my 1070 because I got a new 4k screen for my birthday but right now there is no card that can convince me to do so. I won't fucking pay 1300€ for a rtx 2080 ti
buy a used 1080Ti
I was considering it but that stuff goes out for like 550€ - 600€ in germoney. Maybe I should buy the new 2080s then. It would be new so I don't have to fear any problems. used tech stuff is always risky desu senpai
1080Ti's even used still have 2 years left on the warranty. RTX 2080 new is around 780-815, which is way too much. a used 1080Ti for 550 is pretty good.
true. a used 1080 ti then. Thank you user