You wake up shipwrecked on the Senselessness island and this native comes up to you arm with a bow. What do?

You wake up shipwrecked on the Senselessness island and this native comes up to you arm with a bow. What do?

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Damn auto correct! Fuck you!

pretend i'm a dolphin and swim home on my tail

Turn autocorrect off. Disable every extra feature on mobile keyboard. I cant stand it suggesting a bunch of bullcrap when I already know what Im typing.

Dumb phoneposter

Speak in its native Australian tongue to befriend it.

cough on them and hope for the best

use my guns to conquer the island


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you know they're called the sentinel islands.

Become Australia

Based and smallpox pilled.

Die. White men aren't conditioned for the wild any more

swim away

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give them the plague

Throw coconuts at them. They'll distract themselves with a massive orgy

>Implying the Sentinelese aren't senseless

It makes me wonder what they would do if you showed up in full plate armor. Nothing they have would penetrate it

you would fall over and drown when the tide came in

What if you drop in via helicopter?
You would be an inmortal god provided you have food and water

Ok then I put flippers on the knights foots for water protection

still drown
lift visa to eat/drink, die
lift metal plate to piss/shit, die
wear metalsuit in 43C, die

What if you have a tubes going from a backpack right to your mouth which feed and hydrate you?
Poop would be hard though, I agree

arrow in backpack, die

Why does a knight carry visaI think by the time they recognize you can't be hurt by their weapons, you would already be worshipped by them. Remember they are very primitive. Assuming you can hold your poop for 2 hours while they try to hit you with rocks and arrows you should be fine after that.

Shure thing nigga
Show him I'm unarmed, if he doesn't take down the bow dive away from him and swim some kilometres along the beach before trying to land again

Throwing rocks is actually really effective against plate armor

Prove it

Hit yourself with something heavy like a rock on the hand, then try it again but put a pan between your hand and the rock
Compare the results to sticking a knife in your hand with and without pan

It's the Sentinel Islands not senselessness, retard.