Coming out of 2005 and need advice

What are you using for music these days Jow Forums? Phone? Bluetooth from tablet? Something else? Trying to find a way to manage 100gb of music without streaming. Most if it I can't find on the internet these days. Open to suggestions.

iPod classic finally died beyond my ability to repair.

Attached: ipod.jpg (2560x1440, 1.74M)

phone + bluetooth earbuds.

Just buy a 128GB MicroSD and put it on your phone.

These things are pretty easy to repair, parts aplenty. What broke?

This is what I did
Haven't been listening to music much lately I need new earbuds

Buy a new one. Otherwise your phone should be good enough if you just put a huge SD card in it which are dirt cheap by now. You could also get a dedicated music player but those are hit or miss.


get a phone with a micro sd card slot, then use a 256gb card in there for your music.

>low quality applel chinktrash breaks

Do you have to use headphones? Otherwise, stream from a NAS to a nice pair of actives.

You know that you can buy a rebuild 1tb IPod Classic right?

My phone. I recently signed up for the Google music free trial and it's pretty nice I'll probably keep it since you get access to pretty much anything you can think of. You can also download the music to your device for areas where you might have shitty service

tapes and shitty walkman type player for 30$
now I sit and listen again
it reminds me of being a kid all over again
recommend for any old fart here

Nothing. I stopped listening to music about a year and a half ago. Its all about drugs, guns, shooting or fucking bitches or just some retard nonsense that dont make sense at all. Its all trash. Even old music is trash just little less so. Classical is ok, but even that gets boring quick, I listened to one track for about 400 times and at the end realized that music dulls senses and lowers iq. Its like masturbation but using different part of brain that is responsible for understanding and processing of sound to cause same or similar effect.

Kek. I can't imagine life without music its one of the greatest things human beings have ever created IMO. Also, there's alot more variert of music besides rap, classic rock, and classical

Attached: 1548866545103.webm (240x240, 845K)

>there's only soundcloud rap, classic rock and classical
Probably better you stopped listening to music.

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Is this true?

Can you provide any links on how to do this?

an old android phone with a large cheap sd card

There is crap and there is some better music but the purpose of it, of all music is for the listener to experience pleasure, that in itself may not be bad but there are also negative consequences.

Well.. to each their own I suppose.

I didnt even mention to the type of music I used to listen except for classical and your first post were to project your own opinion, what a low iq idiot you are incapable of just thinking for 10 seconds before you post.

Thats fine, I personally dont have power to change people and their bad habits, I feel that I have done enough to just let you know what music really does to you a person. Knowing isnt really same as understanding, at least you have an idea now, maybe one day you will understand.

It's broken 1000 times and individual parts are easy to replace but now the hard drive has failed and getting replacement hard drives are moot because you can't factory reset it without iTunes. Newer versions don't see the classic and older versions can no longer sync to the server so GG iPod.

>I didnt even mention to the type of music I used to listen
>Its all about drugs, guns, shooting or fucking bitches or just some retard nonsense that dont make sense at all
That only fits two genres. Soundcloud rap and classic rock. And I swear to god if you say low iq or some other buzzword shit just one more time you knuckle dragging troglodyte.

Buy a new ipod classic.

I've got an ipod video I bought in 2006 that did a 15 month tour in Baghdad with me. That fucker is still kicking, leave it in the center console of my car too in the heat. I should probably get it out of there desu

>this piece of shit fell apart daily and needs constant repairs b-b-b-ut its ok because so many other broken ones are out there to pull parts from!
iFags everyone.

Here's a pic of it. Even got the same case on it from 2006.

Attached: 20190702_171608.jpg (4032x3024, 3.7M)

Sorry about it being sideways my phone musta got confused

Anime soundtracks and J-Pop are the only good music.

no, Jow Forums strips that data from the image. not the guy you were replying to, but my ipod video also is still kicking without any issues, the way the hard drive starts stirring up brings back so much nostalgia.

I'm gonna get it out of the car and clean it up a bit when I get home. Even the original power cord still charges it up, they're pretty beastly. I should probably get a new case for it but it's like a throwback with that one still on it

If it's an iPod video you're in luck: look up iFlash quad storage mod. Your ipod will also be 4x lighter

No, Apple build quality is shit everywhere. I want any music player I can operate without looking at it. This is the only option I have unless you have any ideas. Headhpone jacks and batteries are $5 and can we swapped in 2 minutes.

Idk dude, the thing is 14 years old. I'd say op has more than got his moneys worth out of it.

>ywn go back to 2005

Attached: 1551832075457.jpg (276x183, 7K)

I just stream em with my phone's unlimited data.
Those are shitty music anyway.

>flash mod

sandisk clip sport is only good one.

flash it with rockbox and put some sd cards in it..

unironically a zune hd
when it dies I'll probably look for another old style PMP that's light or desperately search the market for a lightweight android shitter.

Back when applel made good shit.

So never?

>Most if it I can't find on the internet these days.
This is my problem too. Whether it's licensing rights or just being old and not especially popular, a lot of the stuff I love just doesn't exist on streaming. One day in the near future I'm going to be facing the same problem as you and I'm not looking forward to it.

>no, Jow Forums strips that data from the image
instead of blaming Jow Forums we should euthanize the guy who thought it was a good idea to rotate using exif instead of actually rotating the fucking image

t. guy who can't even play an instrument

>Its all about drugs, guns, shooting or fucking bitches or just some retard nonsense that dont make sense at all
Um, Xir, excuse me but that could also apply to funk, disco, and other variants like punk or grunge. Now if you'll pardon me, I'm gonna listen to some polka.

I use my phone for the most part, you can get a decently sized microSD for pretty cheap.
I also have a FIIO.X3 for the rest of my library, because fuck having tons of music on my phone.

Literally this, their build quality has been abysmal since the days of Macintosh II, anyone else remember Apple monitors lighting on fire?

what's the highest/best quality file format?

Stream from your server. Easy Peasy

Dsd or some shit.

headphones plugged in to my cheap sound card

If yoy want to get something cheap and good I recommend Panasonic rp-hje125

Xiaomi Redmeme Note 4, SoundMagic e11cs

Tell me of this shebang polka

Attached: FB_IMG_1472074432152.jpg (668x504, 26K)

I use my phone. I tried fighting it and the idea of not carrying around 100 gigs of music around took a long time to get used to but these days it's usually on Pandora I just don't give a fuck anymore. Let the algorithm handle it during my commutes.