Germans are literally so afraid of 5G that they're getting blankets to block the evil radiation

>Germans are literally so afraid of 5G that they're getting blankets to block the evil radiation

Attached: radiationblanket.png (1012x1336, 487K)

whats with the propaganda posting against 5g today

>not blocking radiations from your entire house

Attached: 8fd5210fd84c5bf296eea72e4ee1bdb733b873968849f44b4d583e8488f91d94.png (625x773, 93K)

That article description doesn't even mention 5G. This is marketed to the kind of nutcase who thinks that even WLAN and phone waves in general áre bad.

There's fucked up tin foil hat people in every country. We have people in Finland who are afraid to drink tap water lol

>1.23% silver thread
like it's going to stop anything at all...

>it's meant for WLAN
fuck you OP for lying. sceptics like this have always existed.


Attached: iBrain.png (211x239, 12K)

>literally nothing about 5G

>deutsche sprache
kanker op