Learning C++ as an absolute beginner to programming is so boring i don't think i can spend more than 2 hours a day...

Learning C++ as an absolute beginner to programming is so boring i don't think i can spend more than 2 hours a day learning it at the point I'm at.

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I have the same with work and programming in general.

I don't see how you can learn programming and really get it unless you find it so interesting you enter super autism mode.

Then don't learn C++. Learn python. Really once you learn one procedural turing complete language, you've learned them all.

I liked Python because Blender and SublimeText use it as a scripting language. I had more fun automating my work in those programs than ever trying to develop some kind of standalone program.

I liked learning C++, it was my first language. Sadly I use C# at work, i’d kill for a C++ job.

C++ is possibly the worst choice you could ever make as a first programming language. A beginner shouldn't be concerned with so many language specific quirks and gotchas, hr should learn the basic fundamental concepts first, which are language-independent.
Only then you can learn a specific language you want.

I loved learning C++.
I bought a book using my saved money as a kid and been reading it on every occasion and practicing whenever I got a chance. It was fun.

>Learning C++ as an absolute beginner to programming

Hahahaha you idiot.

>learn one and you know them all
not quite, but python is a fine starting place

If you want to lean C++, you should rather start with C than scripting. Python will teach you many bad practice and confuse you in how computer actually works.

same can be said of other languages

>Python will teach you many bad practice and confuse you in how computer actually works.


You have to want to get something out of your work to motivate you and if you hate it you're gonna forget shit your studying fast.

Then do something else

best way to learn, you can always work on some other language later. But you need to learn the fundamentals and a "language" like javascript isn't going to do you any good in the long run.

C# may be an alternative.

He won't. He probably thinks the C still presents an accurate model of modern machine architecture and that dynamic typing is 'bad'.

Learn python first then C++, they complement each other well and are fairly orthogonal in which tasks you would reasonably apply them to.

But it's bad depending on what you are doing

>Learning C++ as a first language
Who lied to you and told you this was a good idea? Learn Java.

At least my compiler checks upfront that all interactions with certain types are always correct, opposed to polluting my code with arbitrary checks to do it manually. Pic related.

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"""dynamic""" typing really is bad tho

Learn BASIC first.

except when you wanted more threads you inevitably ended up dipping into cpp anyways

get yourself some autism and big dream and write gayme engine in cpp

this. started with basic then changed to c++.

>Sadly I use C#
I don't understand this phrase.