Partnered with some guy in coding class

>partnered with some guy in coding class
>he doesn't have a mac

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Other urls found in this thread:

but at least he does have a MAC

Good. Even better if he isn't using some shit fucking IDE like eclipse

Ooooooooooooooh he based

Remember that dumb greentext pasta about some virgin college student who literally had sex 5 times the same week he bought a macbook for the first time?

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no wait, it was an iphone

>partnered with some guy in coding class
>knows jack fuck all and I have to carry him
>there is no peer evaluation

>happens 2 more times

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What OSs?

Look I just spammed my rage to macs and normied in another thread and now I am tired of doing so, but if you really desire to work with a mac, kill yourself right now, it's the best you could do to the world.

That other thread is mine too. I've been posting these all night

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>partnered with some guy
lmao, you failed sis!

>partnered with some guy in coding class
>he has a cute asian gf

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>sl*vic trash

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>partnered with a girl in coding class
>instead of getting shit done she makes posts on Jow Forums about me and my lack of apple shit
>actual she looks like shit and smells like a game festival, so I'm glad she has no interest in me



Are you the slav that always posts with the name "femanon"?

>partnered with dudebro in coding class
>fucking aced the course

The first time I've heard about it. There is no girls in internet, except traps.

>partnered with some street shitter in coding class
>he has a mac

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>doesn't have a mac

why is this even allowed in 2019

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Not surprising. Most younger females are vapid materialistic wastes of oxygen. My stepdaughter creamed her jeans when i bought her a bottom of the barrel macbook. Nevermind that it is an underpowered piece of shit. Females dont develop any appreciable personality traits or worthwhile identity until they are about 30 years old. And even then its all up to chance

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Based and misogynipilled

Women are stinky holes!

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(((Popular culture))). This is also what happens when men forget who held power traditionally. A feminine society cannot survive because it chases materialism and frivolities while barabarians wait to rape what is left. Look behind the curtain to find the (((rats ))) responsible for hoodwinking us.

>Mac product
>glorified text editor for college babysitting classes
>that's $1,400 plus tip
You got a butt for a face.

If this is not a bait, you are soo fucking shallow
Buy a dildo a least you're saving some man

OP is a literal street shitting iJeet that's been spamming Jow Forums with his appleshit shill threads for years. Reminder to report and sage.

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>not being a real parent even if she isn’t your own spawn
ya dun goofed

Its tough being a stepdad. I was being a cynic honestly i lucked out with her. She's task oriented and has straight A's. Still a ditz though.

>I was being a cynic.
I'm being honest.
Most of school involves regurgitating book sentences and solid As are no indicator of actual critical ability. She could completely bomb out of college if she chooses functional courses that need involved, creative thinking.

Repeating what the book says is a job for a laser scanner.

>straight A
most dumb roasties are, because they memorize everything

ok polfag, nice excuse for your inability to get laid

dilate, half-caste



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a thread died for this


>Most of school involves regurgitating book sentences and solid As
Something even she has stated. Currently married with kiddos. Try being trad instead of trap.

this is your mind on anime and inceldom

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>coding class
Don't bother, just quit now. You'll never produce anything that's worth mentioning.

>part partned with some guy in coding class
>do all the thinking while i let him codemonkey
>get all the credits for the project during presentation

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>partnered with this femoid in coding class
>she's using a mac and not the superior thinkpad
>doesn't she know macs are underpowered?

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70% of the faggots I see at uni have macs. Not even into /v/idya, but I'm not going to pay a $2k for $600 worth of specs.

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>partnered with guy using Windows
>ask to share files over network, Windows can't do that
>ask him to compile software, Windows can't do that
>ask him to install a binary, Windows blocks it because it isn't in the Microsoft Store and isn't signed by a Microsoft partner
>ask him to tell me the time, Windows gets it wrong

Why are they allowed to do these classes without Unix? It is pointless.

post the greentext pasta
i haven't read it

>Believing some autist's greentext story he said for obvious as fuck (You)s
What happened to not believing the autistic stories shared here?

I feel sorry for your daughter

Eclipse is the least pozzed IDE you'll get in university. I'd rather blow my brains across the ceiling than use intelliJ.

I don't. I value independence and critical thinking. Skills which i try to teach them.

Jesus Christ user, have sex

Making more white people has been my gift to the world.

>the only possible reason someone might have the same opinion on women than the entirety of men in history until 50y ago is they don't get enough dopamine from ejaculating into holes

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If you are willing to blow money on iShit, you are more than willing to blow money on escorts.

>windows cant compile
ever heard of visual studio?

Except for NASA the 1960s were a big goddamned mistake.

>paying full price for anything

>not a single girl in my networking class
>partner with the boys

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op if you're going to make a scenario to start a women hate thread atleast make it realistic like complaining about ugly green text bubbles. any class project would be pushed to github and different os would barely matter

Why is that user?

My pajeet professor forced us to use eclipse for java. hated that faggot.

is this the new pol buzzword of the month

did you think that macbook greentext story was real you dumb boomer fuck?

go away

>being pathetic enough to marry a single mom

Pretty sure he said until.
And I'm sure there were other good things in the 60s. MLKs speech was good imo. But I suppose that's not universally agreed.

>"dumb greentext"
>reee user thought that greentext was real reeeee
I know you just wanted to be angry, but there are better excuses than that

Did he teach from notepad like Mr. Nagoor Babu

I'd call you a cuck, but that's actually pretty nice

But he have a MAC address

eclipse is the way.. it is the ultimate wyte filter. I dare u to give me one reason on why u hate it. intellishit and netboons are inferior products.

>raising another man's sperm

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>Partnered with some dude in networking lab
>He's really full of himself
>Didn't read the study material for the lab
>Skims through the exercise material without understanding it
>Just spams unrelated commands on the console
>Try notify him
>Ignores any advice and just does his own thing
>Wonders why shit doesn't work
He changed schools after a year.

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1. bring baseball bat
2. smash his windows pc
3. tell him buy apple pc

it's okay because girls are allowed to do what we want with our own bodies :3

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Her prior husband was a NEET fuckup. Probably had a lot in common with you.
Mlk was a worthless commie.


>coding class

>get partnered with 3 other people
>one is female
>we have 3 weeks to finish a simple assignment alongside our regular lecture stuff
>outline who does what and assign roles
>make a git on my home server they can push to
>they refuse, make me use github instead
>i'm pretty sure only 3 of us made accounts
>week one: nobody pushes anything but me
>start nagging them over the phone to finish their assigned sections
>only female in the group blocks my number
>find them in person, they haven't even started
>tell them i'll complain to the professor if they keep not participating
>she submits some incoherent code that is clearly copy pasted and doesn't compile and this is her only commit
>week two: one of them literally starts copy pasting my code but adds his name to the filenames so people will think it's his
>i'm already done with my section, nobody else has really done theirs, especially not the guy copying my code nearly verbatim
>complain to professor, he says it's too late to be graded seperately and "i need to show leadership and stop blaming others"
>mention guy is literally plagurizing my code, he doesn't care
>guy plagurising my code manages to get smart and rewrites it just enough so it doesn't look like mine, still doesn't do his portion of the assignment
>day before it's due, MIA guy approaches me with flash drive "with his part"
>naturally it doesn't compile
>we get a zero as a whole if it doesn't compile
>write makefile so it ignored everyone else's files and only compiles my part
>still got a D for the group project
what is this supposed to teach you? you can do everything right and you're still fucked

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finish the whole project by yourself and present it alone, put only your name on it and tell the professor to fuck off, show him the messages, show him code diffs between you and your other partner, come on man, grow a fucking spine

down syndrome

>partner in class has arch linux on his laptop
>spends the entire lecture trying to get Wi-Fi to work
>we have a pair programming assignment
>day before it's due ask him if his part is ready
>"Sorry man, pacman update broke my system and I was busy fixing it"

If you don't own an Apple product you don't belong here.

>what is this supposed to teach you?
That your professor doesn't actually give half a shit and is just using some vague sense of a lesson so he doesn't have to take the time to intervene.
The real world does not generally work like this. I have worked with people who try a lesser form of this shit, not getting work done and just occasionally trying to trick someone else into doing some of their work so it looks like they're doing something. Those people quickly get fired unless they're the CEO's son or some shit.

Your scenario is just 100% a shitty professor who doesn't actually care about your education, and unfortunately the only thing you can do in that situation is take the hit or do all 4 parts of the project yourself and get a good grade for people who don't deserve it.

>partnered with a girl in coding class
>turns out she was a whore who slept with men so they'd do her work for her
>I was too autistic to realize what she was trying to do at the time so I neither did her work nor had sex
I guess it all worked out in the end?

have sex

seek help infiltrator.

What would happen if you had sex with her and then sabotaged her assignments on purpose?

>have to take 4 cisco classes
>cant take the next class until you finish the previous one
>classes keep dwindling in size

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>400-level classes have such few takers that they're only offered once a year
>sometimes they get cancelled anyway and the college suggests you take this one class at a goddamn community college 10 miles away that offers it only in the fall, but doesn't cancel it

stop reading right there

Idk intellij is bretty comfy for J2EE shit

>I have to take Cisco classes
Excuse me what?
I must not understand what Cisco is in this context.

Cope, Seethe, Dilate, Have Sex, and above all buy a Macbook

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She's somehow 30+ right? I don't see how you've defeated his argument.

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Honestly i was thinking of making a hackintosh now that there is a mac in the house. How is mac as an OS? Meme bullshit aside.

It's a comfy OS, if you're going for Hackintosh try the intel NUC series they're cheap and easy-ish to do
and you can always use boot camp to switch between windows and macos on all macs and hackintoshes

> Using a IDE for Java
I'm a junior in University and no one ever taught me how to use an IDE. I still write all my Java code in Notepad++. Am I an idiot? Should I be using an IDE?