Which web browser do you use and why?

Which web browser do you use and why?

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been using Chrome since it released
I know Google is Satan but it's literally the perfect browser for me

firefox but I don't like it, I use it mostly out of obligation

I used to main Firefox, but a couple years ago I switched to Opera and have been please with it ever since. It just runs pretty smooth on whatever device I use it on.

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safari. works for everything until it doesnt. then i just copy the url in to FF.

Opera on desktop, Yuzu on my phone. Desktop browsers are all trash, at least Opera has a convenient new tab page.

Why yes, I use safari in windows. What gave it away?

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I am using Vivaldi because you can customize a lot and for the quick commands systeml

Firefox, initially because of the extensions but nowadays no real reason besides my settings and browser profile is in their Sync cloud.

Firefox on GNU/Linux
Edge on Windows10

hail satan

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Internet Explorer because it was already installed on my computer when i got it and it just works

I find it really unresponsive so I just switched to FF after a month

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used chrome since forever and just recently switched, to palemoon, because of the project veritas video.

Chrome. Synced across ten devices.

I had a few issues with Oprea. But overall the best browser on the planet.

>I'm a worthless webdev so I don't bother testing anything else.



Really saves battery and can pretty much do everything Chrome can do outside of themes and tab task manager. Reader mode is nice and it comes built into the OS.
I give it 8/10 t/b/h.

falkon for Jow Forums (easy to use userscripts). icecat someties. Now mostly using epiphany (aka GNOME Web).