Youtube is now banning infosec and cybersecurity related content



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Actual bump on fresh IP

Anybody got a list of good channels to download?

Educational materials in video form are worthless anyway. Just write a blogpost, article, publish a paper, anything really

>google search actively prunes old websites and historic content even if they're still online and active
>google search actively suppresses conservative viewpoints
>youtube suppresses how to program, create DIY hardware and cybersecurity content

Why the fuck would anyone object to google being broken up AT&T style?

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Just wait until google starts blacklisting you for disseminating how to "break computer security"

Even if videos are not the most optimal form for learning/teaching there is still a lot of fucking valuable tradecraft locked away in old youtube videos that needs to be archived/preserved IMO.

Some tranny still seething over the "hacked" elections, I assume.
Lol google is a fucking joke.

Google is starting to get real sinister now. We already know that they plan to have a direct influence in the 2020 US election, they're making moves to kill ad blockers and have started purging all wrongthink from Youtube.

I hear linus tech tips is a good one

more like anus tech tips lol

Copy pasted from Hacker News:

>OWASP - zseano - hackerone - Bugcrowd (Jason Haddix's stuff is a pretty important pillar) - OWASP - DarkOperator - Absolute AppSec - KacperSzureEN - PwnFunction - LiveOverflow
>'Adrian Crenshaw' He uploads from more than 20 hacking/infosec cons a year and has around 2k videos.
>'IppSec' has around 100 CTF walkthroughs.
>'Open SecurityTraining' has ~200 tutorial vids on topics like reverse engineering and malware analysis.
Personally I've only watched liveoverflow and hackerone so i cant vouch for all these but this is a good list to start with. Feel free to add more to it.

Liveoverflow is a good one

Opensecuritytraining too if you're into reverse engineering

This is good news for my $1,000 bet that Alphabet will be broken into little pieces by the end of 2020.

kick the nsa and flag ghidra videos

remember when google was just some search engine?
The fuck happend.
Fuckers are messing with politics and trying to dictate what people are allowed to think.

here's a good lad
i forgot what his old channel was though

Deeeleet Google you fools!


Well got to back up a bunch of shit tomorrow.
I have an empty hdd to store this shit.
Ok anons lets get a list of videos to ack up and we could dedicate a mega account to this.

>why do you boomers download videos from youtube? whats the point? have you heard of the internet you can watch anything you want all the time. you're hoarding data you don't need

What website should we reupload to?

What? This has to be a joke. Can we make save all those videos and upload them somewhere?

My favorite video on youtube ever was shut down because it "stole" some audio from an anime. To this day I regret not downloading it.

Fuck them. Google is CIAnigger botnet trash hell bent on creating 1984 in real life.

But scams that reach to survey sites and at the end you only get a virus?

GNU MediaGoblin and/or IPFS for posterity.

yeah this shit is beyond nightmare mode. Even people who didn't like google a few years back like me probably never would have guessed it would get this bad

they literally believe that people are programmable, so it's their job to program them. That's the most evil shit I've ever heard.

Seems a reasonable policy to me. Why should they allow harmful hacking videos on their site?

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peertube buddies

someone (who would have to be extremely based and pretty redpilled) needs to just suicide bomb google hq already

The founders are jews, this was coming since the very start.

No thanks Agent Daniel

What's next?
Banning lockpicking videos? Banning videos showing glitches and cheating in video games?

Ipfs is deader that dead, whenever I fall for that meme and try to get something from there, it just never loads.

Isn't it interesting how all these "domestic terrorists" and "mass shooters" only seem to go after random, unconnected people? And they never, EVER go after CEOs or high up politicians or the wealthy? You know, the people actually doing all this evil shit?

Awfully convenient, isn't it.

Fuck YouTube for this shit, they already banned Xylibox a few years ago for literally no reason, but with these changes it's clear why he got banned.

youtube-dl.exe --ignore-errors --batch-file "U:\MPV\youtube_to_download.txt" --format "bestvideo+bestaudio/best" --download-archive "U:\MPV\completed_downloads.txt" --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --add-metadata -o "U://MPV//%(playlist)s/%(upload_date)s - %(id)s - %(title)s (%(resolution)s_%(vcodec)s_%(acodec)s_%(fps)sfps).%(ext)s"

It's the best way to introduce a subject. Time is the most valuable thing in life and videos makes you gain time compared to your tumblr

Because hacking is not inherently evil.
It's thanks to hacking a lot of technologies were founded and discovered.

Google doing this is basically disallowing people from learning how their machines work, and how networks work, etc. I'm glad they are nuking the skiddy shit but for every 100 skiddy retarded videos you have 1 helpful video about hacking. Hopefully they don't touch that.

Yesterday I watched this video on how to break through this lock. By Google's logic, this violate their rule on anti-theft instructional videos.

Videos are far and away the slowest educational format. If you valued time you would know that.

Educators only use video for students who more or less refuse to learn some subjects otherwise.


get another alternative those youtube vids bullshit, cant barely explain 10% of the content anyway

Welp, time to back up JackkTutorials

>Google is starting to get real sinister now
Their slogan was "Don't be EVIL" . Then they REMOVED IT.
Google is more powerful than small nations. Blumpff would never succeed and libs love Google the way it is.

To introduce a subject why would I waste time reading a 5 minutes article when a 2 minutes video can do the job? If I want to go deeper on the subject then I will read about it, otherwise I avoided wasting 3 minutes of my life.

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>Seems a reasonable policy to me. Why should they allow harmful hacking videos on their site?
Ever heard of Kevin Mitnick? The best example of a man doing everything he did because of the intellectual spark and challenge it gave him. There were never any victims, hardly any server downtime, fraud, embezzlement or anything like that.

But what exactly is the alternative though? Even StartPage and FagFagGo use Google to index web results.

>inb4 some obscure onion shit

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>the government making sure monopolies are broken up
>in corporate bootlicker nu-america

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Daily reminder that Youtube also is killing DIY videos with its algorithm.


well if you work at google, them broken up sounds annoying, other than than to quote some nameless bitch: "if you break google into smaller companies, they will not have the resources to stop another 2016". So you are either a crazy bitch or a google worker, those are the only 2 arguments against google being broken up.

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where I can download it as PACK

Baidu, but you need to learn chinese for epic hax.

Well great... there goes all of Defcon

well..... i hate that you are probably right.

Wow... We're fucked aren't we

First they came for Jow Forums but you did not listen

now there is no one to speak out on your behalf

You brought this upon yourselves, Jow Forums!

people are programmable though. imagine living in 1984 and knowing that you cannot speak or the chinese...i mean british....i mean commies will be on your door in half an hour and you will disappear. Now imagine being a young boy who never even knew that there were concepts like "weak government, liberty, autonomy, freedom of speech" and you live your entire life without even realising that there is more to live than you know. Sure form time to time you may think "what if you could say what you think without disappearing? ", but you would consider that impossible and never build on the idea. Daily reminder that humanity believed earth to be flat for at least 20 000 years.

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Jow Forums and Jow Forums are not real enemies in the sense that Jow Forums is like 40% right wing and 60% left, but even the left here in their majority are sane. Sure, some of them are traps, trannies or come from resetera, but I just hope that the majority of lefties are sane.

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Jow Forums tends to be left and right libertarian with some centrists

Jow Forums is right libertarian and right authoritarian mostly. I think the conflict comes from between the left libertarians and right authoritarians. They are diametrically opposed.

This thread aint about politics though

Because it's not a two minute video. It's a 20 minute video, if we're talking about actually competing with a 5 minute read. Again, video is the slowest educational format. Reading a subchapter in your average undergrad math class takes 20 minutes, a youtube videos on the same subjects are over an hour.

How can a computer system be secure if you can learn to hack it from a youtube video?

before some of you lefties come and "reeeee" at me I mean here that this is a libertarian vs authoritarian conflict that we have with google and the left and the right can unite against the global corporation.

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Jow Forums is capable of speaking for itself, and Jow Forums has never spoken for anyone outside of Jow Forums

>think the conflict comes from between the left libertarians and right authoritarians. They are diametrically opposed.
I want a weak government/companies and no immigration and you want a weak government/companies and open borders. Yea, we have a problem about the second points of our believes, but we both want weak governments/companies and freedom and liberty. When it comes to a fight vs google it is useless for us to fight. We should unite.

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what is this? and why they got screwed over in 2016? is it because of Trump?

project veritas video on google that was released a weak ago and it was about censorship. Yes, it is about Trump.

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They don't have the resources to stop election meddling now. Youtube is still full of "news" channels with robot voices talking about subjects sure to stoke 2nd Cold War rivalries between Russia, China, and US, even if just appearing passive. Some of these are even made by bots in both scripting and editing.

Next they'll be banning pendulous breasts.
The chilling affect is real.

Lol im actually a right libertarian in favour of strong borders... it's just understandable why libertarians and a self-proclaimed Nazi board that wants to execute "degenerates" for having tattoos, smoking weed, watching anime, etc would come into conflict
>in Jow Forums is satire
Yeah sure

it was google who was trying to do election meddling. They are trying their best to have a democrat president. Election meddling in the sense of "Russia elected Trump" is also a lie. Yes, there were a couple of thousands of adds sponsored by russia in facebook, but if you consider how much have big banks and media spend to help Hillary gain votes, the facebook adds seem like nothing.

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That's interesting to think about: who's next?

That's what I was trying to get with my post here: Who's going to be left on youtube? Just shills who never say nigger?

They still use don't be evil lol

the only conflict between Jow Forums and Jow Forums is some "lol incel", "have sex", "trannies, dillate" posts, and these posts are more of a shitposts if anything else.

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You've clearly never been to college before.
Being forced to go to a class so some shitter can read off powerpoint presentations that literally just outline the book is the slowest educational format.
Video is absolute kino once you realize you can speed up the video.

Its shitposts all the way down

True, but you still suck.

do you think that someone who writes about trannies having to dilate while needing to have sex is a human being that thinks rationally and not just a professional shitposter?

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A speech given with powerpoint is NOT reading. Reading is you opening a book and READING. It is considerably faster than video, which means youtube is a useless educational format because the same tools used to access the site should be instead used to access text based educational materials, with visual aids if necessary.

I sincerly doubt you have ever been to college. Again, going back to undergrad math classes, the class is a guy writing example problems and solving them for an hour, usually from the book so people can just follow along and ask questions. You're there for the interactivity, something video can't provide. The actual raw concepts are all the video can give and you should be going to a book for that.

I seriously have no clue why people are willing to watch any instructional youtube video that is longer than 5 minutes. There is a 100% chance there's a thirty second answer in text form.

I dunno about you, but usually I see those posts in response to professional shitposters. The "have sex" posters also don't say anything after that, meaning they had actual intent behind their callout and knew the callout alone is able to convey the point (unless the shitposters is so autistic he needs everything spelled out for him in all posts).


if they fuck with adblock what will be the Jow Forums solution to avoid marketing?
I don't think I can live without adblock

well eventually they are going to encode the ads directly into the video live, so just like it's always been: youtube-dl

If Google decided to fuck their browser extensions, this will affect other chrome forks and eventually firefox. This is why one must look at a list of possible ways to limit the amount of adds displayed without uBlock like extensions:

DNS Ad blocking

Hosts files:

Alternative Chrome forks/builds ( there will be some time after chrome is fucked, for which adblocking is going to work on those and maybe one of those will develop their own adblocking technology )

And of course there is firefox+fireofx forks

dns servers speed test

Privacy list:


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Google needs to die

I think if they fuck with adblock then people will just stop using their services.

I don't think most people on Jow Forums are old enough to remember this, but the main reason google's ads were successful in the first place vs competitors like Yahoo was because their ads were text only and capped at two short sentences. They were very unintrusive and that was very important to Google becoming profitable.

If you actually had to deal with modern Google ads then you'd just stop using Google's shit, just like everybody stopped using Yahoo's.

gonna check this shit out thanks user!

ublock already doesn't work for me on Youtube for some reason.
I use youtube-dl and mpv to download playlists and watch videos, I almost never need to visit the actual site.

Friendly reminder that Google has already won and not a single person here can change that. Stop making it so hard on yourselves and just let others do the thinking for you, it's much more convenient.

just setup your own video server

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are you retarded ? Linux is the only right path.

Yea, me too. I just found out that the video where homer tells bart about the doomslayer was deleted by 1.2 seconds of a copyrighted song. That made my blood boil, like no joke. Btw what was the video about?

Friendly reminder that if you have watched you will know that the victory of Google does not even matter because all of us will die anyway..... so why live ? Unless you are ready to kill yourself, be a human and fight even though you know that in the end it does not even matter.

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