There was an incident about two white girls that recorded themselves saying they hate niggers, which has expectantly made the niggers chimp out.

If we can meme a whole bunch of Zoomers to do the "Nigger Challenge" where they simply record themselves simply saying "Nigger", we can probably see some chimp outs and possibly start the race war early.

Potential names for the meme:
>The Pewdiepie Challenge
>'You can't say that' challenge
>I'm going to say it challenge
>The forbidden word challenge

Back story for people that don't know what happened:
>White girl says nigger in a video, obviously a joke and she was in her home off school campus while filming the video
>Some nigger shared the video
>Niggers chimp out, giving this girl's address away, doxxing her, death threats, etc.
>Apparently the school suspended her for it and the police escorted her out of school so she would't get beaten up

Link to post


Attached: Nigger c.jpg (250x249, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How many fucking times are you gonna keep posting this?


It's the CHIMPOUT challenge.

this is actually hilarious, bump for op.

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based zoomers will do what the "greatest" generation was too soft to.


op you gotta do it first if you want this to work

race war now

Bump...if you want this to work you gotta have some cucked liberal meaning behind it..something like by doimg the nigger challenge we can overcome the word or some shit...just make it sound lile its a challenege from the left and all the retard teenagers will eat it up

Bumping for potential greatness

The word nigger is so hyped in mainstream culture as a tool to remind black to feel like victims and to guilt trip whites. It brainwashing by the kike. To divide us. The nigger challenge can dilute the power of the word



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I've no idea how to make this happen.
Bumping for potential.

zoomer reporting in
message transmitted to fellow based zoomers
followup soon

My sides!

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yea lets fight the niggers but not the actual problem great idea

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It seems people are settled on chimpout but, I like the "You cant say that" challenge. I think itll draw that attention of the edgy young folk. KIDS LOVE TESTING BOUNDARIES. Literally, they do it by nature. Itll read good on a yt thump nail to

I think the "you can't say that" challenge sounds much, much better.

Yeah, it reminds zoomers of dumb boomers who tell them they can't say shit. Half of them won't even know what a chimpout is, and if they did they'd probably avoid saying nigger.

Another great point. Chimping out is the end result we want yes. But we dont want dummy zoomers in on the joke til its already picked up steam and far too late. Trick the lil basterds into opening Pandoras gucci bag.

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Fuck off, Shlomo.

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She's super cute, though. Probably an 8.

You should use nvidia's new generative AI techniques to create lifelike impressions of people saying various nigger-related things. Done

stupid niggers and caucazoids are sending death threats to the girl on snapchat, check the mentions.

sys.Jow Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fbrooke_lind%2Fstatus%2F1075842014694920192

I can't believe we didn't call it Chimp's Challenge

iDubbbz did the N-Word Challenge and now he has over 7 million subscribers and 1 billion views.


Attached: idubbz.webm (1280x720, 2M)

The fucking nigger challenge

Good times. LOOL

Chimpout Challenge is a great name, and the perfect one for Jow Forums-minded people. But psychologically the "you can't say that challenge" is superior. Upon hearing it it evokes a feeling of defiance, and as you should all know, reverse psychology is extremely effective against adolescents. This name is basically like a kid hearing "I bet you're too much of a pussy to say this" to which they will want to prove it wrong.

I vote for "You Can't Say That! Challenge".

FUCK NIGGERS, just say Nigger!!


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Make TikTok accounts and make Pewdiepie Challenge content.

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pumping for interest

The Rex Kramer challenge

Dub someone saying nigger into a video when someone dabs so you can’t see their mouth move

You could make hundreds of these

Call each other niggers!
Hey Nigger youtube.com/watch?v=xKcQ064_1pA

Said it better than I could


Why do the most keep giving Jow Forums this shit? Can't they just leave it where it belongs, or at least put it in /trash/?

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*the mods


all of the people on this thread are like fucking boomers lmao
Jow Forumsfags are really this disconnect from the outside internet ?

Sounds good to me, but it might be too obvious.

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link to the video, plz


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shes so cute omg