

Attached: He's most likely eating something out of his hand.png (1920x960, 1.43M)

Do americans really look like this?

no, they are really dumb, he isnt.

found the salty eurocuck who doesn't recognize his own bastard lineage

Go ahead and suck his cock while you're at it. If you manage to find it, that is.

p o w e r l i f t e r

Yeah, he seems like a real genius. His understanding caloric intake and the bed for basic human movement is unparalleled

it doesnt matter how much you hate him

he's the most well spoken, a better presenter and most knowledgable person in that crew

he's like wendell easy edition

Attached: 119510037940.jpg (342x359, 19K)

He probably looks the same as 75% of Jow Forums

if he was lucky to be born in europe, he'd be hitting chicks, not burgers and unlimited soda at mcdonalds.

still an autistic manchild that dont know how to take care of his health is way more knowledgeable and successful than both of you. that say a lot.

Pretty sure LTT are all pretty much Canadians

hes proof of how much looks matter, even the nerdiest communities cant get past them. imagine being Jow Forums and judging somebody by their looks lol. blackpill.


So I guess you're a fat pig also. Believe me when I say he's not more successful than me. I can get out of bed without effort, fuck Nipponese girls regular (including my wife), I'm attractive, and self reliant.

who ever said that looks dont matter? (except mentally ill sjws)
btw i dont think Jow Forums is populated only by ugly persons.

oh look, anons who think they have all the answers
wait that's nothing new

It's more the hair than anything else. Being a fatso is basically par for the course in North America, but the haircut is >just levels of patheticness.

Attached: c2abrv16efy01.png (400x312, 103K)

He should just get rid of this haircut desu

looks dont matter is a common narrative nowadays but of course anybody with a brain knows how much looks matter. I think Jow Forums is probably below average in looks but there are definitely chads on here. although going by the "rate yourself" threads on most boards the people here who think they're chads aren't.

I didn't mind LTT until about a half a year ago. I don't know why but I just lost interest in the content they were producing. Before that it was generally really good.

same thing happened to me almost to the exact same time period, I wonder if it's a coincidence or something changed

so you were watching it only for the asian thot that left?

all asian women are sluts

>look mom i made the thread again! haha im such a memer

The content has been shit for years now. You're late to the party, slowpokes.

He's unironically a better version of Wendel. I'm sure Wendel knows far more than this guy, but Wendel godawful at presenting.

No that smart jon guy

yup, other than the asians and the american lawyer guy that does the quickie scripts

Max? she's not asian

it's taken a turn for the worse now with them trying too hard to be funny with shit memes and other garbage jokes and stupid acting with the products