Tfw tech jobs

>tfw tech jobs.

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You're supposed to do an internship to get "experience" or apply for ENTRY level jobs. Even if the entry level jobs say X amount of experience, apply anyway. It's a numbers game, submit your resume aggressively.

>he didn't start applying for internships straight out of elementary school

never gonna make it

just lie, find something you can lie about and run with it

Not only internships are experience but if the company is any good, you should get a full time return offer if you're not completely incompetent.
>tfw have a comfy software developer job at a small fintech company
>got return offer right after my internship in my junior year
>work from home, come in office maybe twice a week

>we ask for 8 years experience in a 6yo framework

Imagine having a BS in CS and working at best buy for 6 years.

bruh, get a volunteer position that's remotely technical, build a portfolio of a few projects in your spare time, and apply for entry level positions once you've been volunteering at the same place for a few months. It'll net you references and they'll count the experience if they want to hire you.

I did do a couple internships, now what do I do? I still can't get an entry level job.

work on your soft skills

>having to work for free in a job that takes hundreds of hours to study before you're even eligible
What an age to be alive

here’s my predicament:
Just started an entry level job, just got my BS in computer science. Pay is only $70k a year and this is in southern california. I didn’t have any side projects or previous intern exp so i’m lucky. I want to move to a better company in like 2 years, but i really don’t want to grind leetcode and shit again while working this full time job. like wtf man, i’m fine with working on and learning industry trends and new technologies, but the dynamic programming and other algorithmic puzzles just leave my mind quickly. especially since I work on C# crud apps at work.

this is every job now, including cleaning toilets

tell every lie you can think of to get your position. Retarded employers with stupid expectations dont deserve the truth

>tfw any job outside the service industry
At least you burgers can find internsips. Where I'm from they barely want the employees they already have let alone someone without experience...

>Entry level job
>ONLY $70,000
That's equivalent to around £50,000, my entry level job will will barely get me half of that. Why are yanks so bloody entitled?

Is this really how terrible job market is in USA currently? I keep hearing about low unemplyoment.

I'm from former communist country and I landed easy junior sysadmin position with no experience at all. Job is comfy, pay is not great but good enough to pay mortgage and live self sufficiently.

Do you have any clue what living expenses are like

because we aren’t in socialist europe? my pay is 10k below the average entry level pay for my area, i’m getting jewed. I’m making like half of what a developer makes in San Francisco.

70k in Cali is basically poverty

I'm from the UK, so yes. Intimately.

>Only 70k
Bloody hell how is that ENTRY.
That’s senior pay.

If you EU guys think 70k is a lot i’m curious on how you guys feel about the 120k+ entry level salaries in northern california

I don't think 70K is a lot, I'm telling you it is a lot. Wah wah, you'll have to wait a couple of years to get a Tesla.

I can smell the inability to manage ones finances all the way from Europooria.
If you know even the basics of managing your own finances, you’re not drowned in consumerism and buying everything your eyes land on, and you’re not feeling the delusional entitlement that you should be able to rent a sizable downtown flat in a big city, 70k is fucking rich.
Cali may be expensive but people wouldn’t live there if it was so bad 70k is little.

it really isn’t that much down here. i’m fortunate to live rent free at home, but if i had to pay rent i’d feel poor. taxes, rent, and gas prices are insanely high here. If i moved in the cheaper, more inland areas of california, the commute easily becomes 2+ hours just for one direction.

Fresh out of college they all probably want to live that super-rich California start-up lifestyle.

Would rent alone be approximately 30 to 40% of your monthly wage, like it is here?

Fucking rich means being able to retire right now so no. Millions of people make more than 70k, it's a decent wage for a degree holder. I truly feel bad for the UK, they have really fucked their economy with low wages in general, especially CS. Although I heard government contracting can pay very well there (over £100k) so maybe look into that.

Rich is just a life without want, at 70k you can guarantee all your needs are comfortably met and you have the luxury to not need to worry about money in your free and personal time. Your spare time is liberated and you can spend it thinking about what ever you want, instead of panicking about not having all your needs met each month.

If you choose to spend that economic freedom on wanting even more, well then user, you'll never be truly "rich".

Honestly, most Americans don't realize that their wages are higher in comparison than how supposedly higher their expenses are.
If your rent is twice as high, for instance, but you make three times the money, you are effectively earning more (and yes, it often is).
If you waste that money on useless consumerist garbage, that's your fault.
Just admit your wages are actually higher, even when considering expenses, and stop spreading the meme that all countries pays relatively the same.

tfw has a job paying $26/hr and am grinding that sweet EXP, while still studying in university for my masters.
This is the power of socialism, amerilards.

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If you’re comparing yourself to 120k starters then i see why 70k seems like little.
If you think you can get the 120k why are you settling for 70k ?
I would be going for that 120k too instead of my Norway”””rich”””” 60k (which is still above average for here) if that was an option for me. Unfortunately your VISA scheme makes that impossible but i still live a comfy middle class life with no financial worries on 60k in one of the most expensive countries on earth.

lol imagine by a yoursopoor thinking software development for $34K makes sense. Bruh, I wouldn't be busting my ass programming for 10% above minimum wage. Honestly, you'd be better off moving to China. Your salary would go down 30%, but your costs would go down something like 90%.

>You're supposed to do an internship to get "experience" or apply for ENTRY level jobs.
Are you retarded? Every entry level job requires 5+ years of experience.

Feels the need to comment about other people's finances. Doesn't know cost of living in SoCal is higher than in Latvia. Doesn't realize $70k in the people's republic of California turns into $40k at best after taxes. Doesn't realize a one bedroom apartment in LA is easily $24k a year.

Why are you posting? Envy that American developers make more than highschool dropout fry cooks? Maybe you shouldn't live in a communist state.

>unpaid internship
any decent tech internship should pay. Never take one that doesn't.

literally every job that is better than shoveling shit is like this where i live
except restaurants, but thats worse than shoveling shit

Employers here in Burgerland expect a lot more than what they are willing to fairly compensate for.

Lol didn't have internships and got a six figure first job

it's not what you know its who you know
if you can't except that you never gonna make it

where would you go when the bubble pops

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>get job as software engineer
>one week before starting they call me in for a “conversation” with a new team
> tell me it’s to gauge my skills so we can improve onboarding
>all testing related questions
>first day on the job get told im a manual tester now
>can’t leave company because they will fine me 30k within two years
>can’t turn to a lawyer because that’ll cost me 10k in fees
>work consists of creating bank account manually in the mainframe systems
Honestly beyond fucked, can’t even countersue for lawyer fees because
>lel in canada you have no rights as a worker, now bend over goyim
Bait and switch companies should have their hiring managers and recruiters crucified, no mercy.

tech "bubble" popping is such a meme. There will always be tech jobs. Until climate change hits us so hard we revert to a neolithic state

>There will always be tech jobs.
You keep telling that to yourself, meat bag.

I've yet to be proven wrong

>can’t leave company because they will fine me 30k within two years

you wot m8

>finally land job
>they develop me as little as possible, keeping me as replaceable as possible
>life is a 14 day cycle of the movie groundhog day until they find out im incompetent and fire me
>when its all over, i know i wont be able to use it on my resume, and my skills wont have grown

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His point is that even if the entry level job SAYS it requires 5+ years of experience you should submit your resume anyway. What the people in this thread need to understand is that:

>job postings and descriptions are often written by the HR department, not the hiring manager, and may not reflect the reality of the position
>the hiring manager may not strictly care about the requirements or be willing to equivocate education, personal projects, specific experiences, etc.
>the list of required skills or specific experiences is typically used to filter out people who have never even heard of those things as opposed to legitimately requiring an in-depth understanding of them---even if you've never heard of something, just do some research and be honest in the interview that the job posting inspired you to take the initiative

Having been the hiring manager for multiple tech jobs all I can say is apply, apply, apply. Cast a wide net. If a job merely looks interesting, apply even if you don't meet the requirements. If you're desperate, apply to anything you can find. Basically, consider the "required" section Chapter 1 of the "preferred" section.

Lmao you can't be fined for leaving that will get thrown out in court even faster than noncompetes are already tossed.

Man up you pussy.

The company I work for is a WITCH company, they hire new grads, train them, then put them at a client site. I got hired and “trained” as a software engineer, promised by the bank I’d be in software, then once I got here they fucked me.
Similar cases have happened here in Canada, and my company specifically has taken multiple people to small claims court and won repeatedly since the 30k fee can be considered incurred training cost. It was 5 weeks of reading Indian Java powerpoints, I paid less for four years of university.
The point is, I don’t even have 100 dollars to my name to afford to sneeze in a lawyers office. How am I going to beat this case without a lawyer? Also in Canada, you can’t sue for lawyer fees. So it’s either pay 30k or 10k to leave.

canada's labor market is FUCKED hard, there's a reason every single canadian who is worth a damn leaves the second they can. canadian businesses are built on exploiting immigrants for cheap labor. highest immigration per capita of any country in the world by far, and it's rising every year.

This, even worse knowing your taxes are paying for your illegal Mexican neighbor's rent controlled apartment and open injection sites for hobos.
I hate this place but the career opportunities are too good to leave.

I know friend, right now I’m just using my time at work and home to grind Leetcode to get out of this fucking hell. The good part is I’ve automated all my testing but haven’t told my team so what should take three weeks takes me about three clicks of a button.
Now imagine if I was a fresh Pajeet caught in this mess, you’d be forced to stay the entire time or risk losing your Visa due to unemployment. Shit is unbelievable.

oi bongs, do internships not exist in this country? i've never seen one listed.

that's an h1b scam

>100k job straight out of college
>working with trash languages with an ancient tech stack
>will be unemployable no matter how much experience I get here
Are these golden handcuffs?

just lie (TM)

Is there a way to make cool loops like the one on pic related with an either 100% VSO or 100% SOV language?

wonder how it was in 1999 and 2008

>golden handcuffs
you can probably find something better with something more modern