20% of Pentagon workers browse child porn

>20% of Pentagon workers browse child porn
>20% of Pentagon workers browse child porn
>20% of Pentagon workers browse child porn
>20% of Pentagon workers browse child porn


Attached: pentagon.jpg (620x300, 34K)

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old news

i see you've discovered the state of the american government


Surely this can't be real?

why not?


It's a lot easier when your government has an archive of literally every piece of cp they have ever found

the pentagon has only a 20% male workforce?

well it's called pentagon for a reason

>Try to look for other sources that are collaborating what RT is saying
>It's from 2010


20% males are paedophiles.

Attached: 410800B9-F750-4730-B9A5-95C60764EDD4.jpg (871x1197, 558K)

if I worked for pentagon I would browse child porn too, like who's gonna see me browsing child porn? pentagon?

did you try to look but ended up falling on your head?

red pilled

>subscription based cp websites

Attached: 1303352050992.jpg (320x240, 11K)

some people just want to watch the world while it's underage

Despite what many people think when they see the cp command, child pornography is not technology.

I have it on good authority you have to register on the vast majority of them even if after that it's a free for all to share or lurk or leech as you desire.

It's probably the only way to try and thwart killbots and ddos attacks. I imagine it also helps keep random wandering LEOs away too since it being obvious whats going on in a house is not in and of itself enough reason for any old cop off the street to bust down the door and haul in every thug he sees as a crack dealer and everybody else as a junkie. It probably works the same with illegal content and the websites that host it. There is a process and without a witness to start the ball rolling they can't just "wander in" and burn the place down because they were pretty sure before they saw anything illegal what would be on the other side of the registration screen. Something a lot of people don't realize about cops. Despite what movies tell you what they know doesn't matter. It's what they can prove and doing in the right order to make a case. Because letting someone go for now is much better then busting them, screwing up the paper work or missing some minor detail in the building of the case, and that case get thrown out and the guy gaining a certain amount of police proofing because NOW his laywer can pull out the ol' "long history of prejudice and harrassement of my client!" card. It's why all the websites getting shut down all have the same story. Some senior member did something fucking moronic, got caught, and flipped and from there they got access to the site and it was up to them how much digging on other members and tracing of IPs and such they wanted to do before bringing the hammer down. If they didn't have to have that first informant they could shut down all this crap within a week of it starting.

>American "child porn"
probably 16-17.99 year olds

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