I'm having breakfast in my bedroom while covered in comfy blankets. Thanks for reading my blog!

I'm having breakfast in my bedroom while covered in comfy blankets. Thanks for reading my blog!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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stop eating in bed you'll make a mess

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im not eating anything, its just oj and nesquick

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Sounds super comfy love!


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that is not a healthy breakfast
munch fuud

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im going to have lunch in less than 3 hours, its not worth it. that's gay btw

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>that's gay btw

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Just bought some whiskey today

i need to refill my alcohol supplies as well
not waiting for lunch to eat actual food

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that's dumb

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I got asked for id as well

It's not morning dumb jew.

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for me it is so what
do you have a bar cabinet at home?
no you

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No, I heed to get one though

>i got asked for it as well
what are you going to buy?
are you drunk already?

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>what are you going to buy?
I got asked for id buying the whiskey
>are you drunk already?
Im keeping it for Christmas

any interesting plans for today?

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I like when suebi pretends to care about other peoples days and it's all under the guise of getting more replies

Not really, I got some of my Christmas shopping done

i havent decorated my house yet and i dont think im going to do it this year

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I dont usually put any decorations up but a house nearby always pust leds and other shit covering their house

i live in front of a tattoo shop and i have to deal with neons every single night, not just on christmas

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There is one right next to my flat too

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I haven't eaten anything for 10 hours. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME, Jow Forums?!
Thanks for reading my blog.

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*high fives*
just go pick some chips or something

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Stop bumping and deleting you retarded jew

shoo joo

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That jew is persistent.

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how is it going

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Its going ok
sorry for falling asleep yesterday
how about you desu?

preparing myself to go drinking

thats good too desu
do you do anything there other than drink desu?

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i already told you what i usually do, like reading and working out. when im not doing these two im drinking

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I was asking what you do at the place where you go drinking desu

there's nothing to do there aside from drinking. i used to smoke while drinking

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I thought you talked to people there or something desu

most people dont want a stranger to interrupt their drinking session

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fair enough desu
on a side note: what's the best macross album?

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the best what? i dont know what that is

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it's an anime, but also

drinking mead rn

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le circlejerk threade