How to connect spacex internet Russia.

Hi there. Im from Ru and its tome here to connect to space, becouse chinese firewall coming to us. So, i tried google it, but as i used to see fakes in my region web.. pls can you explain how can i buy router and connect? Where is original shops and what devices are original.

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You will get a bottle up your ass if you even attempt to import that shit in here. The only way is to move out of here.

As i know this law is not yet accepted. Thats why im hurry up.

You wait for them to finish it. Their current network is bare bones for testing purposes.

and may be it will be legal for private persons

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just get a vps/vpn
i've been to china a few times, and have no trouble proxying through by vps to access whatever. i doubt russia can filter internet better than china

They gonna deny any outer traffic, excluding corporative and government. Stronger than in China.

oh, hope you enjoy going back to having no internet

vpn is modern level, then everything will be worst


Not me, but many of russians.

Get fucked.

There are many sites in their black lists, so tor or vpn are in use here already and illegal. So vpn is present day solution, not for future

>chinese firewall coming to us


But they will not.

Is that even available yet? They only have 54 sats up right now in orbit and 6 of them died during deployment.

If you came here because ur sosach compatriots told you that ur dumb, well, it's true.

>step 1 global starlink coverage
>step 2 black market

Stock up on usd ivan you're going to need it because monopoly money aren't real.

Poccиянe - нe люди.

I hope you understand that this is what’s coming to all of us in the entire world, and if you don’t then you can’t read the proverbial writing on the proverbial wall.

This open borderless internet thing isn’t going to last and it is literally insane to think it would, it’s literally like having open borders on information, we don’t even have that with books or periodicals why would anyone think this could last forever is beyond me. Hoard what you can now because we will be next.

as long as people can talk to each other, there's no way to completely prevent the distribution of information
you could layer a private packet-switching network on top of facebook messenger if you really had to

And that would be illegal, because a internet with borders would literally mean that for messenger to work it would have to be locally hosted in the country itself and would only provide the service to users in that space and no inter connectivity

this "internet with borders" you describe is really just an intranet, not an internet
like what best korea has

call it whatever you want, it is the future we have waiting for us

Only 5, three of them were non responding after deployment and two are being deoribited to test the deorbit function / programming after reaching operations orbit and going around a few times.