About to go shopping. What do you want me to cook for you later, Jow Forums?

About to go shopping. What do you want me to cook for you later, Jow Forums?

Attached: Apu Chef.png (651x799, 32K)

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chiecken tendies

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fried lobster & fried pickle pizza

Make a nice lamb hotpot.

some steak would be nice
medium rare

Ok fren.

Jeez, tryna blow my money huh?

>Lamb hotpot on a comfy Saturday just before Xmas while watching movies
Top comfy

Trying to burn my wallet!

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cook some pancakes desu

Are you the guy who made that soup that looked like severed baby dicks?

I am. It’s Christmas.


pizza with anchovies with half a cup of salt fren

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get a duck and make us some duck

henlo fren

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I actually got some left from when I bought some the other day, rare fren.


I actually bought pizza, just put it in the oven.

Did not see no duck, I saw boar & venison steak though.

I went to Asda, it was so busy because of Christmas so last minute shopping. Also there were so many good deals, haven't been to Asda for my own shopping in years!

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Make a sandwich and lace it with arsenic and feed it to an autistic child

Why not? I often go to the shops on my own. Are you scared of the shops on your own fren?

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That's mean. You should be nice.

Moron, I meant I haven't been to Asda in years. I always go shopping on my own, except usually to Lidl/Aldi/Morrisons.

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im sorry fren i didnt mean to upset you

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Anything Vegan of course.

Bant is a Vegan Board

Stop being a faggot and destroy him

no because he's my best fren

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That reminds me actually, how are your vitamin levels?

"The mum-of-two from Buckinghamshire then whizzes the batch up into a smoothie, with complementary ingredients such as bananas, seeds and almond milk. ‘I’d been feeling run down and had no energy, but now I’m full of beans and my mood has improved,’ says Tracy. The personal trainer and qualified nutritional adviser claims that sperm contains lots of vitamins and minerals – including B12, which vegans like herself lack in their diets."

I get my B12 from energy drinks. Seriously lol I'm a VeganFuckUp

plus alcohol destroys vitamin B
i take these tablets called nooyoo plus iodine everyday

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Fucking Faggot

Bull sperm is valid too, sure.

Don't be hating on Alchohol. You know i'm a PissHead!

Nah that's a myth. Bull sperm costs £10000s of pounds. They do not put it into reb bull hahahahahaha

It's okay friend.

Hate vegans. Jow Forums is a meat board.

Fren :D

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How can you hate a vegan? hahaha They do nothing to you.

The annoying ones, who mention they're vegan & try to convert others.

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i flew my drone again today fren

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Shit! It was you!

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The cunt flying his drone at Gatwick!

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can i get some curry please?

Vegan Activists? Yea, I hate them too

BASED! hahahaha


would you like to see it fren?

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Chicken curry? What spice level, korma, madras, vindaloo??

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I figured it out


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here fren

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Yes chicken please. Korma please

His mom and dad?

Yes I think that was me, thank you for the third view fren

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A Korma is futile!



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The sympathy troll does not work on Jow Forums. Perhaps on FagBook or RedEnd. But definitely NOT on Jow Forums. Especially Bant.

Fuck off

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/bant is a soft board, a relaxing place where we have fun with people from all over the world

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Bant is whatever Bant want's it to be

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I really agree with this, but I wouldn't say fun, just harmless talking and getting have light hearted chats with one another. A safe space on this website to talk about a particular topic without too much negativity or criticising of it.
Also a place for Jow Forumser with members of other nations.

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I would like to eat bread.
Moist bread.

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Ok I laughed

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