it just werks.
It just werks
>doesn't crash
sorry kid nothing personnel
Well all distros just work. The main difference is that systems like Debian and CentOS won't shit themselves with updates like all the others. The price to pay is older software, which is a problem for some and not an issue for others.
Best linux based OS and anyone who says otherwise is a kid crying he can't rice his bleeding edge version of fucking polybar on it
Debian takes longer to rice because of all the compiling you might need but you'll end up with the same result as in Arch. It will take longer for sure though. It's a great OS I just wish they would stop with some of the sjw pandering but I guess it's a trend in the US/UK to do this if you're a big organization/community. Well as long as the code doesn't suffer from it, I don't care.
I agree, the SJW thing is a bullshit, but it doesn't affect the OS quality, so I don't care too much
I might be getting my first junior dev job at a place that, from what I can tell, seems to use debian as their go-to development OS. What should I know about it?
I've always felt at home on Debian based distros and yet I find stock Debian somewhat unappealing. AntiX and MX Linux all day everyday.
>apt dependency hell
>best anything
Sorry pal, your definition of "good OS" is quite bizarre.
Wanting to move to Debian but supposedly the backports may have "incompatibility issues with other components in Debian Stable". Also there's no pre-packaged wine-staging for what I could see. There's also compiling it, yet that's the last resort.
Is Debian truly faster than the *buntu flavors?
Its cleaner
So I've been navigating through Debian's official website for well over 15 minutes now and I can't find what kernel version they are using in the latest stable or testing release.
Why are they trying to hide it? It doesn't even show up on the Debian wikipedia page
I'm glad rupert murdoch or what his name was shot himself fucking useless distro
>Debian website filtering brainlets
Based, hope they never change it.
Yeah I know.
apt and all the little debian-specific quirks, like /etc/network/interfaces, dpkg-reconfigure and the likes.
>pic not related
tell me aboot it got tired of Ubuntus bullshit so I slapped debian on a kingdian ssd I had laying around. a wee bit more difficult out of the box to set up and RICE but well worth it.
Devuan is better since it removes SystemD malware.
proof or fake
I've had some limited experience with Ubuntu, which I know is related to Debian. How close are they in practice?
it still has libsystemd, just not systemd as pid 1
For me, it's Pop! OS
>Downstream from a downstream distro of Debian
Absolutely comfy