My son drew this today

My son drew this today

Attached: 1545266674392.jpg (1078x1375, 1M)

My son drew this

Attached: 741A06F8-C861-44E5-BB0A-1CFD16942906.jpg (1200x630, 45K)

When's the coming out party?

My son drew this today

Attached: 1542022250636.png (800x1129, 718K)

tell him that i am very proud

Timestamps of it never happened.
You know the rules ffs

You can see the inspiration from the big lipped, long nosed jews

Forced and dankpilled

First computer?

Do I really need to specify the make and model?

Just the VIN# I'll look it up

He doesn't believe your namefaggery. This is why you need a tripcode.

I'll be honest. I am PinkyBong. I has no "tripcode" and my first computer was a commodore vic-20.

I don't want PinkyBong to be "Me" anyway. Pinkybong is now an IDEA. A meme, A movement.

A christmas tree.


Attached: F387C4FC-53F9-4135-8092-43AB44CD3F3E.png (1024x768, 321K)

The latest tree is brilliant, has you saw it?

You're the edgehog, not Pinky.

Of course.

True I fixed it

Attached: 03DBEC6D-9005-4703-A300-E0A4CD964F68.png (493x655, 160K)


I suppose if he chooses the Namefag "PinkyBong", then He's "PinkyBong". An Anonymous opinions mean fuck all?

Happy now?

First computer?

My work has only just began