What is the best PDF creator for PC?

What is the best PDF creator for PC?

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Unironically Microsoft Word. Create anything you like and save as pdf


LibreOffice Writer

I've had some success with inkscape, gives you finer control over microshat worm too.

adobe illustrator



Adobe Acrobat Pro


any hex editor

Since we're on topic. What's a program I can use to fill in the blanks

Attached: 6bce0f57fa7f4b8186374b00a22bcc6d.jpg (2546x3294, 861K)

>for PC
fuck off, normalfaggot

Apache FOP

Attached: apache-fop-logo.jpg (120x65, 3K)

chrome by google (tm)

write it in Postscript

lifehack: ctrl+p, chose pdf

Adobe Acrobat but it's becoming increasingly difficult to remove all the telemetry, data mining, spying components camouflaged as update services.

It's at least additional half an hour of work + installation & cracking itself.

Best is subjective

>can convert anything (word, excel, powerpoint) into pdf

Oh, i forgot the best part about libreoffice and pdf.
Libreoffice Draw can import a pdf so that you can edit it! So great!

Hm. Doesn't work. Is it Linux only feature?


foxit pdf

LaTeX or at least R+markdown

Print it out, scibble all over it with a pencil, erase, scribble again and repeat until you barely know what's what.
Tried and true method with none of this newfangled pdf editor bullshit.

The executive way.

Markups written in totally unreadable writing, only recognizable symbols are exclamation and question marks placed randomly over document.

It sucks being office drone so much.