User, plese let me kiss your sweaty, smelly manfeet

user, plese let me kiss your sweaty, smelly manfeet

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would probably accidentally kick you in the face if you tried ot kiss my feet because they are too ticklish


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no way, fag

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How about you eat my cock instead?

I probably deserve it

Can't I have both??

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Sure why the fuck not. But only if you have a pussy

naturally you can use my pussy and breed me

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my feet really stink are you sure about that?

Mine don't really smell. Still wanna kiss?

i'll clean them with my tongue while you say denigrating things about me

of course~ can you put them on my face too pls?

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I'm not entirely sure why, but yeah I guess.

did I kill it?

stop being shame of our country
and join army

>he didn't dodge the draft epicstyle
lmao retard

I see
So you are a coward and a faggot

Cyka blyat comrade

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>he didn't figure he can get a bunch of chronical illnesses at his embryo stage, so he could skip wasting a year of his life
complete brainlet

>complete brainlet
Atleast not a fag

we all know you're gonna be achmed's fucktoy during your """service"""

psoriasis is pretty nice to have i guess

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Just a slunder myth
why do you care anyway? you are faggot anyway

Cmon now, its not that bad, just some bone disease that will probably kill me before my 40s
Nah dude, I'm gay, and ur a faggot.

Nah i might be a vatnik but not a faggot
anyway I have astma so I can easily dodge draft

>a vatnik but not a faggot
does not compute

Whatever lad
you are a faggot so ur opinion is dismissed

lol why russhits are so feeble
i could probably smash you both with an ease, one hand for each

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yeah sure thing pops

How am I a faggot, dude?

>Nah dude, I'm gay,

Yeah, how does that makes me a faggot?

What the bloody happened to this thread?
Also, ew you bloody degenerate, OP

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prove it or ur a faggot

faggot mean Гoмoceкcyaлиcт
gay means the same
ur a faggot

actually factually wrong
so your a faggot

>actually factually wrong
WoW мaтepый пидop

Enjoy your AIDS

Why do you show up in every gay thread?

to show that not every Russian here is a faggot

i dont think you`re helping it abe

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I do my part

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>meanwhile unironically flirts with aussie drunk
good one, retard

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There are faggots that used my namefig

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Why are you doing this op? Why do I have to share the same nationality as you?
We already have a bad rep, and you're making it worse.

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I feel ye

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>he thinks there are people on Jow Forums wanting to use abe's name or caring enough to blackmail him

That's why people trip.

But its true tho
You can call me retarted for all I care
My words carry the truth

I call BS. But I guess we'd need Craig to show up and tell us your gay discord tag, so we'd all know how it was totally not you.

as I said I dont care

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Worry not my fren, the few times I used bant/int ruskies were the nicest ppl to me.
Also, do you have any idea why there are brazilian chans that are regularly frequented and/or controlled by Russians?

>controlled by Russians

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It was a tradition on 2ch to go to brchan and bring something back, not sure if its still alive, I barelly even go to 2ch nowdays.

Like, there is one that has a group of Russian mods or something like this, I don't know much about it because I don't frequent it, but I once found a Russian here that used a mascot from a Brazilian Chan on his posts.

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Its me

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Wait, isn't 2chan the Japanese chan? I don't speak Japanese so I have no idea what happens there. Is it similar to Jow Forums with trolls and shitposting or is it more civilizated?


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2chan is
2ch is russian shithole

Зacтaвь мeня.

Thx for the daily dose of knowledge expansion

actually i'm gonna sleep now, good night
Abe, you're the biggest faggot of all russians on /bint/

Whatever you say , filthy animal

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