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Why hasn't any startups tried to disrupt the clothing industry?
Chase Cruz
Bentley Reyes
there are millions of clothing startups what are you talking about, its one of the most common new businesses
Jayden Parker
Bottom left cute minus eyes. If they were slightly more open she would be 8/10
Still would consider dating
Jeremiah Rivera
>yellow fever makes these 2/10's become 10/10's
What can we do to exterminate weebs?
Gavin Foster
front left is cute
James Collins
Lincoln Bennett
The glasses girl seems to be the most well rounded one.
Bentley Walker
This is what happens when you mix races
Benjamin Cooper
China already did.
Jaxon Kelly
She looks like an Asian version of my sister. I prefer bottom left desu
Oliver Murphy
But none are mixed race.
Brayden Hernandez
Bottom left is the best imo.
Carson Cruz
No one considers these 10/10s.
I have some far better, and worse, looking students in my school.
Jaxson Perez
i would join your clothing start up if it's involved preschoolers
Nathan Harris
based and pedo pilled
Jordan Hernandez
because clothing industry is based entirely on marketing garbage at women and niggers. theres nothing to disrupt. it only exists because of stupidi people following celebrity and television telling them something is the latest fashion.
Evan Peterson
Japanese are mutts of two races, the Ainu and Jomon.
Adam Gray
wtf I love race mixing now
Is this true or is it like me saying Europeans are a mix of the indigenous farming people, indo European conquerers and the northeast Eurasian hunter gatherers?
Noah Lopez
You forgot Korea and China.
Robert Carter
>comfort women attention intensifies
Lucas Walker
Ainu are believed to be the descendants of the Jomon you tard. You're thinking of the Yayoi which are the
Gabriel Mitchell
Fun fact, the clothing industry is in huge decline in recent years. It started in california when new tech startups started getting rid of the business casual/suit mantra. After that became the fad in America everyone just wore the same shit everywhere with tennies. Because who the fuck cares about that shit. Well anyway, turns out wearing the same shit everywhere is bad for the people selling cloths.
Parker Lopez
only cosplay culture can save them now
Charles Foster
Incorrect. The Yamato race are descendents of the jomon and yayoi races, the jomon are believed to be the indigenous race (from where they came, nobody is totally sure. There are theories they came from the steppes, or from South East Asia) and the yayoi came from Korea. The Ryukyu (Okinawans) came from South East Asia and admixed with Chinese and Malaysians considerably. The Emishi and Ainu may have been the same race, which may in turn have come from the Jomon. Emishi became extinct, Ainu mostly got bred out of existence. What we think of as Japanese are mostly the Yamato, but in the North and South there is considerable admixture with the Ainu and Ryukyu respectively. Most Ryukyu consider themselves "Japanese" and the concept of the Yamato race is kind of dying.
Juan Rivera
Henry Lee
why are they so ugly
Juan Peterson
Because they are ordinary girls.
Robert Gutierrez
japanese are inbreds
Christopher Lewis
Because they're 3D
Levi Lewis
Asian people are really ugly, but those ones in particular are a lot more so. Only a very small percentage of them (i.e. the ones you are likely to have seen on T.V., porn, idols) are higher-end ones and almost all the rest are ugly.
t. asian