How does it feel talking to a dead man

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wow, what does that mean? wow, what's the cure? medicine?

i dont understand the question. can you repeat?

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next year all whites wil be dead in south africa , so you are talking to a dead man ,which is me

Have you got any plans on getting out of there, or are you going to stay and fight?

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stay and fight why would i run away from land that is mine

I see, I see. Are the whites forming a militia or even a semi-coherent army, or are you lot still somewhat atomized?

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aw man that sucks. Good luck

lole epic

we have lots of underground militia , old army vets , snipers being trained by isreal , if the blacks only knew how stupid they are to mess with white people that survived in africa for over 300 years

Terrible. I wish we could do something.

lole epic


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Question: What do you think would be the spark? And if you've got an underground army, then why do you say that all whites will be dead by next year?
And considering the geopolitical conflict that's going on between America and Russia, which sides do you think America and Russia will take, if either get involved?

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>What do you think would be the spark?
next year is our election for new president that will decide where our country goes for the future
>then why do you say that all whites will be dead by next year?
a lot of white are still bluepilled and think the law wil protect them , even if cicil war breaks out
>which sides do you think America and Russia will take, if either get involved?
its hard to say , i think america wil support the whites because china has such a big influence in our country

>next year is our election for new president that will decide where our country goes for the future
And we both know there will be rampant rigging and fraud.
>a lot of white are still bluepilled and think the law wil protect them , even if cicil war breaks out
Same here in Burgerland. At that point, if civil war breaks out and they still don't wake up, it's time to cut losses and stick to like-minded people that will defend themselves. But I'm sure you lot have already thought of that.
>its hard to say , i think america wil support the whites because china has such a big influence in our country
I dunno, I think America will support the blacks for the sole reason of "fuck whitey".
But who would they support is the question?

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>But who would they support is the question?
who is the easy to control ? , white people or black people

what do you think wil donald trump do if civil war breaks out here i would love to fight alongside american brothers

Blacks ofc.
So that leaves Russia as your last hope, or turn to the Houthis in Yemen for a how-2-resist-overwhelming-force manual.
Is the terrain favorable for whites? One of the main things that helped Houthis was mountain terrain.
>what do you think wil donald trump do if civil war breaks out here i would love to fight alongside american brothers
He can't legally go into South Africa without the support of Congress - of which is where the real power is at in America.

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>So that leaves Russia as your last hope
To be honest... I don't know.

>Is the terrain favorable for whites? One of the main things that helped Houthis was mountain terrain.
look at the boer war and the battle of blood rivir we know this terrain very well
>He can't legally go into South Africa without the support of Congress - of which is where the real power is at in America.
cant the cia or fbi plant a few white american tourists here to die then america has a reason to start a war
yeah i dont know either russia seems to be focusing only on its own problems and i dont blame them

Yeah, considering Russia can't afford to be involved in wars all across the globe. Only reason they got into Syria is because Russia's national security was at stake - terrorists getting combat experience in Syria then returning to Russia to start shit or even a third Chechen War (Ajnad al-Kavkaz in Syria)

So, King of Jow Forums, turn to the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah fighting Israel in 2006 for tactics and strategy against a superior force, and turn to the Taliban in Afghanistan for a brutal insurgency. If they can fight off militaries consisting of the top 10 most armed militaries in the world with all the tech that money can buy, you can fight off the blacks barring direct outside intervention on the side of the blacks.
Sure, the Saudis are bloody incompetent and the Israelis were nothing like they used to be in 1948/1967/1973, but I really don't think blacks will be any better than them from what the stories I've read from anons in South Africa have indicated - being easily spooked by fake voodoo, setting the rifle sights to maximum range "for maximum damage", and being 50-70 IQ apes in general.
>look at the boer war and the battle of blood rivir we know this terrain very well
Fair enough, so you've got the terrain advantage like the Houthis. That goes a long way.
>cant the cia or fbi plant a few white american tourists here to die then america has a reason to start a war
Why would the CIA do that when they're slaves to Jews, who want white genocide? FBI doesn't have jurisdiction outside of America.

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Yep, but chances are the US intelligence agencies will be supporting both sides without realising it.

Our Intel agencies cannot into communication with each other.

im sure the jew would want our gold and daimonds and not give it to the chineese insects

I dunno, the Jews have been getting a little cozy with the Chinese from what the news of them handing over Haifa port to the Chinese in 2021 is any indication
Sure, Judaism is outlawed in China, but these Jews don't give a shite about "fellow Jews" - they'd sacrifice half the Jewish population in the world if it achieved their goals.

what are your thoughts about the jews training boer people in becoming snipers ? , is it to support us or is it just to get more goy meat shields ?

I think it was to get goy allies at a time when they/Israel (if it existed at the time, I dunno much about boer wars - American education) was an apartheid state and in dire need of allies. The Israelis also cooperated with S.Africa in their nuclear program.
But never forget this - even if (((they))) help you out, they are NOT your friends and will dump you to your fate if it suits their purpose.

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the snipers im talking about is happening now (2018)

a little video to enterntain you

Why aren't you just migrating to the U.S. or something

Right now eh? Very interesting. I wonder if it's a ploy to help out white South Africa like in the good old days because Israel's running out of allies in the world while their enemies are getting stronger.
Yikes, from what I'm seeing in that video so far, motorbike guy is wasting bullets when he doesn't have a clear target. I get that adrenaline is rushing and he's got to lay down suppressive fire to keep them from shooting back at him because he's somewhat exposed. But he ought to use his bullets more sparingly.

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no money and i dont want to , same question could be asked to you , why dont you just give mudslimes isreal and move to another country

We all die eventually, friend

the blacks dont know how to count so he is showing he has a gun (even if it has no bullets left at the end)

true , the kingdom of God is in heaven

based jews. how likely do you think it really is that civil war will break out? if the whites give nogs a beat down will they be called nazi racists?

So user. How high is the demand for PMC's and BMT instructors in South Africa right now?
Asking uh.... for a friend.

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